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curl-6 said:

The first time I ever played Prime I went in expecting it to be like Halo and was severely disappointed by how slow it was. I'd never played a Metroidvania before and I just didn't "get it".

Years later I revisited it with adjusted expectations and more of an open mind, and now I consider it one of the best games of all time.

Prime 4 has some big shoes to fill, as the first three entries are all fantastic, but I'm optimistic that Retro can deliver; what they've shown here is incredibly promising, and they have yet to release a game that's not excellent.

See for me Halo was disappointing because it felt like a poor mans tribes, when it come to multiplayer so at the time I never really into it, until years later when I enjoyed it. For me Metroid Prime was this dark game on a Nintendo system which involved exploring an problem solving, so it felt different too what I have played before. Not sure how I would have felt about, perhaps similar to you, if I managed to get into Halo from it's launch.