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zeldaring said:
Leynos said:

"but the reviews said" Nice to know you don't think for yourself. You let a former Gamestop employee turned IGN "writer" or whatever decide for you. The only significant thing about Prime that aged was the controls which Prime Remastered fixed. A minor issue was the backtracking. Yes, it's a part of Metroid but in Prime, had a couple of progression sections that feel like going way out of your way and back. Something later games fixed.

I never said they decided for me but from everything I read the combat sounds simple and with no real challenge.  Lock on system for a fps doesn't sound fun. I will give it a try though. I also completed super Metroid like 8 years ago and honestly didn't think it was great just good at best.

I'd say try it out, don't just assume some random reviewer is the source of truth on a game. Most people view Metroid Prime as an incredibly good game. But again, it's not halo. The point of the game is not to be a high action shooter. It's a first person exploration game with shooting. The combat is perfectly fine. Sometimes it is just taking out a few enemies easily, sometimes it's very intense and you get torn up. But it sounds like you are already trying to pre-judge it from a "it should be like halo/etc" perspective. Yeah the combat isn't gonna be as challenging and as constant as an action focused shooter because that's literally not Metroid's genre, but that in no way means the combat is not good and has no challenge.

You mostly explore and find things and figure out how to get to new areas and get upgrades and take out enemies you see and occasionally there are intense battle sequences and big boss battles. That is Metroid's formula. Just don't expect to be having to blow away endless hordes of enemies, because it's a Metroid game, not an action shooter game. If you expect it to be Halo or CoD in a Metroid world you will be disappointed, and it sounds like that's what you want. It's Metroid. The combat isn't bad as you say you think it will be, but it's Metroid, so combat isn't the focus, it's just a fun part of the game. But if all you want is to fight hordes of enemies then Metroid is not a genre for you.

Having played through Prime Remastered I can say the game holds up extremely well after 20 years. One of my favorite gaming experiences on the Switch.