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I won't lore dump the entire series but Metroid aside from Xenoblade has the most lore of any Nintendo franchise. From games to comics. Samus's parents were killed by an invading force when she was 3. She is rescued by a Chozo. A bird-like race who are some of the most advanced beings. She is infused with Chozo DNA enhancing her abilities to superhuman speeds and strength. Her suit is Chozo tech and she summons it by will. So when she is severely hurt, her concentration goes down so she loses some abilities. Again not dumping the entire franchise lore. Prime series the space pirates are often found dead as they try to replicate Samus morph ball ability and it liquifies their guts. We see that in the Prime 4 trailer with the corpse. Ridley is intelligent and the leader of the space pirates as a general rule.

Metroids are creatures that I won't spoil why they exist specifically but think of Frankenstiens monster. Baby versions are what we see the most in the series and even they are highly dangerous. Always attack in groups. Even a single one is scary. They can evolve into larger and more dangerous forms and are highly resistant to most weapons. What we saw in the trailer were not Metroids but the fake versions Space Pirates tried to clone.

I left a lot out but the series has a lot of fun lore. It's not Berserk dark by any means. It's enough to know Samus has had a tough time and she is a badass. Metroid Dread added so much character to her in animations and oooh boy if you like fan duels. By the game's end, I'm even sure Doomslayer might raise an eyebrow.

Last edited by Leynos - 6 days ago