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Forums - General Discussion - 10 years...

Hey man, I have been going back and forth on what to say to you about this thread. We are all really grateful for everything you’ve committed to the community. The greatest game competition won’t be the same without you if it actually does happen.

I’m really sorry that things aren’t going your way. Hopefully without the strain this community sometimes creates, you have the chance to thrive on your own.

Please keep in touch! I’ll still send you my top 50 favorite games just to keep the spirit alive. Please take care of yourself trash panda ❤️

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axumblade said:

Hey man, I have been going back and forth on what to say to you about this thread. We are all really grateful for everything you've committed to the community. The greatest game competition won't be the same without you if it actually does happen.

I'm really sorry that things aren't going your way. Hopefully without the strain this community sometimes creates, you have the chance to thrive on your own.

Please keep in touch! I'll still send you my top 50 favorite games just to keep the spirit alive. Please take care of yourself trash panda

I'd argue it hasn't been quite the same since Smeags left, but hey, as long as anyone's doing it, I'm happy.

And no don't worry, this community has nothing to do with my life situation. Hell it'd be kinda crazy for it to be impacting me given how little I've even been around the place. None of you are a strain. That does also mean that "thriving on my own" isn't as simple as quitting VGC though.

Anyhow, thanks for the kind message, I'm kinda overwhelmed by all the kindness in this thread, it makes me not want to leave. I guess I'll just continue being as inactive as I have been, but maybe not less so.

I don't think we have engaged before, but I hope everything gets better. I know working can be difficult to find the motivation for varies reasons, but there is nothing wrong with a steady job. You can still do music on the side. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone with a similar interest in Music and video games. 

Almost 11 years here. Still come here once a while hah.

Hope everything works out for you


My youtube gaming page.

Can't believe I'm only seeing this thread now

You're one of my favorite users here. I hope you have made your choice of sticking here ;(

I'm also very proud of you for coming out and talk about it openly. I understand how much it must hurt breaking up with your first love, I can only hope you has a great time together

If you want to add me on discord or whatever other social media, I'll send you a private message with mine, so we can try to keep some level on contact

Best wishes

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sad to see you go

You've been a great friend and i'll always cherish our memories we created together. You've had an amazing impact on my financial/social decisions.

Thank you

Deyon said:

You've been a great friend and i'll always cherish our memories we created together. You've had an amazing impact on my financial/social decisions.

Huh, really? Can't say I know how that happened but okay then, I'm glad I had that impact for you

IcaroRibeiro said:

Can't believe I'm only seeing this thread now

You're one of my favorite users here. I hope you have made your choice of sticking here ;(

I'm also very proud of you for coming out and talk about it openly. I understand how much it must hurt breaking up with your first love, I can only hope you has a great time together

If you want to add me on discord or whatever other social media, I'll send you a private message with mine, so we can try to keep some level on contact

Best wishes

Yeah, like I said earlier, I'm not leaving leaving, I'm just... acknowledging my increasing inactivity. I wouldn't mind talking on discord, hit me up if you want to.

Glad to hear you're going to be sticking around; your contributions are much valued and appreciated.

No pressure of course, just pleased you're not leaving altogether.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 29 June 2024

Glad to see you at least make it to 10 years.

The world has definitely changed due to social media and smart phones, and not all for the better as most of that space has become negative and toxic and very political or false information without facts. However for me VGChartz, even though it has shrunk, still has some level headed people that you can interactive with hence why I still come here to escape the rest of the internet lol.

Sorry to hear about your relationship and the depression state that you are in at the moment.

The only advice I can give in this space, is firstly, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to then realise you can pick yourself up again. Most will try harder and harder by doing things they don't want to to try and bring some sort of meaning to their life, but for some people that can add extra stress and make you feel like a constant failure if you are not getting anywhere with set expectations and you end up feeling like you are drowning deep and deeper instead of hitting that rock bottom. Instead focus on doing nothing so you don't add extra stress to your life and focus on clearing your head of negative thoughts. Once that happens you can then start introducing positive changes. Secondly, don't let your health deteriorate when you are depressed. When I was depressed I didn't care and just wanted to each junk food to make myself feel better for that short period of time so I become a snacker. Now with things with life looking up, I have health issues that doctors call a medical mystery lol because of my choices in the past and I am kicking myself for it regretting my actions.

You are still young, and never to late to find happiness but before you can do that the mind needs to heal first. For me true happiness only come in my mid 30s once I found internal mental peace, and I am more financially stretched with bills then when I was in my 20s living at home doing uni.