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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft has closed down multiple Bethesda studios, including: Tango, Arkane Austin, etc

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Microsoft should never be allowed to buy another publisher... why were so many people cheering for them aquiring Bethesda and then Activision Blizzard?

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The other ones are unfortunate, but shutting down Tango who essentially released their biggest fan favorite last year has to be shooting themselves in the foot. A few years back it seemed like player goodwill was the one thing Xbox had going for them, but while they’ve been buying their way to more and more revenue, it seems like that goodwill has been moving in the opposite direction as they prioritize it less.

If they continue along that trajectory, they could end up in the shoes of companies like ABK and EA that continuously traded away their rep to make bigger bucks to the point where eventually the damage was irreparable. And sure, just like with ABK and EA that won’t prevent them from being a successful business, their massive collection of IPs makes sure of that, but there won’t be many people left cheering for them if it comes to that.

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MS has lost their identity. So generic these days. The OG xbox had a great identity with KOTOR, morrowind, halo, ninja gaiden, fable, JSRF, otogi, Orta, etc.


Basically xbox had unique titles, now xbox is just generic and like other hardware.


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pokoko said:

I am only surprised by the fact that people are surprised.

As a corporate entity, Microsoft has no conscience. Every single performance review is equivalent to the sword of Damocles hovering in the sky. Understand, too, that a moderate success is often equivalent to failure when the context is budget share and return expectations. That is the reality of belonging to a multi-trillion dollar company.

"Good" can easily be "not good enough."

You are absolutely right. We the nerds just easily and happily overlook that because we like to indulge in our sportsclubfan-like enthusiasm for the companies that make our beloved hobby exist. But they are corporate, not philantropic entities. 

1. Phil, Matt, Sarah - even if they play video games themselves, they are not your buddies; they are not XBOX game studios' employees' buddies (they are, so much for console wars, more likely to be buddies of the other higher up millionaires from the competition). 

2. a) What they do and say answers to the interest of the company they are employed by. That might at times overlap with your interest as a consumer, but don't mistake that for that your interest has priority.

2. b) What they do and say today does not guarantee you that they do and say the same tomorrow. 

3. The company by its very nature demands profit (and a lot of profit, not just a little bit- "good can easily be not good enough"). Art, innovation, creativity, the well being of the teams, all that can be appreciated if it is helpful in achieving profit, but it's a means to an end, never an end in itself. The end in itself is profit. Decisions will be made accordingly.

That might seem self evident to many and you don't even have to see it as a bad thing (if you believe in capitalism you maybe think these mechanisms actually are a good thing), but a lot of fans in the gaming community don't acknowledge that. And thus they are surprised now.

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Kyuu said:
EpicRandy said:

The context is cut-throat. Looking at the leaks of financial assessment with Spider man 2 last year you can see why that is. The title was anticipated only to start generating profits after the 10m marks. 

This is due to 2 main reasons:

1) The market has barely expanded in the last 15 years.

2) The budget of making video game more than doubled in the same time fame.

This directly cut into ROI and especially since profits from those sales are also used to support the subsidised model of console Hardware. The breathing room have grown extremely thin and created a cut-throat environment.

Covid made everyone think the above number 1 issue would be solve by driving growth in the industry and this thought have driven many investment in 2020 to early 2023. But it did not last, not only resulting in entity scrambling to secure there previous investment but also forcing them to acknowledge the current reality of the market.

The industry is adjusting itself to this reality and it's not pretty think to look at.

Software sales notably expanded when PC is taken into account which both MS and Sony now support. AA and AAA games cost more now to develop, but prices have also increased especially in Europe, and Sony games are retaining their prices much better than a few years back without selling less. Can you refer me to where it was shown that SM2 needs to sell 10 million to break even? Last I heard, the game cost $300 million (does the figure not include marketing?). Should generate profit at 5 million give or take.

But more importantly, why do all games have to be some highend AAA anyway? Low-mid budget AAA don't cost nearly as much as SM2, and AA cost even less. Helldivers 2 is considered AA and it "only" cost $50 million to make. Nintendo is killing it with medium budget games. And a crap load of indies, A, and AA games are more successful than anything AAA from Microsoft. Microsoft's own Sea of Thieves (not to mention Minecraft lol) is probably a lot more successful than the bigger Halo Infinite.

Higher development costs are more than cancelled out by games simply selling a lot more and averaging at higher prices in many cases. Availability on PC also greatly helps.

Software sales notably expanded when PC is taken into account which both MS and Sony now support.

Yes, for sure but it also comes with up to a 30% cut and some impact over sales you would have made on hardware, overall the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks IMO but it's not a silver bullet solutions either.

AA and AAA games cost more now to develop, but prices have also increased especially in Europe, and Sony games are retaining their prices much better than a few years back without selling less.

The rise in cost is symptomatic of the issue, for like 30 years the market did not raise the base price of games absorbing rise in dev cost with the market expansion.  Now they had to rise the price of game because budget increase have drastically accelerated while market have stagnated.

Can you refer me to where it was shown that SM2 needs to sell 10 million to break even?

Spiderman 2 was expected, prior to launch, to sell 10.5m copies and generate $75m in profits over a $315m budget. Now that's not bad and it's also conservative estimate but it's also one of, if not the most sure bet franchise Sony own.  

But more importantly, why do all games have to be some highend AAA anyway? [...]


Higher development costs are more than cancelled out by games simply selling a lot more and averaging at higher prices in many cases.

TBF I'm not saying the industry is not generating any profits, the ROI is just down compare to what it used to be and enough so that investment are perceived to be better spent elsewhere. Also there's more to this than just dev cost and market size, like over the last 10 years GAAS have grown to take huge segment of the industry and it create very few but highly successful titles that concentrate player spending making it more difficult for smaller title to make it.

Evilms said:

Did Nintendo close down Sora? I could be remembering wrong but I thought that was Sakurai’s decision.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Evilms said:

Sometimes Nintendo does some things that leave you scratching your head, but you gotta respect them.

Geralt99 said:

World's richest Company that Spent nealry 90 billion on acquisitions can't afford to have four AA studios running. Pathetic

Hiku said:
Geralt99 said:

World's richest Company that Spent nealry 90 billion on acquisitions can't afford to have four AA studios running. Pathetic

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