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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo to announce Switch's successor this FY, Switch 1 Direct coming in June

Fact is, the schedule for the end of this year looking packed enough and with releases for 2025 and beyond like DKC Returns HD and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond (+ the elusive FE 4 Remake) tells me that we're gonna get a Directin likelihood this September, meaning that what people expected as the last Switch Direct was in reality not the last Direct.

Also, like Rol mentioned, it now feels clear that they may have no intention to mention anything about the Switch sucessor until the next big holiday season has ended, the Switch remains the focus of the company, like dicted by the last fiscal Q&A.

Better prepare yourself for some prime whinning this Fall lol. In that meantime , I'll be gaming 👌

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Very excited to see what the control scheme on the swith 2 will look like and if it will have some gamecube qualities to it!
