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Forums - Movies & TV - Should comedians have boundaries?


Should comedians have boundaries?

Yes 14 21.21%
No 52 78.79%
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not talking Trump or Vance here, I'm simply using Elon Musk as an example simply because it's recent and I don't care what someone on reddit thinks, the man is obviously autistic and people would slip a switch if you denied someone else having such a disorder but bit's alright as he's the new political enemy, a man who just brought us decades past what NASA has done in decades itself in space technology. My point is there is no punching down and when you say there is punching down you're saying that someone is lesser to another person because of some trait they have which is incredibly backwards thinking and feels absolutely gross. 

>obviously autistic

Didn't realize you were a doctor. You're basing this off what?

>if you denied someone else

The point isn't denying that he's autistic. It's me pointing out it shouldn't matter to you. 

Him being autistic isn't an excuse of anything. 

>a man who just brought us decades past what NASA has done in decades itself in space technology


>you're saying that someone is lesser to another person

Nope, it has nothing to do with the traits of the person. People that are billionaires obviously have more power than people who aren't.

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the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not talking Trump or Vance here, I'm simply using Elon Musk as an example simply because it's recent and I don't care what someone on reddit thinks, the man is obviously autistic and people would slip a switch if you denied someone else having such a disorder but bit's alright as he's the new political enemy, a man who just brought us decades past what NASA has done in decades itself in space technology. My point is there is no punching down and when you say there is punching down you're saying that someone is lesser to another person because of some trait they have which is incredibly backwards thinking and feels absolutely gross. 

>obviously autistic

Didn't realize you were a doctor. You're basing this off what?

>if you denied someone else

The point isn't denying that he's autistic. It's me pointing out it shouldn't matter to you. 

Him being autistic isn't an excuse of anything. 

>a man who just brought us decades past what NASA has done in decades itself in space technology


>you're saying that someone is lesser to another person

Nope, it has nothing to do with the traits of the person. People that are billionaires obviously have more power than people who aren't.

I'm not saying it'd an excuse and it doesn't matter if he does or not, just hypothetically if he did still works for the point I' making. I wasn't intending  to defend nor endorse Musk in any way (even though I think he's still a brilliant mind at work) it's simply an example to show how punching down is ridiculous. Change it to anyone else who had some form of a disability and see how ridiculous it sounds. Are you at a disability? Or in a "marginalised group". I put that in quotes cause I believe there to be no such thing. If you'd are then you'd know how gut wrenching it is when people say things like you're getting punched down to, like you're not equal. 

LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not saying it'd an excuse and it doesn't matter if he does or not, just hypothetically if he did still works for the point I' making. I wasn't intending  to defend nor endorse Musk in any way (even though I think he's still a brilliant mind at work) it's simply an example to show how punching down is ridiculous. Change it to anyone else who had some form of a disability and see how ridiculous it sounds. Are you at a disability? Or in a "marginalised group". I put that in quotes cause I believe there to be no such thing. If you'd are then you'd know how gut wrenching it is when people say things like you're getting punched down to, like you're not equal. 

No one is saying you can't make fun of "someone in a marginalized group". 

I'm pretty sure at this point I've shared it like 10 pages ago. There's a white comedian who makes fun of black culture. And his audience is black people, and they think he's hilarious. 

What matters is how. 

If someone were to have a whole bit about how Elon is an autistic whiner or something like that (most people wouldn't find it funny in the first place), but it's also punching down on people in that same category. 

If someone were to make a whole bit about Elon Musk calling that submarine guy a pedophile, that has nothing to do with his alleged autism. And has nothing to do with other autistic people. It is punching up, because it's punching at someone who was punching at someone else. 

Or if you made fun of Elon Musk abandoning his daughter. 

the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not saying it'd an excuse and it doesn't matter if he does or not, just hypothetically if he did still works for the point I' making. I wasn't intending  to defend nor endorse Musk in any way (even though I think he's still a brilliant mind at work) it's simply an example to show how punching down is ridiculous. Change it to anyone else who had some form of a disability and see how ridiculous it sounds. Are you at a disability? Or in a "marginalised group". I put that in quotes cause I believe there to be no such thing. If you'd are then you'd know how gut wrenching it is when people say things like you're getting punched down to, like you're not equal. 

No one is saying you can't make fun of "someone in a marginalized group". 

I'm pretty sure at this point I've shared it like 10 pages ago. There's a white comedian who makes fun of black culture. And his audience is black people, and they think he's hilarious. 

What matters is how. 

If someone were to have a whole bit about how Elon is an autistic whiner or something like that (most people wouldn't find it funny in the first place), but it's also punching down on people in that same category. 

If someone were to make a whole bit about Elon Musk calling that submarine guy a pedophile, that has nothing to do with his alleged autism. And has nothing to do with other autistic people. It is punching up, because it's punching at someone who was punching at someone else. 

Or if you made fun of Elon Musk abandoning his daughter. 

You really hate Elon Musk. Nobodies perfect and everyone makes mistakes, can't do as much as he has and not make mistakes in his personal life but damn, forget I brought him up. 

I'll leave it at that, you aren't going to get my point and you've settled on yours already. Cheers all the same. 

LegitHyperbole said:

You really hate Elon Musk. Nobodies perfect and everyone makes mistakes, can't do as much as he has and not make mistakes in his personal life but damn, forget I brought him up. 

I'll leave it at that, you aren't going to get my point and you've settled on yours already. Cheers all the same. 

No Elon Musk didn't "make some mistakes" 

People that make mistakes, learn from them. They apologize.

Someone who doubles down on their "mistakes" didn't make any mistakes, instead they are a bully. 

I was a huge fan of Elon Musk. I appreciated what he did for SpaceX, and I wanted a Tesla. 

I'm able to change my mind, when new evidence comes to light. Are you?

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 2 days ago

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The_Yoda said:

They may not be ultra vague but they are very tied to perspective.  What happens if a gay makes a joke about a lesbian and vise versa?  What happens when both the gay and the lesbian think from their perspective they are more repressed and they are punching up while the other group is punching down.  They cannot both be right. If they were not tied to perspective then you should be able to provide a list and we will know, based on the list, if a person is punching down or up.  Cut and dry.

This isn't about there being some kind of pecking order, where by these decrees X can make fun of Y, but Y can't make fun of X.

It is more about the kinds of rhetoric. 

There are white comedians who make great jokes about black culture. There are black people who make terrible "comedy" about black culture. 

A black comedian openly talking about how they love to own slaves or something is problematic. 

A white comedian making jokes about their experience at black church is not problematic.

The_Yoda said:

I know punching down is not tied solely to the UK but that is one of the places where a tweet can land you in jail and it seems very inconsistent with who can say what without the law getting involved. So "Where does Runa talk about any kind of punishment?" Runa doesn't need to spell it out, it is a natural progression from "cutting the bad-faith 'jokes' off before they grow into something more is the issue."  If shrugging it off is "dangerous" then shrugging it off or ignoring the source is not an option.  That would leave mainly murder or legislation. I'd guess Runa isn't thinking murder so that leaves laws.  How are laws enforced ... with a form of punishment.  You are not stupid so I accused you of being obtuse since you refuse to see the progression.

I'm not sure what Runa has in mind, but frankly there are other ways. 

Several people in this thread have talked about market punishments. (Leaving the venue when jokes aren't appropriate.)

The_Yoda said:

Also with Runa's reactions and all the words put in Legit's mouth why aren't you all over Runa?  You had no problem jumping in on Julius's comment, why not Runa's?  Of the two sets of comments I found Runa's to be far more toxic than Julius's.

LegitHyperbole was suggesting that certain people were thin skinned (a somewhat inflammatory comment), and Runa was responding to that. 
Julius was responding to a viewpoint that I was sharing (even if it was directed at someone else sharing that viewpoint), so I responded to them.

the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You really hate Elon Musk. Nobodies perfect and everyone makes mistakes, can't do as much as he has and not make mistakes in his personal life but damn, forget I brought him up. 

I'll leave it at that, you aren't going to get my point and you've settled on yours already. Cheers all the same. 

No Elon Musk didn't "make some mistakes" 

People that make mistakes, learn from them. They apologize.

Someone who doubles down on their "mistakes" didn't make any mistakes, instead they are a bully. 

I was a huge fan of Elon Musk. I appreciated what he did for SpaceX, and I wanted a Tesla. 

I'm able to change my mind, when new evidence comes to light. Are you?

I don't even know why we are talking about Elon Musk this is derailing the thread. it was an example. Choose any one you want that you aren't this obsessed with, anyone with a disability for my point who is inwealthy or famous or both.

I could give a fuck less about Musk personal life or public fuck ups. It's the work he does that is what matters and people would throw that work out with the bath water over PoLooTICs. Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum. I see this with Musk now, he's analysising things on too much of a factual basis and risk assessing the worse states of two outcomes, ya think he wants to be public ebemy no.1? No, He wants to be the cool, eccentric Tony stark billionaire but he's doing what he thinks is best and with his money and power I'm sure he's seeing a damn lot more than any of us are seeing of what's to come after this election, I'd take caution and pause to think why he isn't playing into his wanna be popular persona.

You asked how I know he's autistic cause I can see his exact behaviour mimick my own even down to his speech intricacies and the way he moves his eyes to the ceiling when thinking, his often non responses or very short responses with no elaboration, to how he interacts with people among many other little traits I know all to well. Takes one to know one I guess. 

LegitHyperbole said:

I don't even know why we are talking about Elon Musk this is derailing the thread. it was an example. Choose any one you want that you aren't this obsessed with, anyone with a disability for my point who is inwealthy or famous or both.

Because you brought him up.

Yes, I've explained that there are different ways to make fun of something without punching down.

LegitHyperbole said:

I could give a fuck less about Musk personal life or public fuck ups. It's the work he does that is what matters and people would throw that work out with the bath water over PoLooTICs. Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum.

You say that, and yet you clearly have a strong emotional attachment to Elon Musk. 

Having autism doesn't make you unemotional or perfect.

LegitHyperbole said:

You asked how I know he's autistic cause I can see his exact behaviour mimick my own even down to his speech intricacies and the way he moves his eyes to the ceiling when thinking, his often non responses or very short responses with no elaboration, to how he interacts with people among many other little traits I know all to well. Takes one to know one I guess. 

By that same token, I can call myself autistic. Which I very likely am, but there's lots of different things. 

the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I don't even know why we are talking about Elon Musk this is derailing the thread. it was an example. Choose any one you want that you aren't this obsessed with, anyone with a disability for my point who is inwealthy or famous or both.

Because you brought him up.

Yes, I've explained that there are different ways to make fun of something without punching down.

LegitHyperbole said:

I could give a fuck less about Musk personal life or public fuck ups. It's the work he does that is what matters and people would throw that work out with the bath water over PoLooTICs. Autism brings you down roads where people will end up hating you because you follow facts more than your gut and emotions and then you misunderstand people and they start misunderstand you, that's why it's not a nice thing to be on the spectrum.

You say that, and yet you clearly have a strong emotional attachment to Elon Musk. 

Having autism doesn't make you unemotional or perfect.

LegitHyperbole said:

You asked how I know he's autistic cause I can see his exact behaviour mimick my own even down to his speech intricacies and the way he moves his eyes to the ceiling when thinking, his often non responses or very short responses with no elaboration, to how he interacts with people among many other little traits I know all to well. Takes one to know one I guess. 

By that same token, I can call myself autistic. Which I very likely am, but there's lots of different things. 

Sure. We'll if I brought him up, I'm putting him to bed nor did I say the things you are acting like I said. You keep doing it, the same thing Runa done, putting words where there is no and expecting things that aren't there. I bet you don't even know you're doing it but it makes discussion very difficult but if you're doing it on purposeN shame. I did not say the things you seem to think I say. 

LegitHyperbole said:

You keep doing it, the same thing Runa done, putting words where there is no and expecting things that aren't there.

I did not say the things you seem to think I say. 

What words do you feel I have put into your mouth? 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 2 days ago