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The_Yoda said:

They may not be ultra vague but they are very tied to perspective.  What happens if a gay makes a joke about a lesbian and vise versa?  What happens when both the gay and the lesbian think from their perspective they are more repressed and they are punching up while the other group is punching down.  They cannot both be right. If they were not tied to perspective then you should be able to provide a list and we will know, based on the list, if a person is punching down or up.  Cut and dry.

This isn't about there being some kind of pecking order, where by these decrees X can make fun of Y, but Y can't make fun of X.

It is more about the kinds of rhetoric. 

There are white comedians who make great jokes about black culture. There are black people who make terrible "comedy" about black culture. 

A black comedian openly talking about how they love to own slaves or something is problematic. 

A white comedian making jokes about their experience at black church is not problematic.

The_Yoda said:

I know punching down is not tied solely to the UK but that is one of the places where a tweet can land you in jail and it seems very inconsistent with who can say what without the law getting involved. So "Where does Runa talk about any kind of punishment?" Runa doesn't need to spell it out, it is a natural progression from "cutting the bad-faith 'jokes' off before they grow into something more is the issue."  If shrugging it off is "dangerous" then shrugging it off or ignoring the source is not an option.  That would leave mainly murder or legislation. I'd guess Runa isn't thinking murder so that leaves laws.  How are laws enforced ... with a form of punishment.  You are not stupid so I accused you of being obtuse since you refuse to see the progression.

I'm not sure what Runa has in mind, but frankly there are other ways. 

Several people in this thread have talked about market punishments. (Leaving the venue when jokes aren't appropriate.)

The_Yoda said:

Also with Runa's reactions and all the words put in Legit's mouth why aren't you all over Runa?  You had no problem jumping in on Julius's comment, why not Runa's?  Of the two sets of comments I found Runa's to be far more toxic than Julius's.

LegitHyperbole was suggesting that certain people were thin skinned (a somewhat inflammatory comment), and Runa was responding to that. 
Julius was responding to a viewpoint that I was sharing (even if it was directed at someone else sharing that viewpoint), so I responded to them.