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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can Microsoft release all its games on Playstation?

Azzanation said:
RolStoppable said:

Such nonsense.

I'll give you that Xbox is dying, but the PS5 is keeping pace with the PS4 while for Switch we are talking about a potentially new record in lifetime sales for a video game console.

You really have to stop to start with the conclusion that "Microsoft gets it, Microsoft is right, Microsoft knows this business better than anyone else" and then work backwards from there. Your analyses are awful.

You again failing to understand what's being said. MS are right, meaning MS will be okay moving forward.

Your just struggling to come to terms with the fact that your days of Xbox fandom are coming to an end. Trying to move goalposts to continue the narrative that MS are still doing well and competing with Sony/Nintendo when they are not. They lost, it's over and you need to come to terms with it

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Azzanation said:
method114 said:

We do need expensive boxes play games. How else are we going to play them?

Apps, PC, Mobile, Streaming..


Something like a Iphone 15 pro, is about as powerfull as a Nintendo Switch.  Digitalfoundy did a video compaireing them to one another.
Thats a top of the line phone.  Granted many people have one, but, its limited in what it can do with games and graphics.

PCs, are more expensives than "expensive boxes play games" (consoles).

Streaming isn't "free", you just move the cost of the "expensive boxes" to the server side. MS would be the one paying for the hardware, electristiy+cooling, internet, upkeep/maintaince/replacements...  That cost, will have to come in the form of a subscription fee (for the end user), ontop of the game costs, like Stadia does/did (or provideing a streaming service, will lose you tons of money).   Sure you save on spending money designing the homeconsole, and its production, and maybe loss on unit sales.  You trade that cost, for near equally big, server costs though (over a consoles lifetime).

Thats not even to mention, that internet subscriptions people have to play and stream, need to be "unlimited" in size (which alot of people in america doesn't even have) and be close to a server farm, for a decent input delay when playing (which again, will be higher than local hardware running said game).

There is no easy fix, or doing away with the consoles for now.
I think if eventually smart phones get strong enough that people go "I dont need more", it could kill consoles and pc's.
However, we are far away from that being close to happending (if it ever does).

Are people really responding to Azzanation?
Come on guys, it has been the same thing for over 10 years now.

I think MS will try to churn out hardware nonetheless, but I also think that they're going to slowly move to just being a major publisher of games for all platforms.

The writing is on the wall.

JRPGfan said:
Azzanation said:

Apps, PC, Mobile, Streaming..


Something like a Iphone 15 pro, is about as powerfull as a Nintendo Switch.  Digitalfoundy did a video compaireing them to one another.
Thats a top of the line phone.  Granted many people have one, but, its limited in what it can do with games and graphics.

PCs, are more expensives than "expensive boxes play games" (consoles).

Streaming isn't "free", you just move the cost of the "expensive boxes" to the server side. MS would be the one paying for the hardware, electristiy+cooling, internet, upkeep/maintaince/replacements...  That cost, will have to come in the form of a subscription fee (for the end user), ontop of the game costs, like Stadia does/did (or provideing a streaming service, will lose you tons of money).   Sure you save on spending money designing the homeconsole, and its production, and maybe loss on unit sales.  You trade that cost, for near equally big, server costs though (over a consoles lifetime).

Thats not even to mention, that internet subscriptions people have to play and stream, need to be "unlimited" in size (which alot of people in america doesn't even have) and be close to a server farm, for a decent input delay when playing (which again, will be higher than local hardware running said game).

There is no easy fix, or doing away with the consoles for now.
I think if eventually smart phones get strong enough that people go "I dont need more", it could kill consoles and pc's.
However, we are far away from that being close to happending (if it ever does).

Did you forget Mobile phones can stream? 

Did you forget PCs have a variety of price ranges?

Its not weather you want it, its weather or not companies want to continue investing heavily into hardware when they can capture an audience without the need. Xbox to MS and soon PS will be to Sony, will be considered an old way to game. Much like how local MP games are becoming less and less, so to the expensive box under your TV. 

BraLoD said:

Are people really responding to Azzanation?
Come on guys, it has been the same thing for over 10 years now.

You just did. You want to make a point to my post or are you here trolling?

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Phil Spencer: "We are going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms, and we just see that as a benefit to the franchises that we're building. And we see that from players and the players love to be able to play."
Last edited by -Adonis- - on 09 June 2024

-Adonis- said:
Phil Spencer: "We are going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms, and we just see that as a benefit to the franchises that we're building. And we see that from players and the players love to be able to play."

Supposedly 6 more titles are comeing from xbox to ps5.
And these are supposedly "big ones", and not ones you think of as already being multiplatform (ei. not CoD or Doom eg, but other titles).

Atleast that is a rumor going around.