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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 Ships 54.8 Million Units as of December 2023, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Sales Top 10M

This generation is truly proving Iwata's/Nintendo's prophecy they had over 20 years ago regarding the industry reaching a dead end.
Iwata stated that graphics & gameplay even back in the 6th gen have peaked for the most part and improvements would become slower to be as appealing and soon the costs & time of developing these games would be too costly for it to be sustainable for a limited amount of demand, which is the main reason why Nintendo went the direction of focusing on creating relatively cheap hardware & software that is still just as fun to play as more expensive pieces of software & hardware, it's called the "Lateral thinking with seasoned technology" philosiphy that has made Nintendo the most profitable video game company out there right now.

It's a major problem right now for a platform that's going to sell 100M+ units with high software sales to still struggle this much with profit margins to the point where they have to become multiplatform. Xbox is doing a similiar thing also. There definitely needs to be a major shift in game/console design in the future from these companies

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Sogreblute said:
trunkswd said:

Sony in its earnings call stated PlayStation 5 sales did not meet expectations over the holidays and have lowered their forecast for the PS5 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 by four million units from 25 million units down to 21 million units. So they expecting to ship 4.6 million PS5s for the current fiscal year.

I HIGHLY doubt they'll ship 4.6 million for Q4. I think it's going to be 3.5 million which would put their FY total at 19.9 million. I was one of the few back last year that predicted Sony wouldn't hit their 25 million target. I predicted 20-22 million. Now it looks like I might even miss that. Sony really overestimated the true demand for the PS5 once they got supply to meet demand.

For their next FY it's so hard to predict, but I'm going with 16 million shipped (unless they price cut the PS5, and a PS5 Pro won't help since I bet that will be $600), especially since 1) Sony said they wouldn't have any new entries to current franchises releasing this year. 2) They lost all marketing rights to Activision Blizzard games. COD marketing is huge and Sony won't have that anymore.

I'd be surprised if they do ship 4.6 million for Q4 as well. I'd think they would want to reach 20 million for the fiscal year. The high price of the PS5 is really limiting sales. At this point the PS4 was like $300 and the PS4 Pro was $400. Compared to the PS5 at $450 and $500.

16 million next FY isn't out of the question with no price cut. I'd hope Sony cuts the price of the PS5 later this year. At this point we are seeing fairly regular discounts for the PS5 (and Xbox Series X|S). 

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

javi741 said:

This generation is truly proving Iwata's/Nintendo's prophecy they had over 20 years ago regarding the industry reaching a dead end.
Iwata stated that graphics & gameplay even back in the 6th gen have peaked for the most part and improvements would become slower to be as appealing and soon the costs & time of developing these games would be too costly for it to be sustainable for a limited amount of demand, which is the main reason why Nintendo went the direction of focusing on creating relatively cheap hardware & software that is still just as fun to play as more expensive pieces of software & hardware, it's called the "Lateral thinking with seasoned technology" philosiphy that has made Nintendo the most profitable video game company out there right now.

It's a major problem right now for a platform that's going to sell 100M+ units with high software sales to still struggle this much with profit margins to the point where they have to become multiplatform. Xbox is doing a similiar thing also. There definitely needs to be a major shift in game/console design in the future from these companies

It does seem like Microsoft saw this coming, which is why they release all their games day one on PC and will likely start releasing at least some games on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

javi741 said:

This generation is truly proving Iwata's/Nintendo's prophecy they had over 20 years ago regarding the industry reaching a dead end.
Iwata stated that graphics & gameplay even back in the 6th gen have peaked for the most part and improvements would become slower to be as appealing and soon the costs & time of developing these games would be too costly for it to be sustainable for a limited amount of demand, which is the main reason why Nintendo went the direction of focusing on creating relatively cheap hardware & software that is still just as fun to play as more expensive pieces of software & hardware, it's called the "Lateral thinking with seasoned technology" philosiphy that has made Nintendo the most profitable video game company out there right now.

It's a major problem right now for a platform that's going to sell 100M+ units with high software sales to still struggle this much with profit margins to the point where they have to become multiplatform. Xbox is doing a similiar thing also. There definitely needs to be a major shift in game/console design in the future from these companies

To add on to this, it's crazy to think that back in 2015 people wanted to act like Nintendo was the one out of touch and that they need to compete more with Xbox & PS or else they should go 3rd party. Now in 2024 we are seeing how Nintendo was actually ahead of the curb and it's coming to the point now where PS & Xbox are becoming more and more 3rd party just to remain profitable.

The CEO confirmed that margins are still low due to recent studios-acquisitions, their output is going to be somehow thin in the next FY so sales will dip a bit without any price cuts. FY25 seems to be more optimistic considering the release of big 3rd party games like GTA VI and more Sony first party games.

It's not all doomed and gloomed like a lot of people are trying to paint it out.

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kazuyamishima said:

It's not all doomed and gloomed like a lot of people are trying to paint it out.

You've been on this site as long as I have, you know this has always been how this forum responds to sales news. Consoles are always dying or becoming the next iPhone, there's no in-between.

Like the poster just above you, people overreacted and assumed too much back then so he's going to do the same just now. Talk about a lack of self-awareness...






javi741 said:
javi741 said:

This generation is truly proving Iwata's/Nintendo's prophecy they had over 20 years ago regarding the industry reaching a dead end.
Iwata stated that graphics & gameplay even back in the 6th gen have peaked for the most part and improvements would become slower to be as appealing and soon the costs & time of developing these games would be too costly for it to be sustainable for a limited amount of demand, which is the main reason why Nintendo went the direction of focusing on creating relatively cheap hardware & software that is still just as fun to play as more expensive pieces of software & hardware, it's called the "Lateral thinking with seasoned technology" philosiphy that has made Nintendo the most profitable video game company out there right now.

It's a major problem right now for a platform that's going to sell 100M+ units with high software sales to still struggle this much with profit margins to the point where they have to become multiplatform. Xbox is doing a similiar thing also. There definitely needs to be a major shift in game/console design in the future from these companies

To add on to this, it's crazy to think that back in 2015 people wanted to act like Nintendo was the one out of touch and that they need to compete more with Xbox & PS or else they should go 3rd party. Now in 2024 we are seeing how Nintendo was actually ahead of the curb and it's coming to the point now where PS & Xbox are becoming more and more 3rd party just to remain profitable.

Yeah but does Nintendo start having the same issues?  More powerful hardware = higher development costs.

The switch 2 will be a ps4, isn't Nintendo's development costs about to sky rocket?  

Chrkeller said:
javi741 said:

To add on to this, it's crazy to think that back in 2015 people wanted to act like Nintendo was the one out of touch and that they need to compete more with Xbox & PS or else they should go 3rd party. Now in 2024 we are seeing how Nintendo was actually ahead of the curb and it's coming to the point now where PS & Xbox are becoming more and more 3rd party just to remain profitable.

Yeah but does Nintendo start having the same issues?  More powerful hardware = higher development costs.

The switch 2 will be a ps4, isn't Nintendo's development costs about to sky rocket?  

I assume they have set aside money they gained from Switch-era to produce and develop games. Nintendo knows what they want to do, and know how to get it done.

I hope Microsoft and Sony can figure things out too. It would be a shame to lose another console producing company. RIP Sega & Atari

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Chrkeller said:
javi741 said:

To add on to this, it's crazy to think that back in 2015 people wanted to act like Nintendo was the one out of touch and that they need to compete more with Xbox & PS or else they should go 3rd party. Now in 2024 we are seeing how Nintendo was actually ahead of the curb and it's coming to the point now where PS & Xbox are becoming more and more 3rd party just to remain profitable.

Yeah but does Nintendo start having the same issues?  More powerful hardware = higher development costs.

The switch 2 will be a ps4, isn't Nintendo's development costs about to sky rocket?  

Sony COO Totoki said that it is harder to grow profits on the PS5 as the life cycle goes on in comparison to previous generations. With previous gens as time went on it became cheaper to produce them. But with PS5 the parts are becoming more expensive as the life cycle goes on.    

^Nintendo doesnt have that issue + some games are selling so much it is insane...They don't need to worry about profits now.  

People here are acting like the ps5 is going to die. I agree that it will be a difficult fiscal year for Sony with the lack of first party games, the next fiscal year will be much better with the launch of GTA 6 breaking all records, ps5 sales tend to increase a lot. Not to mention the first party games that should start coming out. I still believe that the PS5 will surpass the PS4.