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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Ryuu96 said:
Jaicee said:

Harris is definitely the most common name I keep seeing surface among potential replacements and the polling bears out that she's the most popular Biden alternative the Democrats have at the moment. It's also the easiest and most natural transition to make to have the VP take over the campaign. She has the experience and the name recognition. I see no plausible way in which whatever process is decided on wouldn't result in her being the new candidate. Would anyone even run against her in the "mini-primary" that's being talked about as a possibility?

I don't buy the "there's no time" line of argument here. You're British. The UK recently announced, threw together, and concluded an election in the span of a month, complete with a power transition. That's how much time there is left before the Democratic National Convention. There's plenty of time. What there isn't much time left for is figuring out whether Biden is staying or going. The stupid early virtual delegate vote is scheduled for next week, so if Biden is going to drop out it must be made to happen this week (so you'll forgive my vocalness). The dam must break this week ahead or never. I am fully on board with it happening because frankly, it's obvious there will be no second term for Biden either way. He can drop out or he can lose to Trump, but he cannot get re-elected, that much is exceedingly clear. Any change in the ticket is risky, but leaving it as is portends certain defeat.

I absolutely agree with everything that you've said in the first paragraph but I still see "rumours" of the Democrats wanting a "mini-primary/convention" and AOC also said that many are also wanting Harris to go as well, so that's where my concern comes from, I need to see all big name politicians come out with "Harris SHOULD be the replacement if Biden steps down", if Schumer/Pelosi/Hakeem back Harris then the rest should fall in line, endorsement from the Obama's wouldn't hurt either and of course, Biden needs to endorse Harris and then we can just move forward united behind Harris.

I really don't want to see a "mini-primary", it would be a waste of everyone's time only for Harris to win anyway, we only have ~4 months left, instead of focusing on Trump, Democrats will be talking shit about each other, media will be labelling it as Democrats in chaos, the talk would become that Biden/Democrats don't even have faith in his own VP and that's why they're running a mini-primary, it just doesn't seem like it has many upsides aside from "hey look, Harris was democratically elected" which I'm not sure many would actually give a shit about at this stage in the game, Lol.

She's the VP. This is what a VP is meant for. People voted for the Biden-Harris ticket already, if Biden steps down then Harris should immediately be the nominee with the backing of everyone, none of this mini-primary nonsense, a united Democrat Party leading into the DNC. People will run against her, politicians, they can't help themselves even when they have no chance, Lol. We can't be licking bitter wounds leading into the DNC from the losers.

Well the thing is that if your core argument against the Republican ticket is that Trump represents an existential threat to the future of the democratic process in this country, it doesn't help that narrative if you're just chosen by coronation yourself. Whether it's 'messy' or 'chaotic' for a month or not, the public should have some kind of input on who their new candidate is.

The media can have their "Democratic chaos" narrative for a month, but then the convention will happen, a nominee will be chosen, and the chaos will be over. Then what? Will we (Trump opponents) be worse off than we are now or in a better position? I say a better position. A fresh face could very well give this campaign exactly what it needs more than anything else right now, which is a jolt of energy on the Democratic side to bring to it to life and excite younger people a bit more in particular; they being the least interested in Biden. Could even persuade a few of them currently supporting Robert Kennedy out of protest (which isn't that small of a number!) to vote for the Democratic candidate instead.

The alternative here, represented by sticking with the existing ticket, is certain defeat. Let's at least give ourselves a fighting chance to win this election because the current course isn't working. At. All.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 21 July 2024

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Time to rename the thread Democrat vs. Trump until we get the nominee. It will probably be Kamala because she has the war chest, but no guarantee.

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"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Not American, so I don't know the landscape as well as others. But the Senators that I saw as impressive are: Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, Raphael Warnock, and Bernie Sanders (minus his weird cult of braindead followers who, IMO, did WAY more damage to the non-Bernie left than anything the right-wing attempted). Either way, of those 5, Booker and Gillibrand seem the most interesting. I've also been a big fan of Richard Ojeda, but I think his popularity isn't high enough to get the funding he needs, especially since he's one of those "no corporate funding" guys.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

He gone.


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Guess that's settled. Joe loses by forfeit and so their series ends tied 1-1

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Guess that's settled. Joe loses by forfeit and so their series ends tied 1-1

Nah, this is just a tag team battle and Biden tagged in the anchor.

Kamala about to hit em with the RKO outta nowhere.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Guess that's settled. Joe loses by forfeit and so their series ends tied 1-1

Joe wasn't even officially in it yet. DNC votes next month. 

Michael Wilson is the 47th President as told by From Soft!


Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Wman1996 said:

Time to rename the thread Democrat vs. Trump until we get the nominee. It will probably be Kamala because she has the war chest, but no guarantee.

Agreed. 100%. Plus, their nominee won't be official until their convention starts on Aug. 19. What a mess that one will be.

The big question is now who will be Kamala's running mate. She should announce her pick either before the convention, or right after it starts like Trump did with Vance.

At first glance, I would say Gov. Gavin Newsom is the best choice, but being he and Kamala are both from California, makes him less than ideal. I think her best pick, as things look right now, is Chuck Schumer, Senator from NY.