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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Best Video Game Music of 2024

A couple of indie FPS games soundtracks have caught my attention so far this year!

Mullet Mad Jack - A cool Roguelike FPS that has 80s/90s anime vibes with a great synth wave soundtrack and just some sick gaming tunes. A few examples

Selaco - Doom meets Half-Life meets System Shock. Perfect bass heavy, techno soundtrack to go along with some great action!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Personally, while TTYD doesn’t have any/many original pieces of music, the instrumentation and presentation is unbelievably strong. So much energy in the pieces, and they aren’t even using real instrument. (Or it doesn’t sound like it at least…)

Wman1996 said:

So far, it's the 3 JRPG remakes
Persona 3 Reload - Full Moon Full Life is pretty great and there's a lot of strong music in general.
FFVII Rebirth - "No Promises to Keep" is a masterpiece of a song, and it's just one track from the game.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - You have the option in almost every case to listen to the OG renditions, and only a few of the new renditions are notably weaker (Moon Fortress is better on GCN vs Switch).

TTYD added.

G2ThaUNiT said:

A couple of indie FPS games soundtracks have caught my attention so far this year!

Mullet Mad Jack - A cool Roguelike FPS that has 80s/90s anime vibes with a great synth wave soundtrack and just some sick gaming tunes. A few examples

Selaco - Doom meets Half-Life meets System Shock. Perfect bass heavy, techno soundtrack to go along with some great action!

Both games added to the list.

Been quite busy to add anything new recently, but I have to make mention of Shadow of the Erdtree's music. Some excellent pieces to be found there.

Shadow of the erd tree cause it's all I played. It was pretty damn good, not amazing memorable or anything but good.

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Been a while since I've had the time to really give this thread an update, but a couple of solid soundtracks I've had the chance to check are Unicorn Overlord and Dragon's Dogma 2.

Last edited by Vodacixi - on 27 September 2024

Vodacixi said:

I'll add the rest to the list, but Undertale Yellow was released last year so can't include it.

Anyone like the opera Song in Nier Automata? This is the Stellar Blade version with the writer and singer.

Last edited by Leynos - on 27 September 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Been a while since the previous update, but I had to make note of the Metaphor: ReFantasio soundtrack. I haven't actually played the game, but I did have a listen to some of its music, and it's great.