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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Should Xbox End their Generation Early?


What year should Xbox start the next generation?

2025 9 14.29%
2026 11 17.46%
2027 18 28.57%
2028 16 25.40%
2029 9 14.29%
Wman1996 said:
RolStoppable said:

The timing of the launch won't matter much when Microsoft has a bunch of other things to address, but if we ignore these other things for a moment, preparing for a successor rather sooner than later is the logical thing to do. That is, if there's still any ambition to sell a lot of consoles. Although looking at the big picture, the most sensible course of action for Microsoft would be to let this generation fizzle out and go full third party, because if they kept making consoles, they would also keep doing things that contradict each other. Namely that they try to push a console and platform-agnostic services concurrently; this just doesn't work, because it makes the console redundant.

This does make me think that they will drop out of the console business first. 

I'm pretty sure they'll eventually (either alongside the next Xbox or after they exit the console business) release a line of Xbox Gaming PCs that come pre-installed with the Xbox app, include an Xbox controller, and a trial for Game Pass. 

Microsoft is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world, so they could theoretically stay in the console business as long as they're wealthy (no signs of that stopping). But eventually, I think something will give. I'm pretty sure they'll want to bow out with some dignity instead of being like Sega exiting the hardware business in disgrace after all the lost money from the Saturn and Dreamcast. 

Shinobi has hinted that there are more Xbox exclusive games coming to PlayStation in the future. It will be interesting to see over the next few years what titles MS publishes on PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. If the software revenue from the 200m+ PS/Nintendo installbase becomes too enticing their hardware could take more of a backseat than it already has.

After the Activision purchase MS has more money in software than ever before but their hardware is selling the worst it has since the original Xbox. There is a point where the hardware business is no longer worth sacrificing your software sales for, but what that point is for MS I do not know. Do they pivot their business or keep trying to use their software to push hardware. We'll see.

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Xbox has a lot of problems like now - this will just be adding more to it.

Are you working on three tiers balancing between the low of the S and the high of the "next"? Are you separating your base by making exclusives to the "next"?
And what happens when the PS5 or Pro comes out?

You are bound to love Earthbound.

rapsuperstar31 said:
V-r0cK said: like what Sega did with the Dreamcast? lol

The Dreamcast was at least a huge leap over the PS1/N64/Saturn, I don't expect a huge leap over the Xbox Series/Playstation 5 on the next console.

What you don't expect and what you' don't know are two different story.

Zippy6 said:
Wman1996 said:

This does make me think that they will drop out of the console business first. 

I'm pretty sure they'll eventually (either alongside the next Xbox or after they exit the console business) release a line of Xbox Gaming PCs that come pre-installed with the Xbox app, include an Xbox controller, and a trial for Game Pass. 

Microsoft is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world, so they could theoretically stay in the console business as long as they're wealthy (no signs of that stopping). But eventually, I think something will give. I'm pretty sure they'll want to bow out with some dignity instead of being like Sega exiting the hardware business in disgrace after all the lost money from the Saturn and Dreamcast. 

Shinobi has hinted that there are more Xbox exclusive games coming to PlayStation in the future. It will be interesting to see over the next few years what titles MS publishes on PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. If the software revenue from the 200m+ PS/Nintendo installbase becomes too enticing their hardware could take more of a backseat than it already has.

After the Activision purchase MS has more money in software than ever before but their hardware is selling the worst it has since the original Xbox. There is a point where the hardware business is no longer worth sacrificing your software sales for, but what that point is for MS I do not know. Do they pivot their business or keep trying to use their software to push hardware. We'll see.

Xbox has always been more relax when it comes to indie 3rd party games they publish. Usually exclusive for a year or 2. It happened with Ori, Cuphead, Super Lucky Tales, and now As Dusk Falls. Shinobi probably means this will happen with Towerborne as well since it's in a similar situation. It's a great way to support small indie studios. We don't see this with their AAA published titles and 1st party studio games, minus Minecraft and now CoD, but those are the exception. 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 22 December 2023

V-r0cK said: like what Sega did with the Dreamcast? lol

I was thinking the exact same thing. It looks like MS Studios is destined to follow Sega’s path no matter. 

Around the Network

I think it would be a good idea. It worked out well with the 360. With their huge lineup of 1st party games, CoD marketing, and Game Pass, they could release a console witj games that would be hard to ignore by the masses. Following the cadence of PlayStation hasn't worked in their favor last gen or now. Switching it up seems like a good move. If xbox can gain some momentum and positive word of mouth before the ps6 releases, that will be much more important than having a slight power advantage. 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 21 December 2023

Bandorr said:

Xbox has a lot of problems like now - this will just be adding more to it.

Are you working on three tiers balancing between the low of the S and the high of the "next"? Are you separating your base by making exclusives to the "next"?
And what happens when the PS5 or Pro comes out?

yeah, I think so. I don't see how starting next gen works for them outside of perhaps the US market. The brand is a non-factor in Asia and now also in EU, and launching sooner isn't going to do anything to help them, especially if Sony follows with a more capable PS6 afterwards.

smroadkill15 said:

I think it would be a good idea. It worked out well with the 360. With their huge lineup of 1st party games, CoD marketing, and Game Pass, they could release a console witj games that would be hard to ignore by the masses. Following the cadence of PlayStation hasn't worked in their favor last gen or now. Switching it up seems like a good move. If xbox can gain some momentum and positive word of mouth before the ps6 releases, that will be much more important than having a slight power advantage. 

They're being ignored quite blatantly in EU, which is where they should be experiencing growth. I mean anything could happen since they obviously have the ingredients to make an early next gen move work. But it's more than the hardware and games, because ultimately, they'll be launching at a period where the PS5 could arguably be getting a bunch of 1st party big hitters. 

twintail said:
Bandorr said:

Xbox has a lot of problems like now - this will just be adding more to it.

Are you working on three tiers balancing between the low of the S and the high of the "next"? Are you separating your base by making exclusives to the "next"?
And what happens when the PS5 or Pro comes out?

yeah, I think so. I don't see how starting next gen works for them outside of perhaps the US market. The brand is a non-factor in Asia and now also in EU, and launching sooner isn't going to do anything to help them, especially if Sony follows with a more capable PS6 afterwards.

smroadkill15 said:

I think it would be a good idea. It worked out well with the 360. With their huge lineup of 1st party games, CoD marketing, and Game Pass, they could release a console witj games that would be hard to ignore by the masses. Following the cadence of PlayStation hasn't worked in their favor last gen or now. Switching it up seems like a good move. If xbox can gain some momentum and positive word of mouth before the ps6 releases, that will be much more important than having a slight power advantage. 

They're being ignored quite blatantly in EU, which is where they should be experiencing growth. I mean anything could happen since they obviously have the ingredients to make an early next gen move work. But it's more than the hardware and games, because ultimately, they'll be launching at a period where the PS5 could arguably be getting a bunch of 1st party big hitters. 

That's bound to happen anyways. Pushing a new console might cause some disruption.

In a situation Xbox is releasing a next gen console, launching the same year as PS6 is better choice to see improved hardware sales? I don't think so. That's why doing something different gives them an opportunity at least. 

We are talking about the next xbox already? Shouldn't the Xbox get some games before it is replaced?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Roll on next gen.

I haven't turned my Series X on in over 6 months.
I haven't even played a game on my Series S.

...No better with the PS5 though.

Just less of a reason to fire up these devices when I am running those same games at a significantly higher framerate, resolution and visual quality on the PC.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--