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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread - The 14th Annual Greatest Games Event

Mnementh said:
psychicscubadiver said:

50. Picross E
It's kind of an odd choice, to be honest, especially as their are other games I enjoy more that I've left off the list. But I wanted to include this one based my love for Picross as a whole. I started with Pokemon Picross since that was free-to-play for the 3DS. After enjoying that game so much, I hunted down all the other Picross games I could get my hands on and fortunately Jupiter has put out a new one or two every single year for the past decade so I've yet to run out of puzzles. Drinking a cup of tea and listening to a podcast or youtube video while solving puzzles has become my go-to relaxation when I'm stressed.

Ah, Picross is a great series and a great implementation of Nonograms. I personally like the themed ones like Pokemon the most.

I also enjoy themed ones best, it's why Pokemon Picross was the original one to hook me. It's sad that the Twilight Princess Picross was a only ever a Club Nintendo exclusive. And worse, that I had the opportunity to buy it back then, but I hadn't tried Picross yet at the time.

49. The Messenger 
The Messenger starts out as a Ninja Gaiden-esqe action platformer in a retro 8-bit style. It later warps to the future which is rendered in 16-bits. Once you finished both sections it suddenly transitions to a Metroidvania where you revisit the previous stages with new items and the ability to warp back and forth between past and present. The gameplay is fun and the level design clever, but what really hooked me with this game is the way it constantly surprised me. From the weird twists the story took (yet somehow pulled it off in the end) to the change from linear levels to a free-exploring world, to the unexpected bits of humor. It all added up to a package that was very unique and enjoyable.

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Farsala said:

49. Mario Kart 3?, Nope!

48. Pokemon snap 2? Correct! New Pokémon Snap

47. spiderman? Nope!

46. Final Fantasy? Nope!  

49. Silent Hill 2.

A remake for VR is all I want. Maybe then I can finish the game as I never got past pyramid head underground for lack of visibility. I couldn't see what was going on at the time. What a great game though, best atmosphere and it took until VR before a game could give me the creeps again like Silent Hill 2 did in 2001.

Farsala said:

And so starts my top 50 JRPG list. HINT: all are JRPGs :)

50. This action JRPG was first on the PsP, and adapted to modern consoles much later.

49. This JRPG was actually made possible by sony first party during the Ps2 era.

48. This is the 7th and latest entry in the main tactical JRPG series to release in 2023.

47. In the most famous JRPG series, this is the sequel to the first set of entries.

46. This was a Ps1 game that released at nearly 2.5 years after the Ps2.

47. Don't know what the correct numbering is. Final fantasy III or VI, first FF game released on snes?

One game remains, so here's a second hint.


  • You're an agent of the church, summoned to a place called Phantasma
  • Third and final game in this subseries within the larger franchise, and foreshadows many events that would unfold in later games in the series. 

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Pajderman said:
Farsala said:

And so starts my top 50 JRPG list. HINT: all are JRPGs :)

50. This action JRPG was first on the PsP, and adapted to modern consoles much later.

49. This JRPG was actually made possible by sony first party during the Ps2 era.

48. This is the 7th and latest entry in the main tactical JRPG series to release in 2023.

47. In the most famous JRPG series, this is the sequel to the first set of entries.

46. This was a Ps1 game that released at nearly 2.5 years after the Ps2.

47. Don't know what the correct numbering is. Final fantasy III or VI, first FF game released on snes?

No, FF is maybe the 2nd most famous JRPG series.

Pajderman said:

Will try to participate in the guessing and discussion a bit more this year.
If anyone want to guess the games on my top 50 list here are the first few games.

#50 Main guy is named Trent, that will probably narrow it down. If not, eat some hot dogs or bananas while I try to come up with another clue.

#49 Released after one of the most popular racing series first title but on a system one generation behind. This third installment also featured weapons to make life miserable for the other racers.

#48 Armed with a camera it is once again time to find strange beings.

#47 One of several iterations based on a comic with the same name this titles life mission seems to be for you to regret your choices.

#46 Developed under difficult conditions this lucky accident of a game topped the bottom of its time.

47) The Walking Dead? (the first I suppose)

Farsala said:

And so starts my top 50 JRPG list. HINT: all are JRPGs :)

50. This action JRPG was first on the PsP, and adapted to modern consoles much later.

49. This JRPG was actually made possible by sony first party during the Ps2 era.

48. This is the 7th and latest entry in the main tactical JRPG series to release in 2023.

47. In the most famous JRPG series, this is the sequel to the first set of entries.

46. This was a Ps1 game that released at nearly 2.5 years after the Ps2.

50) Crisis Core?

48) Disgaea 7?

47) Pokémon Gold and Silver?

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

Finally added my 50-48 spots.

#50 Arkham Asylum
#49 Lego City Undercover (NS version)
#48 Echo Generation

Anyone got a bingo? lol

*Edit - Had to fix mine because I accidentally had two Guild Wars 1 expansions on the list, so had to consolidate them.

#47 made me, and a bunch of other JRPG fans, visibly cry in 2023. Any guesses?

Last edited by Dulfite - on 13 November 2023

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Pajderman said:

Will try to participate in the guessing and discussion a bit more this year.
If anyone want to guess the games on my top 50 list here are the first few games.

#50 Main guy is named Trent, that will probably narrow it down. If not, eat some hot dogs or bananas while I try to come up with another clue.

#49 Released after one of the most popular racing series first title but on a system one generation behind. This third installment also featured weapons to make life miserable for the other racers.

#48 Armed with a camera it is once again time to find strange beings.

#47 One of several iterations based on a comic with the same name this titles life mission seems to be for you to regret your choices.

#46 Developed under difficult conditions this lucky accident of a game topped the bottom of its time.

47) The Walking Dead? (the first I suppose)


Farsala said:
Pajderman said:

47. Don't know what the correct numbering is. Final fantasy III or VI, first FF game released on snes?

No, FF is maybe the 2nd most famous JRPG series.

Ah, is it Pokémon Gold/Silver?

For some reason never view them as JRPGs.