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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - because Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system or trophies like Sony and Microsoft. and how much this is missed by its users

I personally think it’s useless BS. Pardon me for my bluntness.

I don’t care if they were on Nintendo, but I’d say they can spend their time in a much better way that coming up with a list of trivial ‘accomplishments’ that aren’t actually meaningful, give you exactly nothing or are actually an accomplishment in the first place. Also, judging by the completion percentages on every game I own, on PS3 and PS4 anyway, the vast majority of people doesn’t care either because those percentages are extremely low across the board, especially for those achievements that require you to go out of your way to get them. In fact if those percentages are to be believed a lot of people don’t even finish their games but that’s another thing.

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One thing I have to call out that I've heard some people say, which I think is really stupid, is when people outright refuse to play a game at all and will dismiss it because it doesn't have achievements, like they see it as the absolute end all be all of gaming, without a care about how fantastic the game is. People like that I cannot take seriously and should rethink their priorities.

Next : Why Nintendo doesn't have DRM?

This topic has been discussed in the past (perhaps even deleted when the last hack happened), but new user so defiantly a good question to ask again.

Personally I don't care for them and don't look what I have achieved. My life is way too busy (i.e. work to pay the bills lol) to care about bragging rights against other gamers.

However, I think having options isn't a bad thing so not against Nintendo implementing them for those who enjoy them.



I wish Nintendo had a system like that.

One of the reasons why I dont buy third party titles on Switch as much is because I rather buy them on for PS5 and Xbox - achievements is just another reason for me to get them on the other systems.

You dont have to like it or care about it - just like I didnt care about Miiverse or having non-gaming apps on game systems but its still a good thing to have because there will always be people who want these.

I dont 100% games but I still like seeing the number of achievements/trophies I have.

Last edited by BasilZero - on 05 November 2023

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I wish Nintendo had such a system. I think it should be standard in modern gaming.

The lack of such a system is why I hardly ever play multiplats on Nintendo platforms if I can help it.

The experience just feels emptier and even archaic without them.

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I'm gonna say it blunt since it's a personal opinion. I think the whole system of trophies/achievements back when it was first brought up, might have been genuinely interesting but in the end, I just consider it like an artificial way to pad your playtime length, simple as that. They don't reward you with anything that matters in-game therefore, it is meaningless to the game experience.

In-game achievements however have the potential to actually give you incentives to make you seek them. Not in all cases mind you, but I much prefer in-game achievements when done right than any other alternatives.

So no, it does bother me in the least that Nintendo hasn't tried to bring an achievement/trophy system for it's games.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Moribond said:

Next : Why Nintendo doesn't have DRM?

I'm sure there is sarcasm in this response, but Nintendo very much has DRM.

If your Wii U is bricked, there has almost never been a way to recover games with your Nintendo Network account on another Wii U. That's quite severe DRM.

Nintendo has been encouraging digital purchases big time during Switch's life, and digital games in general use DRM.

I don't see the link between an achievements system and DRM. 

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Kneetos said:

Personally, I don't think Nintendo games need them

When I 100% a game I do it because the content is fun and interesting, and Nintendo more often then not, make games that makes me want to complete them.

Trophies amd achievements to me always felt like the developers are trying to make me do the content by locking a reward behind it
I remember when games had a reward for "ding: watching the credits"

Bingo ! It's like the main Mario platformers which have the ultimate "Champions Road" level locked behind completing most/every levels to their fullest. Reward for doing so ? 

You get  to unlock another and the most difficult level of the game !

Imagine instead of the Champion Road level, you only got a notification popping off to tell you how proud they are of you for completing their game ?

It simply doesn't hit the same.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

I don't see a need for this. Maybe its because I don't have xbox or playstation so I haven't experienced the trophy/achievement system but I feel no need to have it. Any game can have its own in-game system of rewards. I don't see why I would care about getting external ego points for playing through a game. Playing through the game and beating the game is the reward.

I don't mind if Nintendo were to implement this type of thing, but I see no reason they need to do it.