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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Microsoft to become largest 3rd party publisher.

the-pi-guy said:
only777 said:

Microsoft has ruined Xbox, the business decision to push Game Pass above all else is a disaster that is playing out in front of us all.

MS seems to be pulling away from Gamepass being it's primary business.

I don't think it's that serious though. I don't think gamepass is fundamentally broken. They're still selling games outside of gamepass. 

only777 said:

Starfield not pushing the needle in hardware sales and Gamepass simply doesn't generate the revenue to fund the running and development costs of the Many, many Microsoft Game studios.  I did layout the maths in the video I created, but I'm not linking it again as I don't want to be branded as self promoting.

We saw in the FTC leak the costs of bringing 3rd party games to the service.  We know that games like COD are costing around a billion dollars to get out the door now.  So with all the costs of development and maintenance outweighing what the service is actually bring in, at some point something has to give.

Well it helps that there are only like 3 games like CoD. The vast majority of the industry isn't making CoD. 

"Games like CoD" doesn't really mean much. 

only777 said:

Xbox sales are slowing down, Game Pass is not bringing in new users to the Xbox Console eco system, Starfield actually saw two thirds of its sales from PC users.  So what's actually happening here?  Xbox players are migrating to either PC or leaving the system altogether and going to PlayStation.

This doesn't really mean that much. I would argue that Starfield was always going to be biggest on PC.

only777 said:

In a world where the primary Game Pass platform is PC, Microsoft has a problem.  PC gaming is too entrenched in Steam for Microsoft to realistically find more than 50 million users, and with Xbox console sales stalling Microsoft has to do something.

Microsoft has options: Valve has offered to put Gamepass on Steam

A lot of your post really comes off like not even napkin math. 

Microsoft doesn't need to sell 100 million consoles to think it's worth being in the industry. 

Maybe you're right that MS would look at the numbers and decide that being Activision + Bethesda + Xbox being a massive third party selling high margin games and selling gamepass on PlayStation/Nintendo consoles + PC + mobile or something would be worth it. But that decision wouldn't be based on Starfield or Xbox or Gamepass not hitting some arbitrary number. It will be based on an evaluation where they might come to a conclusion that putting these huge games like Starfield and maybe even putting a cut down version of gamepass on PlayStation is worth losing out on licensing fees they get from third parties on their console.

maybe by "games like call of duty" he means games where recycled content is pushed out the door every year that has all the innovation of reheated leftovers. maybe he means games like that

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only777 said:

They said it was 10%-15% did they?  Well that's funny because that's not what the court said in the Epic VS Apple court case.  In fact it was the very oppisit:


No offense, but are you just trolling? I mean, I know your videos are trash tier trolling, whether intentional or not, but is this also just trolling? Your posts are laughable. Again, no offense. Take this reply here, for example. You're trying to hard to tell us that GamePass isn't profitable but then you supply a link that says not only is GamePass profitable, it's the only thing making profits for MS. Which is it?

But then if you actually read the link, you see it's just speculation and nonsense based on the fact that hardware is sold at a loss. Your link essentially says MS wants GamePass to succeed because it makes them more money and more money is good. What a revelation.

only777 said:

If you dispute my maths, then show your workings out.  Because it's you that's using the "Trust me bro" line to attempt to dispute it.

No, I am going based off numerous comments by people who actually work for MS and know the numbers.

only777 said:

And you fell for the oldest PR trick in the book.  Let me guess, you saw "news" stories like THIS and took it at face value and didn't apply any critical thinking.  Phil says Game Pass is profitable for them, but doesn't actually mention a time frame.

So was it profitable that day?  That month?  That year?  Anything is profitable if so have a narrow enough time frame.  And has I showed in my video, how much that Microsoft has spent on getting Game Pass to where it is right now, will take them at least 12 years to make.  So in what world is that a profit?

You can sit here and say "but Microsoft had that cash on hand so it's not an expense".  That's not how business works.  they had $7.6 Billion on hand for the Nokia deal to make Windows phone a thing.  But when Windows phone didn't take off that soon went south.  Or was that not a loss either?

More "trust me bro!" nonsense and kindergarten level math.

only777 said:

Yes, GamePass will not overtake Steam as the primary way PC gamers play Microsoft Studio games.  Obviously GamePass is not going away from PC, but it's not going to see enough user growth on the PC platform for them to be able stop putting their games on Steam as well.

They don't want to stop putting games on Steam. Just like they have GamePass on console but still release all of their games at retail and/or digital and Steam. This actually ties into that stupid link you posted above, but you're too biased to see it. Letting your emotions cloud your logic.

only777 said:

Also yes, GamePass will only live on PC by 2027 when I believe Microsoft will retire from the console space.

That's great, man. You're obviously very emotionally invested in the collapse of Xbox, so go ahead and dream big. We all know what you believe, and we don't begrudge your rights to believe in really silly things. I mean hey, some people think the world is flat and that 5G turns you gay, who are we to judge.

Good luck becoming the edgelord of GameFAQS.

only777 said:
Pemalite said:

Just tagging myself in this thread to see how the discussion evolves. If.

Also I locked your thread because clearly you have a bias against Microsoft, you weren't providing an impartial, empirical analysis of the market or Microsoft in general... Your signature, opening statements in the video is all the evidence I need for that.

I still believe locking that thread was the correct choice.

I make no bones in the fact that I dislike Microsoft.  I think they are an awful company, with awful policies, that make awful business choices.  All of which I laid out in my video

I also believe that those same awful choices and policies will be their downfall for the reasons that I laid out.

Most people are bias towards something, you yourself have "PC Master Race" in your signature!  Like I said, I have the upmost respect for Nintendo, Sony, Steam and even Epic games Store (which I use a fair bit now).

I don't even dislike Xbox and have enjoyed many Xbox games over the years as I separate Xbox the machine from Microsoft the management.  it's the Microsoft part I dislike, and I don't see why I should hide that because that would be dishonest.

I'll be honest, I don't actually care who you like or dislike.
I don't even care who fornicates over what brand or wishes another wouldn't exist... It changes nothing, it's pointless showboating.

However there is a degree of expectation of professionalism... And you failed. "Sock full of jizz" and just being downright toxic consistently about a brand? Common mate. You are a creative individual, you can do better and be better.
If you don't dislike Xbox, then you are either lying to me right now... Or lying to the entire community that you are trying to sell yourself to with sensationalist rhetoric.

And yes. I have "PC Master Race" in my signature. - But I am not using that quip to attack and demonize another platform or brand... And I actually enjoy all the consoles and their each individual quirks, strengths and weaknesses.

I stand by locking that thread. (Not that it was my sole decision anyway. But that is irrelevant.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

However there is a degree of expectation of professionalism... And you failed. "Sock full of jizz" and just being downright toxic consistently about a brand? Common mate. You are a creative individual, you can do better and be better.

Personally I call it fire-brand sensationalism for entertainment.  Much in the same way Jeremy Clarkson would use over the top language in car reviews on purpose to provoke disccussion.

Yes, some will be offended but squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.

Pemalite said:

If you don't dislike Xbox, then you are either lying to me right now... Or lying to the entire community that you are trying to sell yourself to with sensationalist rhetoric.

Why would anyone dislike a box with electronic components in?  That's madness!

Why would I hate Xbox games?  Forza is fantasic.  The PGR series was my jam back in the day.  I used to have a great time on Halo 2/3, and there are many other great games on various Xbox platforms.

But (and here's the point), Xbox games & consoles are NOT Microsoft management and policy making.  Just because Forza is great, doesn't mean Microsoft milking 18 month tempory staff contracts is okay.

Just because I enjoyed Jet Set Radio Future doesn't mean I think Microsoft make good decsions about the future of the gaming arm.

The two are different things altogether.

Last edited by only777 - on 25 October 2023

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

only777 said:

I wasn't happy that Pemalite was rather mean to my video post and made some untrue assumptions about my post intentions, so to please him, here's where I was going to take that locked thread, but now in text only form.

Microsoft has ruined Xbox, the business decision to push Game Pass above all else is a disaster that is playing out in front of us all.

Starfield not pushing the needle in hardware sales and Gamepass simply doesn't generate the revenue to fund the running and development costs of the Many, many Microsoft Game studios.  I did layout the maths in the video I created, but I'm not linking it again as I don't want to be branded as self promoting.

We saw in the FTC leak the costs of bringing 3rd party games to the service.  We know that games like COD are costing around a billion dollars to get out the door now.  So with all the costs of development and maintenance outweighing what the service is actually bring in, at some point something has to give.

Xbox sales are slowing down, Game Pass is not bringing in new users to the Xbox Console eco system, Starfield actually saw two thirds of its sales from PC users.  So what's actually happening here?  Xbox players are migrating to either PC or leaving the system altogether and going to PlayStation.

In a world where the primary Game Pass platform is PC, Microsoft has a problem.  PC gaming is too entrenched in Steam for Microsoft to realistically find more than 50 million users, and with Xbox console sales stalling Microsoft has to do something.

That something is to become the biggest 3rd party in the industry.  I think Game Pass will continue on as Microsoft's PC subscription service, although all Microsoft studio's titles will see releases on Steam, PlayStation and Nintendo. 

I also think we are looking at the last Xbox generation in the Series X|S consoles.  With Game Pass failing to push Microsoft out of 3rd place, they will refocus their efforts into becoming the biggest powerhouse 3rd party publisher in the industry because this makes the most business sense.

I believe the timeline will look something like this:

  • 2024: Starfield is announced for PlayStation 5
  • 2026: Xbox Game Pass is re-branded to Microsoft Game Pass
  • 2027: Microsoft announce that there will be no new Xbox consoles

Shhh, you're upsetting the fanboys who need Playstation to be blocked out to get a win.

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only777 said:

they will refocus their efforts into becoming the biggest powerhouse 3rd party publisher in the industry because this makes the most business sense.

I believe the timeline will look something like this:

  • 2024: Starfield is announced for PlayStation 5
  • 2026: Xbox Game Pass is re-branded to Microsoft Game Pass
  • 2027: Microsoft announce that there will be no new Xbox consoles

I'll be back in a few months to say I told you so!

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

News today suggesting Nadella has stated they are going third party.

Random_Matt said:

News today suggesting Nadella has stated they are going third party.

What news?

One of many websites:

- Another snippet.

SOT is already coming to Switch and PS5, I predict the flood gates will open.

After acquiring basically one of the biggest publishers in the matket and a very sizable publisher MS should hope to be the biggest publisher.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar