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only777 said:
Pemalite said:

Just tagging myself in this thread to see how the discussion evolves. If.

Also I locked your thread because clearly you have a bias against Microsoft, you weren't providing an impartial, empirical analysis of the market or Microsoft in general... Your signature, opening statements in the video is all the evidence I need for that.

I still believe locking that thread was the correct choice.

I make no bones in the fact that I dislike Microsoft.  I think they are an awful company, with awful policies, that make awful business choices.  All of which I laid out in my video

I also believe that those same awful choices and policies will be their downfall for the reasons that I laid out.

Most people are bias towards something, you yourself have "PC Master Race" in your signature!  Like I said, I have the upmost respect for Nintendo, Sony, Steam and even Epic games Store (which I use a fair bit now).

I don't even dislike Xbox and have enjoyed many Xbox games over the years as I separate Xbox the machine from Microsoft the management.  it's the Microsoft part I dislike, and I don't see why I should hide that because that would be dishonest.

I'll be honest, I don't actually care who you like or dislike.
I don't even care who fornicates over what brand or wishes another wouldn't exist... It changes nothing, it's pointless showboating.

However there is a degree of expectation of professionalism... And you failed. "Sock full of jizz" and just being downright toxic consistently about a brand? Common mate. You are a creative individual, you can do better and be better.
If you don't dislike Xbox, then you are either lying to me right now... Or lying to the entire community that you are trying to sell yourself to with sensationalist rhetoric.

And yes. I have "PC Master Race" in my signature. - But I am not using that quip to attack and demonize another platform or brand... And I actually enjoy all the consoles and their each individual quirks, strengths and weaknesses.

I stand by locking that thread. (Not that it was my sole decision anyway. But that is irrelevant.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--