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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

That's a good point but that was the guy  discrediting dual analogs because nintendo came out with the first analogs when it was the way the implemented that made it innovative just like PlayStation 2 that standardized the use of the second analog stick to control a game’s camera, as well as making use of the analog as the L3 and R3 buttons. That has since become a common control method in the modern era of gaming, with L3 typically being the sprint button and R3 being used to recenter the camera, that's arguably more innovative then the N64 Analog. The dual sense is alos super innovative as well.  

I personally would disagree; click sticks/R3/L3 is effectively adding two more buttons, much like the introduction of shoulder buttons on the SNES. It's a nice addition, but the way analog transformed game control in 3D space was on another level, I mean imagine trying to play a modern 3D game like TOTK, Elden Ring, etc with a D-Pad instead of a left stick.

Dual analogs took it to a whole new level i can't imagine playing a modern 3d game with 1 analog. its a nice of step up compared to the D pad, but dual analogs changed everything.

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zeldaring said:
zero129 said:

Yeah thanks for proving what i said. Fuck me using USB such a winner .

Actually Sony had the first analog in their flight stick controller. ... then some other company and THEN Nintendo. ..

1. Analog Stick - Twin Analog Stick

2. Rumble inside the controller

3. DVD Gaming

4. Black Disc Information Tech

5. Superior Audio chips (even SNES had them)

6. Cheap bihigh quality Memory Cards

7. Multitap

8. Motion gaming in the living room (PS Eye on PS2)

9. Vita rear pad (used for pushing items into foreground, using in conjunction with the front screen for pinching, putting ur finger inside the game, more)

10. Playstation Move camera tracking motion

11. Console attachable Mini Screens

12. Internet based portable gaming

13. Disjointed multi-directional Dpad

14. True 3D gaming console (Ps1)

15. Blu-ray based gaming

16. Console stands for placing horizontal or vertical

17 console HDD on PS2

18. True console VR

19. Dual sense.

SEGA Mega Drive had the first dual analog stick controller with handles and shoulder buttons. The XE 1AP in 1989. The first analog stick is the Vectrex in 1982.

Nuon was in the works before PS2 for DVD

SEGA Activator predates Move and Eye Toy. Dreameye predates Eyetoy tho Dreameye is just a camera with email and video sharing not motion based.

Game.Com 1997 can connect online for portables. It was a big selling point.

Multitap was on Turbografx16/PC Engine

Sony's Dpad is shit and always has been

Xbox had the HDD before PS2 and HDD was planned for Dreamcast so Sony was not the first to plan for it.

There are console stands in the 90s

Rest you mentioned is just bs trying to make a list bigger but is really nonsense. Like the Vita touchback? It's just more touch. Like saying Sony invented second shoulder buttons...tho again XE1AP can also claim that as well.

Last edited by Leynos - on 29 September 2023

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
zeldaring said:

Actually Sony had the first analog in their flight stick controller. ... then some other company and THEN Nintendo. ..

1. Analog Stick - Twin Analog Stick

2. Rumble inside the controller

3. DVD Gaming

4. Black Disc Information Tech

5. Superior Audio chips (even SNES had them)

6. Cheap bihigh quality Memory Cards

7. Multitap

8. Motion gaming in the living room (PS Eye on PS2)

9. Vita rear pad (used for pushing items into foreground, using in conjunction with the front screen for pinching, putting ur finger inside the game, more)

10. Playstation Move camera tracking motion

11. Console attachable Mini Screens

12. Internet based portable gaming

13. Disjointed multi-directional Dpad

14. True 3D gaming console (Ps1)

15. Blu-ray based gaming

16. Console stands for placing horizontal or vertical

17 console HDD on PS2

18. True console VR

19. Dual sense.

SEGA Mega Drive had the first dual analog stick controller with handles and shoulder buttons. The XE 1AP in 1989. The first analog stick is the Vectrex in 1982.

Nuon was in the works before PS2 for DVD

SEGA Activator predates Move and Eye Toy. Dreameye predates Eyetoy tho Dreameye is just a camera with email and video sharing not motion based.

Game.Com 1997 can connect online for portables. It was a big selling point.

Multitap was on Turbografx16/PC Engine

Sony's Dpad is shit and always has been

Xbox had the HDD before PS2 and HDD was planned for Dreamcast so Sony was not the first to plan for it.

There are console stands in the 90s

Rest you mentioned is just bs trying to make a list bigger but is really nonsense. Like the Vita touchback? It's just more touch. Like saying Sony invented second shoulder buttons...tho again XE1AP can also claim that as well.

Being innovative is  just  not being the first to create the technology it's about how it's implemented. i'm sure you can  discredit almost every game or features with that logic.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I personally would disagree; click sticks/R3/L3 is effectively adding two more buttons, much like the introduction of shoulder buttons on the SNES. It's a nice addition, but the way analog transformed game control in 3D space was on another level, I mean imagine trying to play a modern 3D game like TOTK, Elden Ring, etc with a D-Pad instead of a left stick.

Dual analogs took it to a whole new level i can't imagine playing a modern 3d game with 1 analog. its a nice of step up compared to the D pad, but dual analogs changed everything.

Single analog was the breakthrough that enabled dual analog though; establishing the feature itself laid the groundwork, and that came from Nintendo.

Dual analog sticks is literally the last game-changing invention and Sony takes credit for it. The N64 controller didn't "invent" the analog stick, it standardized it.

The PS controller "standardized" grip handles, 4 buttons + 4 shoulder button layout.
N64 standardized analog.
Sony's Dual Analog controller invented dual analog sticks and clickable analog sticks (2 additional button). Dualshock 2 standardized them.

Every console hardware invention since Dual Analog proved either a gimmick or a fad or a minor enhancement. The exceptions are expensive accessories. Most so called "inventions" aren't really invented by who you think the inventor is. Microsoft didn't invent the hard drive lol. Sony co-deveoped the CD... but it's just a storage system anyway. If Sony didn't develop it, someone else would have. This goes for the vast majority of products and inventions.

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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Dual analogs took it to a whole new level i can't imagine playing a modern 3d game with 1 analog. its a nice of step up compared to the D pad, but dual analogs changed everything.

Single analog was the breakthrough that enabled dual analog though; establishing the feature itself laid the groundwork, and that came from Nintendo.

They are both similar because analog sticks existed way before N64. Of course nintendo came and put in  major console but sony's implementation still working till this day with the dual analogs. They both deserve huge praise. first time i saw the N64 i was like WTF and also the same for dual analogs lol.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

Single analog was the breakthrough that enabled dual analog though; establishing the feature itself laid the groundwork, and that came from Nintendo.

They are both similar because analog sticks existed way before N64. Of course nintendo came and put in  major console but sony's implementation still working till this day with the dual analogs.   

I never said they invented it, technically it dates back all the way to the 2nd generation, but it just didn't take root until the N64 showed how big of a revolution it could be; dual analog then took the next evolutionary step. I'd simply say that establishing a technology is a bigger step than iterating on it.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

They are both similar because analog sticks existed way before N64. Of course nintendo came and put in  major console but sony's implementation still working till this day with the dual analogs.   

I never said they invented it, technically it dates back all the way to the 2nd generation, but it just didn't take root until the N64 showed how big of a revolution it could be; dual analog then took the next evolutionary step. I'd simply say that establishing a technology is a bigger step than iterating on it.

I can see where you are coming from. To me dual analogs were just as revolutionary and   are a bigger game changer, and still the way we play today. 

Kyuu said:

Dual analog sticks is literally the last game-changing invention and Sony takes credit for it. The N64 controller didn't "invent" the analog stick, it standardized it.

The PS controller "standardized" grip handles, 4 buttons + 4 shoulder button layout.
N64 standardized analog.
Sony's Dual Analog controller invented dual analog sticks and clickable analog sticks (2 additional button). Dualshock 2 standardized them.

Every console hardware invention since Dual Analog proved either a gimmick or a fad or a minor enhancement. The exceptions are expensive accessories. Most so called "inventions" aren't really invented by who you think the inventor is. Microsoft didn't invent the hard drive lol. Sony co-deveoped the CD... but it's just a storage system anyway. If Sony didn't develop it, someone else would have. This goes for the vast majority of products and inventions.

Sony didn't invent dual analog sticks. the XE1AP controller in 1989 for SEGA Mega Drive did.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Kyuu said:

Dual analog sticks is literally the last game-changing invention and Sony takes credit for it. The N64 controller didn't "invent" the analog stick, it standardized it.

The PS controller "standardized" grip handles, 4 buttons + 4 shoulder button layout.
N64 standardized analog.
Sony's Dual Analog controller invented dual analog sticks and clickable analog sticks (2 additional button). Dualshock 2 standardized them.

Every console hardware invention since Dual Analog proved either a gimmick or a fad or a minor enhancement. The exceptions are expensive accessories. Most so called "inventions" aren't really invented by who you think the inventor is. Microsoft didn't invent the hard drive lol. Sony co-deveoped the CD... but it's just a storage system anyway. If Sony didn't develop it, someone else would have. This goes for the vast majority of products and inventions.

Sony didn't invent dual analog sticks. the XE1AP controller in 1989 for SEGA Mega Drive did.

This is the controller that both Nintendo and Sony took ideas from (probably), but it didn't have a second analog stick. It had an analog "slider" that functioned differently.