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Dual analog sticks is literally the last game-changing invention and Sony takes credit for it. The N64 controller didn't "invent" the analog stick, it standardized it.

The PS controller "standardized" grip handles, 4 buttons + 4 shoulder button layout.
N64 standardized analog.
Sony's Dual Analog controller invented dual analog sticks and clickable analog sticks (2 additional button). Dualshock 2 standardized them.

Every console hardware invention since Dual Analog proved either a gimmick or a fad or a minor enhancement. The exceptions are expensive accessories. Most so called "inventions" aren't really invented by who you think the inventor is. Microsoft didn't invent the hard drive lol. Sony co-deveoped the CD... but it's just a storage system anyway. If Sony didn't develop it, someone else would have. This goes for the vast majority of products and inventions.