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Leynos said:
Kyuu said:

Dual analog sticks is literally the last game-changing invention and Sony takes credit for it. The N64 controller didn't "invent" the analog stick, it standardized it.

The PS controller "standardized" grip handles, 4 buttons + 4 shoulder button layout.
N64 standardized analog.
Sony's Dual Analog controller invented dual analog sticks and clickable analog sticks (2 additional button). Dualshock 2 standardized them.

Every console hardware invention since Dual Analog proved either a gimmick or a fad or a minor enhancement. The exceptions are expensive accessories. Most so called "inventions" aren't really invented by who you think the inventor is. Microsoft didn't invent the hard drive lol. Sony co-deveoped the CD... but it's just a storage system anyway. If Sony didn't develop it, someone else would have. This goes for the vast majority of products and inventions.

Sony didn't invent dual analog sticks. the XE1AP controller in 1989 for SEGA Mega Drive did.

This is the controller that both Nintendo and Sony took ideas from (probably), but it didn't have a second analog stick. It had an analog "slider" that functioned differently.