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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Runoff!! 1987, Game of the Year


1987, Game of the Year

Contra 6 16.22%
Maniac Mansion 3 8.11%
Final Fantasy 5 13.51%
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! 4 10.81%
SMB2/Doli Doki Panic 5 13.51%
Mega Man 4 10.81%
Phantasy Star 7 18.92%
Sid Meier's Pirates 3 8.11%
Ys I 0 0%

really a tight race for the second spot

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Shadow1980 said:

I keep getting thrown off by these lists of nominees because they go by original release date, and these games were released in a time where the North American release was often a year or more after the Japanese release. Like, we didn't even get Final Fantasy until 1990. Doki Doki Panic was a 1987 release in Japan, but SMB2 wasn't released in NA until 1988.

Anyway, my pick is obviously Mega Man, with Mike Tyson's Punch-Out being a very, very close second.

I know what you mean, because I live in the US and I experienced a lot of these games in later years.  However, there are people in this forum from all over the world, and each region often had different release dates from North America.  I think original release dates is the most reasonable and consistent way to do it.

Dreamcaster999 said:

I looked at the options and voted for FF but was then reminded of Phantasy Star when I looked the comments! So I formally change my vote to that (if I can XD)

Although, I do wonder about the integrity of this year's results... it seems a lot of people are saying Phantasy Star and Mega Man in the comments, so either one of those may well have one if they were included as named options rather than just being caught under "other"

Just going by the poll results so far, there is a very good chance I'll end up doing a run-off vote for this year.  The "Other" category needs be be at least #2 with the leading game getting under 50% of the vote.  If I do a runoff then I'll include some of the games people are mentioning in the comments in the runoff.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
SvennoJ said:

Stunts didn't come out until 1990 though. It was great, I made so many crazy tracks for that game.

I didn't discover Maniac Mansion until after I played Day of the Tentacle. The original still held up perfectly fine.

I got my 80286 (with a VGA GPU, 40MB HDD, 2MB memory, 5.25 and 3.5 inches floppy drives, Soundblaster soundcard and Joystickport, all from a PC they exchanged with the new 486 in the bank my dad worked. Still wonder what they were doing with that Joystick port in a bank, though...) in 1989, so Stunts was just around the corner. I got Test drive first, but it was testing my nerves and driving me crazy more than anything at the time.

I was spoiled as a kid since my dad worked for Philips' software division in the 80s. We had a 8086 PC at home which he had bought himself, and next to it the latest PC model from work to work at home. Thus we also had the latest modem. Remote work in the 80s (well off hours, next to regular work hours at the office) It never came with a joystick port though haha.

So I played on 8086, 80286, 386dx, 486, 486dx2-66 before buying my own PC. (I started with a Pentium 90)
And he also got lots of games from work, well not from work, from co-workers. And I downloaded more from BBS.

I first played Test Drive on the 8086, CGA although the monitor could only display black, green and bright green. My dad had some jumpers on the cable so you could choose which 2 'colors' were merged together. It ran like crap, but I loved it. That sound though...

Imagine that noise through the PC speaker (no sound card)

SvennoJ said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

I got my 80286 (with a VGA GPU, 40MB HDD, 2MB memory, 5.25 and 3.5 inches floppy drives, Soundblaster soundcard and Joystickport, all from a PC they exchanged with the new 486 in the bank my dad worked. Still wonder what they were doing with that Joystick port in a bank, though...) in 1989, so Stunts was just around the corner. I got Test drive first, but it was testing my nerves and driving me crazy more than anything at the time.

I was spoiled as a kid since my dad worked for Philips' software division in the 80s. We had a 8086 PC at home which he had bought himself, and next to it the latest PC model from work to work at home. Thus we also had the latest modem. Remote work in the 80s (well off hours, next to regular work hours at the office) It never came with a joystick port though haha.

So I played on 8086, 80286, 386dx, 486, 486dx2-66 before buying my own PC. (I started with a Pentium 90)
And he also got lots of games from work, well not from work, from co-workers. And I downloaded more from BBS.

I first played Test Drive on the 8086, CGA although the monitor could only display black, green and bright green. My dad had some jumpers on the cable so you could choose which 2 'colors' were merged together. It ran like crap, but I loved it. That sound though...

Imagine that noise through the PC speaker (no sound card)

I wasn't savyy enough at the time to configure the soundcard for every game (and didn't speak english yet, so I didn't always understand what to do), so quite a few games also just ran on the PC speaker.

Actually, I think I prefer Stunts on PC speaker than on Soundblaster...

Ive decided to vote for Final Fantasy.

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Super Mario Bros 2 - even though it wasnt the Lost Levels one - this one gets my vote as it is the most memorable of the ones in the list.

Played it a over a dozen times - across the NES, SNES, and GBA. Will be playing it on NSO again in the future.

I did play Zelda 2 and Final Fantasy I but dropped them on both for the NES years ago.

I did finish FF1 on GBA, PSP, and Switch and I'll try Zelda 2 again on NSO in the future since I finished the original Zelda few months ago.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

I wasn't savyy enough at the time to configure the soundcard for every game (and didn't speak english yet, so I didn't always understand what to do), so quite a few games also just ran on the PC speaker.

Actually, I think I prefer Stunts on PC speaker than on Soundblaster...

I later got mod player for dos, making real music through those crappy pc speakers

Then a firend got a schematic from another friend to make a D/A converter for the printer port and I could play it on a sound system.

Later again I got this visual player. The memories, it was my main form of listening to music, downloading mods from BBS

I still remember the firs mod I played, Deep Purple - Smoke on the water. It was unthinkable that the pc speaker could produce that after years of horrible bleeps and static.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

Dreamcaster999 said:

I looked at the options and voted for FF but was then reminded of Phantasy Star when I looked the comments! So I formally change my vote to that (if I can XD)

Although, I do wonder about the integrity of this year's results... it seems a lot of people are saying Phantasy Star and Mega Man in the comments, so either one of those may well have one if they were included as named options rather than just being caught under "other"

Just going by the poll results so far, there is a very good chance I'll end up doing a run-off vote for this year.  The "Other" category needs be be at least #2 with the leading game getting under 50% of the vote.  If I do a runoff then I'll include some of the games people are mentioning in the comments in the runoff.

Let the record show that, in such a run-off, my vote would go to Phantasy Star.

Machina said:

Really enjoyed Double Dragon as a kid, so it gets my vote. Unfortunately I never played any of the others.

Not even Super Mario Bros. 2? That surprises me. I thought just about everyone had played that game at some point in their lives.

I have to go with Final Fantasy played it all the way through a couple of times. If I actually played Dragon Quest 2 of Phantasy Star all the way through, I might rank one of them ahead of Final Fantasy but have not finished either one all the way through.