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Shadow1980 said:

I keep getting thrown off by these lists of nominees because they go by original release date, and these games were released in a time where the North American release was often a year or more after the Japanese release. Like, we didn't even get Final Fantasy until 1990. Doki Doki Panic was a 1987 release in Japan, but SMB2 wasn't released in NA until 1988.

Anyway, my pick is obviously Mega Man, with Mike Tyson's Punch-Out being a very, very close second.

I know what you mean, because I live in the US and I experienced a lot of these games in later years.  However, there are people in this forum from all over the world, and each region often had different release dates from North America.  I think original release dates is the most reasonable and consistent way to do it.

Dreamcaster999 said:

I looked at the options and voted for FF but was then reminded of Phantasy Star when I looked the comments! So I formally change my vote to that (if I can XD)

Although, I do wonder about the integrity of this year's results... it seems a lot of people are saying Phantasy Star and Mega Man in the comments, so either one of those may well have one if they were included as named options rather than just being caught under "other"

Just going by the poll results so far, there is a very good chance I'll end up doing a run-off vote for this year.  The "Other" category needs be be at least #2 with the leading game getting under 50% of the vote.  If I do a runoff then I'll include some of the games people are mentioning in the comments in the runoff.