Hiku said:
The fact that they are seemingly doing this retroactively for games already developed and published is mindboggling and infuriating.
I hear the Sea of Stars devs are worried about this. And that game was leaked to be in Playstation Plus next month. I was looking forward to downloading it, but now I'm not sure if I will because I feel bad about piling on to a debt that they never planned on taking on when they signed their contract. Game Developer Explains The Unity DISASTER - YouTube
See you can already see what effect this has on both you yourself as well as the dev. You have every right to be infuriated, because you shouldn't be put into a position of guilt for simply buying a game those devs worked on.
This is also why I want that CEO gone for good. he's been nothing but a blight on the industry, and he's clearly only ever been in it for money, much like Bobby.
I've seen discussion around places like youtube over time, and rarely is the question asked "why aren't gamers, or those who grow up as gamers, to make their own games, why aren't they running the show?". It's not a simple question to answer, but from what I've seen over the decades, it mostly stems from the old guard refusing to make way for the new, which is why we see close friendships between the old guard that allows someone like-minded to take their place.
But that will change over time though. The old bean counters will eventually be replaced with those who know games well, rather than simply those who know only how to squeeze you dry of your money (though this also paves the way for mobile devs to also grow and lead the charge, and the majority of those are all about just making money, and I've always seen mobile gaming as a form of threat to core gaming, due to it's practices that influenced what we're seeing in core gaming today).