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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - VGC: Switch 2 Was Shown At Gamescom Running Matrix Awakens UE5 Demo

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Except literally nobody said mobile couldn't run console games.  Nobody.  The question never was and never will be if mobile can run games.  The question is how well does it run.  

Witcher 3 looks like complete shit on the switch compared to the ps4.

How is halo infinite on the deck?

The decks version is a clear cut back from the ps4 version FF.

So for the last fucking time, nobody said mobile can't run games.  We are all saying it can't run games with the same fidelity, which it can't. 

There is a reason nobody is agreeing with you on this.  Get a grip on reality.

Witcher 3 on Switch could look better than it does they made some weird choices with the default settings, but if it had DLSS it would perform even better than that. For a portable version that has no DLSS or image scaling and has to run at a resolution not that far below an XBox One, this result is not that bad. 

Halo Infinite is fine on the Steam Deck. Days of home consoles having some kind of exclusivity on big ticket AAA games are coming to an end. We already have portables that run all next-gen content reasonably well, and that's not going to get worse. These devices are only going to get better year after year and the Switch 2 sounds like it is going to be a full fledged, full generational leap over the current Switch when factoring in DLSS on top of that, that is like a generation and a half leap ahead potentially. 

Times are a changing. 

Lol.  Halo Infinite on the Deck is 1280 x 800, low graphical  settings and with all that massive downgrades the game doesn't even run locked at 30 fps, it often drops into the 20s...  

You really aren't worth it.  As many have said, run and running with high fidelity aren't equivalent.  

But hey, keeping thinking every single person on VG are clueless morons and only you know tech.  

My phone can play Mozart.  By your logic my phone is the same as Bower & Wilkin speakers because "it plays it!"


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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My god now we are talking a out what ifs. Dude it's a console that plays games.

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

Witcher 3 on Switch could look better than it does they made some weird choices with the default settings, but if it had DLSS it would perform even better than that. For a portable version that has no DLSS or image scaling and has to run at a resolution not that far below an XBox One, this result is not that bad. 

Halo Infinite is fine on the Steam Deck. Days of home consoles having some kind of exclusivity on big ticket AAA games are coming to an end. We already have portables that run all next-gen content reasonably well, and that's not going to get worse. These devices are only going to get better year after year and the Switch 2 sounds like it is going to be a full fledged, full generational leap over the current Switch when factoring in DLSS on top of that, that is like a generation and a half leap ahead potentially. 

Times are a changing. 

Lol.  Halo Infinite on the Deck is 1280 x 800, low graphical  settings and with all that massive downgrades the game doesn't even run locked at 30 fps, it often drops into the 20s...  

You really aren't worth it.  As many have said, run and running with high fidelity aren't equivalent.  

But hey, keeping thinking every single person on VG are clueless morons and only you know tech.  

It's playable, the way you make it sound like "low settings" are like it's an N64 game, when it's not. 

You were dead wrong on FF7 ... on Steam Deck it does look like basically the PS5 version just running on a portable display that obviously is not going to be 4K. 

You are going to eat crow on this over and over again when Steam Deck 2 comes, probably when Switch 2 comes out too if this CVG reporting is correct, and I believe it is. 

Being able to play the top end, most recent home console games on portable devices will become commonplace especially in the next 4-5 years and the nay sayers can't do a damn thing about it. 

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Lol.  Halo Infinite on the Deck is 1280 x 800, low graphical  settings and with all that massive downgrades the game doesn't even run locked at 30 fps, it often drops into the 20s...  

You really aren't worth it.  As many have said, run and running with high fidelity aren't equivalent.  

But hey, keeping thinking every single person on VG are clueless morons and only you know tech.  

It's playable, the way you make it sound like "low settings" are like it's an N64 game, when it's not. 

You were dead wrong on FF7 ... on Steam Deck it does look like basically the PS5 version just running on a portable display that obviously is not going to be 4K. 

You are going to eat crow on this over and over again when Steam Deck 2 comes, probably when Switch 2 comes out too if this CVG reporting is correct, and I believe it is. 

Being able to play the top end, most recent home console games on portable devices will become commonplace especially in the next 4-5 years and the nay sayers can't do a damn thing about it. 

"Final Fantasy VII Remake plays great on the Steam Deck, but it’s still clear you’re getting much less fidelity than you’d get on the PS4 (let alone the PS5)."

-Digital Trends

I'm washing my hands of you.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

It's playable, the way you make it sound like "low settings" are like it's an N64 game, when it's not. 

You were dead wrong on FF7 ... on Steam Deck it does look like basically the PS5 version just running on a portable display that obviously is not going to be 4K. 

You are going to eat crow on this over and over again when Steam Deck 2 comes, probably when Switch 2 comes out too if this CVG reporting is correct, and I believe it is. 

Being able to play the top end, most recent home console games on portable devices will become commonplace especially in the next 4-5 years and the nay sayers can't do a damn thing about it. 

"Final Fantasy VII Remake plays great on the Steam Deck, but it’s still clear you’re getting much less fidelity than you’d get on the PS4 (let alone the PS5)."

-Digital Trends

I'm washing my hands of you.  

lol they also say it runs great and they're able to hit even 60 fps in areas (you said this is impossible) and it's a terrific experience overall. And anyone who watches any video footage of this game can see clearly it does have lighting and fog effects that the PS5 version only has (something you also said was impossible). Is a 720p version versus something at 4K going to have less detail? No shit.     

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Chrkeller said:

Switch is my favorite console and a ps4/one it is absolutely not. Jesus some people are just off their ****ing rocker.  The switch is a ps3 pro at best.

 Erm no. Wii U was more powerful than a PS3 and a Switch is about double that of the Wii U. That's been established. The power and capabilities of handhelds aren't tied to comparisons of older consoles. The Switch is well ahead of PS3 but well behind PS4.

Last edited by Leynos - on 09 September 2023

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Mar1217 said:

This thread is basically the reminder as to why I stayed on VGC back when I arrived.

Chaotic Nintendo hardware speculations

Before the sale of the OG Switch, probably around 2016?
I must have been here at the time, but I may remember very little.

I am hearing the term mixed precision. It is to utilize the computing power of the GPU at 16 bits as well as 32 bits, which is commonly used in games.

I only remember a little of what someone else is talking about, So I don't understand it like a developer would though.

This is a calculation method that isn't used much on pc's or consoles, but I've heard it used a lot on mobile.

It's also a GeForce strength, and will help the next gen Switch run better.

Last edited by Oneeee-Chan!!! - on 09 September 2023

Leynos said:
Chrkeller said:

Switch is my favorite console and a ps4/one it is absolutely not. Jesus some people are just off their ****ing rocker.  The switch is a ps3 pro at best.

 Erm no. Wii U was more powerful than a PS3 and a Switch is about double that of the Wii U. That's been awesome. The power and capabilities of handhelds aren't tied to comparisons of older consoles. The Switch is well ahead of PS3 but well behind PS4.

Wiiu was on par with ps3/360 it was weaker and better in some areas. Most ports ran better on 360. Nothing wrong with calling switch a pro its where it lines perfectly just look at the charts

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

"Final Fantasy VII Remake plays great on the Steam Deck, but it’s still clear you’re getting much less fidelity than you’d get on the PS4 (let alone the PS5)."

-Digital Trends

I'm washing my hands of you.  

lol they also say it runs great and they're able to hit even 60 fps in areas (you said this is impossible) and it's a terrific experience overall. And anyone who watches any video footage of this game can see clearly it does have lighting and fog effects that the PS5 version only has (something you also said was impossible). Is a 720p version versus something at 4K going to have less detail? No shit.     

This doesn't look like a great experience to me and would like shit on my tv, but hey if you think its great more power to you. i'm honestly thinking of selling my ps5 and getting pro cause fromsoftware and developers suck so much at optimization lately.