OneTime said:
How much money does it save not having a disk drive? $30?
Millions, but not because of the cost of the drive itself. But because Sony will get a bigger share of each game sale when it's digital straight from their own store instead of a physical copy from a third party retailer. Publishers also profit more from digital.
Random_Matt said:
It won't be a slim, impossible to have a major die shrink.
The heatsink/heatpipes and power supply are taking up most of the space.
By moving those to the outside, a guy on youtube made his own functional PS5 Slim.
Obviousy Sony have much greater leeway in this since they can redesigning components, but it's interesting to see how small you can technically make the current PS5 in concept, even if it's not very practical.
Last edited by Hiku - on 29 July 2023