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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch 2 2024 first party lineup

NintendoPie said:

if you worked in finance then i'd expect you to understand how capitalism works. capitalism does not like anything but growth, end of story. if you're not growing, you're dying. yes, nintendo is still making tons of money, but sales have been down YoY and that's basically all that matters. (including SW.)

you also keep bringing up this online subscription money but, how would it be getting cut off by releasing a new console? nintendo has never shut off online immediately after releasing a new console and they will, of course, carry this sub model over to the next gen. they will continue to rake in that money in either scenario.

in the end, the proof will be in the pudding when they release the switch 2 next holiday or Q1 2025. though, i'm guessing you'll feel correct anyway as our timelines overlap. what is the difference to you in Q1 2025 vs. holiday 2024? if you were making this argument to say they'll release switch 2 holiday 2025 or 2026, then i'd get why we are arguing more but, you're not. 

Capitalism is simply the many funding and supporting the few at the top hence why the is heavy privatization with in it to consolidate wealth among a certain class it's the regulations that shape it that matter it was never really about growth in fact the system itself at times would restrict it which is why regulations and laws stepped in, on topic growth has many different ways to be obtained and rushing to be quick doesn't necessarily lead to growth I mentioned to someone else in a recent reply those YOY sales are competitive with the other platforms which for a product in its seventh year changes the context of this particular fact. I brought up online subs as right now the is not only a potential 125m plus and counting userbase for the subs but the fact that subs are present rakes in income from units already sold something that Nintendo never had before on any platform this is another factor that gives them further breathing room to not be too hasty especially in a case of YOY sales being down.

Difference I see with 2024 and 2025 is down to few factors that came up with the Switch, 2024 is a holiday period yes but is then followed by the slowest period for Nintendo historically while early 2025 would offset the slow period with the early adopters while retaining a holiday period later on to further build up momentum. The timing is also well suited for any marketing schedule as they can just followed the same type of schedule they did before with a late 2024 ND to announce the platform and schedule the January ND to showcase it like they did before, you're going to sell out regardless at launch because of early adopters which effectively wastes the holiday period while a 2025 early release gets the early adopters out the way and allows you to build up stock for the holiday period provided the aren't any chip shortages or abnormal levels of demand like the Switch had, 2025 release also allows for a better potential software schedule for a more balance stream of releases.

On the topic of software it's this early year release that also helped Switch resulting in one of the strongest launch year line ups on top of a balance scheduled otherwise it would have been BOTW and MK8D in late 2016 and then a 7 month wait until the next release in Arms, an early 2025 release deals with this by default as the launch window games lead in to the releases of the rest of the year. With a 2025 launch we could see something like 3D Mario at launch then MK9 a month or two later or maybe Prime 4 launches and 3D Mario is the holiday title while the are other titles that follow MK9 every month or two until then.

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The only way Switch 2 doesn't launch in 2024 is if the hardware/software is not ready, and that's all IMO.

If Mario Kart + the hardware is ready to go at minimum, then I think they will launch no matter what.

They're not going to sit on finished hardware and games that could be ready for the sake of waiting.

They've more than fulfilled their obligation to the Switch 1 ... no one can seriously say with a straight face that system hasn't gotten its fair share of support and coming up now on 7 years on the market is some how being rushed off the market. That's not even a factor any more. 

When the new system is ready, release it. Plain and simple. Get it out and start building that userbase up, the sooner, the better. The faster you get to 10 million, 15 million, 20 million, the better it is for the company and its future. 

EAD Tokyo is way overedue for a new Mario game too. 

2007 - Super Mario Galaxy

2010 - Super Mario Galaxy 2

2011 - Super Mario 3D Land

2013 - Super Mario 3D World

2014 - Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

2017 - Super Mario Odyssey

2018 - nothing

2019 - nothing

2020 - nothing

2021 - Mario 3D World port + Bowser's Fury

2022 - nothing

2023 - nothing

2024 - Are we expecting nothing again? Nah. 

Something is up with EAD Tokyo, IMO they've been working on a 3D Mario for Switch 2 for years possibly at this point. In the last 6 years they have nothing to show except a port of 3D World whereas from 2007-2017 they made 6 different games, including 5 Mario platformers. I suspect they are holding this game for Switch 2 and it's been in an advanced stage of development for a long time. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 11 July 2023

They need a continuous and strong release schedule every single year. Mario Kart 9, the next 3D Mario, Luigi's Mansion 4, the next Mario Party etc. should all be reserved for the next gen system. Apart from another Pokémon remake next year Tomodachi is the only other game that hasn't been announced or released yet that I can think of that would almost definitely sell over 10mil copies.

If the next Switch doesn't release at the latest in holiday 2024 it would mean a weak final year for the Switch and in turn a further drop in hardware and software sales and a loss in mindshare that would need a higher marketing budget to get back in 2025.
2021-2023 all have been very strong in terms of software releases. They will want to not only keep that up but also not drop to much below 15mil hardware in the fiscal year.

The Switch is old. Just because it's still selling well right now doesn't mean they should wait another 1.5 years at least or even go as far as delay the Switch 2. They almost definitely have it already planned out. March 2025 is not impossible, but I would consider that unwise financially.

I thought it would launch in March 2024. I reconcidered not because of how much hardware the Switch is moving, I reconcidered before it started increasing that much again when Nintendo made their fiscal year forecast in May. There was nothing suggesting new hardware in the fiscal year.

I believe in 2024 they will release a bunch of games that are not hardware showcase types of games on the Switch 1 (like the two they already announced and hopefully Tomodachi) and then 3D Mario as a launch game for the Switch 2 and afterwards MK9, a Pokémon remake as a crossgen release and some smaller party game.
Metroid Prime 4 could be slotted somewhere in there either before the Switch 2 with a nextgen version later, immediately crossgen or as Switch 2 exclusive potentislly only in 2025.

Should the Switch 2 actually launch in early 2025 then MP4 might release in or around October 2024.
Pokémon will be in November regardless.

Here's what I hope it is:

-New Donkey Kong platformer


-Metroid Prime 4


-Revival of an obscure Nintendo IP

Knowing Nintendo's strategy of finishing in-advance, you're probably not wrong. Nintendo has explicitly come out stating that there intentions at the moment are to hold off sequels and such for next gen (specifically referring to the M+R: SoH interview in which this business strategy was revealed). Will say that your depiction of the timeline would be putting it kindly. The Wii/WiiU era for Nintendo was certainly a stronger time for Mario than really any other point in the business' history; of course once they shift focus away from the casual appeal that comes with Mario, it's reasonable that said output level will drop to a level similar to that of their prior N64, GCN period. Nintendo has announced Mario Wonder for the Fall though, alongside what looks to be a sequel of Super Peach World or whatever that was called from the the very least, it seems we know that they've been working on building up the brand in new ways (which is great to see).

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I think not only are the next Mario Kart + 3D Mario I think "reserved" for Switch 2, I think they probably are at a very advanced state of development where like a lot of the core game is finished and they could bring it to release is a rather rapid fashion (within 6-8 months of being asked) to accommodate various different release windows. I wouldn't say they're "sitting" on finished games, but I think they have the games at a late stage of development and are just polishing away at this point. Like Mario Kart they might have all the base tracks done already and have already moved on to working on future DLC content and polish.

Even for a dev kit, you really don't even need Switch 2 hardware, you could make due with like a laptop Ampere based 30-series chip and underclock it roughly along the lines of what Nvidia was aiming for to start development (something approximating 1 TFLOP-2 TFLOP for example) if you know already that the Switch successor was going to be an Ampere based chip. You could start development like that. 

If Nintendo won't give us a new F-zero then I would hope shin'en would give us a new fast racing game

alphamb03 said:

Knowing Nintendo's strategy of finishing in-advance, you're probably not wrong. Nintendo has explicitly come out stating that there intentions at the moment are to hold off sequels and such for next gen (specifically referring to the M+R: SoH interview in which this business strategy was revealed). Will say that your depiction of the timeline would be putting it kindly. The Wii/WiiU era for Nintendo was certainly a stronger time for Mario than really any other point in the business' history; of course once they shift focus away from the casual appeal that comes with Mario, it's reasonable that said output level will drop to a level similar to that of their prior N64, GCN period. Nintendo has announced Mario Wonder for the Fall though, alongside what looks to be a sequel of Super Peach World or whatever that was called from the the very least, it seems we know that they've been working on building up the brand in new ways (which is great to see).

Mario has been way stronger on the Switch than ever before by a huge margin. You don't seem to be aware of how hugely these games have been selling on the Switch, significantly more than on Wii/DS and on Wii U the brand was at it's all time lowpoint. Only 2D Mario has been weaker so far, but that is obviously because the only proper 2D Mario game on the Switch is NSMBUDX. SMBW will blow it's sales out of the water. In terms of output level the N64 and Gamecube periods each actually got more Mario game releases than the Wii did.

Why you pose your title like is some headline? SWITCH 2 2024 GAMES! And when you enter the thread thinking it's a juicy leak, all you got is "predict what will be the first year titles when Switch 2 release in 2024"???

What even change this prediction when you place the year??
Something like "Switch first year titles prediction" that would make more sense lol

Anyway rant over, my prediction:

Mario Kart 9 (Cross gen)
Metroid Prime 4 (Cross gen)
Mario 3d (exclusive)
Smash Bros Ultimate Deluxe (All Dlc's + New content + New Story mode) (exclusive)
Pokémon Something &/or Whatever (Cross gen)



We reap what we sow

I know COD didn't help the Wii U much, but it could help fill out a Switch 2 first holiday lineup quite a bit more because of the portability aspect not available in the PS5 or XBox versions.

We probably have to factor in the Switch 2 having better 3rd party support earlier on than the Switch 1 did.