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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dream games that will never get made

AAA remakes of a lot of quality PS1 titles like Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Fear Effect, etc.






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I wanted a sequel for Birth By Sleep, but Kingdom Hearts 3 finished that arc of the story and I ended never getting the game I truly wanted (a game where you have to play with the 3 main characters to unlock the whole story)

Final Fantasy Tactics 2 or 3, depending on whether you count A2 as a sequel or not

I think with MS buying Activision a Crash Team Racing sequel is as good as dead too

Sleeping Dogs 2


(=^・ω・^=) Kuroneko S2 - Ore no Imouto - SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

If you asked a few weeks ago, I would probably said Shadow Man 3. I just cant ask for more now.

Gladly I'm 100% sure there will be a LoD Remake, Prequel and Sequel, so all my dream games will definitely get done.

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So many. I find myself dreaming up games all the time, not just a basic concept, I like to imagine the story, the music, specifics like that, but just keep it to the imagination because I mean, what's the point right? No point if it's never getting made, never mind me having any role to play in its making.

As a teenager I dreamt up an adventure game inspired by Zelda but more focused on magic, a Pokémon game with a story involving a legendary that could control people's dreams... Those I no longer dream about really, but in recent years there have been others.

When I got more into the Digimon anime, I wished there was a truly great game in the franchise and I thought up a storyline for it, actually I thought of a storyline for a potential duology or even trilogy (yeah I know).

Another franchise I hoped there'd be a great game in is Guardians of the Galaxy, think it was around May 2021 that I decided to commit to a more specific idea for what it could be, but only a few months later they actually made a Guardians game and it was far better than anything I dreamt up, so that dream died a happy death

And there's a different game I've been dreaming of, would be an original IP but inspired by Pokémon, since it's its own thing I suppose it could be made someday but it's way too ambitious to ever really happen.

This past week I've revisited an idea I had for a Star Fox game. This franchise has been the most reocurring in my head, because it has an absolutely ridiculous amount of untapped potential. A whole ass universe of possibilities, with some extremely likeable characters at its core, yet all we have is a great little arcade game and then a bunch of crap. And not even a big bunch of crap, just a little one. I was thinking of a storyline for it and stuff, but not taking it too seriously because again, what's the point...

Then yesterday I said fuck it. And I started committing to writing down the story, however it turns out at least it'll be something. And then whether I keep it to myself, or post it somewhere as fanfic or whatever, at least I got to write something. Kinda realized I've been limiting myself too much by always thinking of myself as a musician, in truth I'm a creative and music was just one way to express that creativity, I wanna develop other means. So I decided to write my first story and it's for a dream Star Fox game that will never get made. But hey, at least I'm practicing a new skill.

Last edited by mZuzek - on 29 June 2023

A few come to mind:

- A new Syphon Filter
- A John Wick game made in the style of Max Payne
- A new Fallout made in the style of the original Fallout, made by Obsidian/Interplay workers from back in the day. (And with 0 input from Bethesda, preferably)
- A remake of the original Diablo (with an offline mode, please)
- Demon's Souls 2
- A new Splinter Cell that uses some of the same ideas of the brilliant SC: Blacklist.
- Dino Crisis remake
- Parasite Eve remake
- Legend of Dragoon remake
- A new game made in the world of the Matrix, so much potential! (Just don't make it an FPS, please)
- A new Manhunt (And don't pussy out on the executions!)
- A new Bully
- A new Mercenaries
- Contra Hard Corps 2

I could go on and on so I'll just stop here lol

Shikamo said:

Sleeping Dogs 2

Would abolutely love if SE brang that back. The first was such an underrated/underappriciated gem. Still bitter the sequel got canned and dev shuttered.

My list would be -

A Final Fantasy game by Hironobu Sakaguchi
Timesplitters 4
Max Payne 4
Duke Nukem sequel by 3D Realms
And Half Life 3 (obviously)

gtotheunit91 said:

Several games come to mind.

A sequel to Vanquish with the full team up of Shinji Mikami and PlatinumGames again
A new or remake of Dino Crisis from Capcom
Return of Viewtiful Joe
A new Banjo Kazooie

I would add Jet Set Radio but that leaked footage proved it's coming in due time. I'll revert my profile avatar if that happens

Just outside of my list is F-Zero because it's always rumored that the GameCube version is getting remastered for Switch, so I never know for sure lol

I owned the Gamecube F-Zero, and it was awesome. Sold it like an idiot about ten years ago, and the prices for it now are just stupid. So I welcome the idea of it coming to Switch. 

mZuzek said:

This past week I've revisited an idea I had for a Star Fox game. This franchise has been the most reocurring in my head, because it has an absolutely ridiculous amount of untapped potential. A whole ass universe of possibilities, with some extremely likeable characters at its core, yet all we have is a great little arcade game and then a bunch of crap.

I thought the original Star Fox was great, and still do. Star Fox 64 was a classic. And despite its hate, Star Fox on Gamecube was great too... different, but great. So by my tally, that's three titles right there that are either respectable, or great. 

But I agree. It's a franchise that Nintendo's really done dirty. If I were in charge, that would certainly change. I'd make it a priority, along with Metroid, Kid Icarus and Earthbound. I'd also green light Diddy Kong Racing 2 and Eternal Darkness 2, just because.