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Forums - Movies & TV - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

I’m going to be an outlier here, and I hate to be. Like I said, I absolutely loved the first two films. I wish I felt the same about the third. 

It wasn’t bad…but I didn’t enjoy my time watching it. My expectations were low and in check, and with the Radiohead acoustic tune starting it off with Rocket (the raccoon, I knew it!) singing, I thought we were in for cinematic greatness. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie mostly bored me with laughs feeling strained and the songs just never bring as impactful as in Vol 1 and 2.

I certainly enjoyed Rocket’s backstory, but didn’t enjoy not having Rocket in the rest of the movie. I also didn’t like how most of the characters were separated from each other instead of being a motley crew together. The one on one dynamics just didn’t work that much for me.

I’m thankful that I didn’t have a lot resting on this movie for me for the story, since it doesn’t have too much to do with the previous titles. I still love the first two and I’ll always have that.
I’m not trying to be a hater or take the mood down for anyone else who enjoyed the movie. To be fair, I’m really over Marvel movies in general and it was only time until my fatigue crept into the greatest of the bunch.
Last edited by super_etecoon - on 07 May 2023

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super_etecoon said:

I'm going to be an outlier here, and I hate to be. Like I said, I absolutely loved the first two films. I wish I felt the same about the third.

I think everything you said after this point could use a nice little spoiler tag.

I totally get why some people didn't really enjoy it. It's a radically different movie to the first two and the first half of it has some pretty serious pacing issues. The first couple scenes really are cinematic greatness but then the movie can get pretty confused for a while. I think it absolutely finds its footing as it goes and the second half of it is just beautiful in every way.

Personally I thought everything that was done with Rocket was perfect. Him being how he is for most of the movie is the perfect way to lead in to his backstory, and it leads in to that past also being the story of the movie itself, so it doesn't feel incoherent with what else is going. The movie was all about him, and not having him in it for so long made that matter even more for me. And it made everything after that point so incredibly cathartic, it made me appreciate every second he was on screen.

Just saw it today, really enjoyed it. Far from perfect, but I liked the emotional weight of it. I disagree with critics who said the tone was inconsistent; there can be both sorrow and laughs in one and the same movie, and I found it to be well done.

mZuzek said:
super_etecoon said:

I'm going to be an outlier here, and I hate to be. Like I said, I absolutely loved the first two films. I wish I felt the same about the third.

I think everything you said after this point could use a nice little spoiler tag.

I totally get why some people didn't really enjoy it. It's a radically different movie to the first two and the first half of it has some pretty serious pacing issues. The first couple scenes really are cinematic greatness but then the movie can get pretty confused for a while. I think it absolutely finds its footing as it goes and the second half of it is just beautiful in every way.

Personally I thought everything that was done with Rocket was perfect. Him being how he is for most of the movie is the perfect way to lead in to his backstory, and it leads in to that past also being the story of the movie itself, so it doesn't feel incoherent with what else is going. The movie was all about him, and not having him in it for so long made that matter even more for me. And it made everything after that point so incredibly cathartic, it made me appreciate every second he was on screen.

Sorry for not using the spoiler tag. To be honest I’ve never used it before and it was quite difficult editing it on my phone. Thanks for the reminder. 

I definitely understand how emotional the story could feel, especially for you. Again, not taking anything away from the film and I definitely appreciate what the story was relating. 

Overall they have done a very great thing with this very, very niche comic. 10 years ago no one had even heard of them. In fact, the first time I went with my friends to watch Vol 1 I thought it was that animated movie Rise of the Guardians, which I’ve still never seen. Imagine my surprise when I ended up seeing this instead (which I had never even heard of) and there was a raccoon creature they were calling Ranger Rick. Hilarious! Few movies have surprised me as much as that one. 

So it was good?

But yeah I actually do agree these movies are among the best of the Marvel series, at least those first two. I'll watch the third one eventually.

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In the end it was a solid movie. Infact of three, this may be the one I buy first on 4k. Though around halfway through the movie, it got to a part where it felt a little stale, I wasn't digging the art style /loacation setting and what was happening, thinking i'd seen this before. But thankfully, things picked up really quick , and the story and everything got back to shining, and it kept giving and giving , and it ended up being greater than what I expected.

I give it a solid 8. It dragged in spots during the second and third acts, but the great third act really won me over. Chris Pratt and Big Dave's strong performances as well as Rocket's tragic backstory were what truly kept me interested (and they really tried to keep the intrigue, then again, Dave's always great), but the last 45 mins to an hour was great stuff. I love how

Rocket finally embraces his raccoon status and takes on the Rocket Raccoon name like a badge of honor at the end, perfect sendoff and growth for the character, especially with him now being the captain of the Guardians.

That said, there was a lot of "been there, done that" in this movie, stuff I've already seen dozens of times in the MCU at this point with the odd quirk being inserted in dramatic scenes, which felt out of place (again, we've seen that). I'm starting to get burnt out on the MCU and with this likely being the last go-round for the original cast, I think I may (generally) call it quits with this movie. The odd movie like Fantastic Four, X-Men and Deadpool 3 and probably Blade as well, I'll still see, but for the most part, I think I'm done with seeing future Marvel movies in the theater, especially after how meh (at best) Ant-Man 3 was (I didn't even bother with L&T, which I've also heard some not great things about). No Way Home was the last truly great post-Endgame entry before this movie.

Yeah, this was very good. Saw it with my son and we both liked it. Made you laugh and cry.
It felt like MCU phases one, two and three, before they went full retard. A worthy sendoff to the Guardians. I imagine James Gunn had to fight and be very sly(raccoon?) to get his vision through as it stands.
The Gamora situation was a bit confusing, but whatever.

Agreed with many, very good film, really good to watch. As a fanboy, a few things off but then MCU not 616 so many things are excused. It's a shame Warlock wasn't used in the 3rd act at all really. And

High Evolutionary was really whiny, nothing like this 616 counterpart... he wasn't even from Manchester.

Otherwise very entertaining.

Never did see Ant-man 3 but didn't really care, I'm glad they made this with Gunn and it wasn't dumbed down too much, only a few 'Marvel' jokes which didn't land, best humour came from actual scenes, not weird improv like scenes i mean.

Last edited by The Fury - on 10 May 2023

Hmm, pie.

Saw it a few days ago.

Great end to the trilogy.