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Forums - Gaming Discussion - (Business Perspective) Does MS really need Xbox Hardware?

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BonfiresDown said:

I listened to the podcast with one of the Zenimax guys and my impression from there is that the guys at Microsoft actually believe that they can make most of their games multiplatform and most of their user base will still stick around because of their invested libraries and Game Pass and such. Suffice to say that I disagree.

Personally I think it’s more good than bad that Xbox goes away. There are already too many platforms. I would very much like to see a new Steam Machine initiative though.

It depends on what they consider their userbase. I do think that 20-30M console sales would remain even if they gone full 3rd party as long as GP is day one only for xbox.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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DonFerrari said:
Azzanation said:

Can you tell me why you believe it isn't a good outcome?

DonFerrari said:

Nope, the reason Sony doesn't accept GP on its console isn't because Xbox have a console, it is because it have a lot of titles that compete with their PS+ or retail revenue. If GP on PS had only xbox exclusives I could see Sony accepting it like EA and Ubi.

MS can create a version of GP with full 1st party support, similar to how PC have a slightly different GP than Xbox etc.

I have already said earlier on the thread why I didn't want MS leaving console space.

Regarding your second point yes they can do it (don't depend on they having a console or not getting out of hardware imho, but for me even if they leave console making space be 100% or through licensing the HW for 3rd parties if GP have other publishers Sony won't allow).

What page is your reply on, and I'll read it again, if you haven't changed your opinion, since for some odd reason, you simply don't want to update your reply or at least repost it.

Anyway, Sony will want MS's 1st party games, did you forget MS own Bethesda and ABK? All MS have to do it make CoD exclusive to GP and all future Blizzard games. Thats MS's GP killer app. Otherwise, another company will take GP and Sony customers will miss out which will hurt sales. 

Azzanation said:

Wanted to bump this thread off the recent rumors.

How are people feeling of MS leaving the physical and possibly soon the console hardware market? 

That would be great, because it would raise the bar for Sony. For too long Sony could bank on the consumer attitude of "at least they aren't Microsoft."

Conventional wisdom says that competition is good for the consumer, but what has it really brought for the consumer through the past two decades? Competition didn't stop online multiplayer from getting put behind a paywall, it didn't stop any of the AAA industry's money-making schemes, it didn't maintain the quality of games at launch as day one patches followed by multiple patches afterwards became regarded as a normal thing. And of course paid-for exclusivity of games is also a consequence of competition that didn't benefit consumers as a whole. It isn't too hard to name two bad things for every one good thing that happened because of competition and there is definitely no net gain for the consumer here.

Conventional wisdom says that monopolies are bad, but for one, Sony wouldn't have a monopoly anyway with Microsoft being gone; on one hand you have the PC with high-end graphics and on the other hand you have Nintendo who share a very high number of games with Sony below the AAA level (as does the PC). And two, is portable console gaming worse since Sony has exited and left it all to Nintendo? The opposite is the case.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Azzanation said:

Wanted to bump this thread off the recent rumors.

How are people feeling of MS leaving the physical and possibly soon the console hardware market? 

Sad. I don't want to pay 700 USD in my next Playstation 

RolStoppable said:
Azzanation said:

Wanted to bump this thread off the recent rumors.

How are people feeling of MS leaving the physical and possibly soon the console hardware market? 

That would be great, because it would raise the bar for Sony. For too long Sony could bank on the consumer attitude of "at least they aren't Microsoft."

Conventional wisdom says that competition is good for the consumer, but what has it really brought for the consumer through the past two decades? Competition didn't stop online multiplayer from getting put behind a paywall, it didn't stop any of the AAA industry's money-making schemes, it didn't maintain the quality of games at launch as day one patches followed by multiple patches afterwards became regarded as a normal thing. And of course paid-for exclusivity of games is also a consequence of competition that didn't benefit consumers as a whole. It isn't too hard to name two bad things for every one good thing that happened because of competition and there is definitely no net gain for the consumer here.

Conventional wisdom says that monopolies are bad, but for one, Sony wouldn't have a monopoly anyway with Microsoft being gone; on one hand you have the PC with high-end graphics and on the other hand you have Nintendo who share a very high number of games with Sony below the AAA level (as does the PC). And two, is portable console gaming worse since Sony has exited and left it all to Nintendo? The opposite is the case.

Good response. Too many are funneled into believing competition is the savior to this industry, when in fact, we have seen nothing but the complete opposite over the generations. A good example of this is that those people that want competition, are the first ones to whine when a game is exclusive and not coming to other platforms etc. Competition actually divides the consumers and the business model, it breeds fanboys and console wars and brand damaging etc. What is even more crazy, is that competition actually ends up costing the consumers more, because they need to purchase more platforms and services to play all the games.

PCs are living proof you don't need competition and ironically PCs offer the best value in gaming, no online paywalls, best and more common discounts, bigger variety of games and the list goes on. Meanwhile it was competition that brought in online paywalls, it was competition that raised game and console prices, it was competition that actually takes the consumers for a ride.

In saying all that, Xbox leaving wouldn't leave a monopoly, Nintendo, Mobile, PCs are valid options to gaming. 

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I'm not happy about this. competition is good and gets us better prices for games and hardware. switch is like the perfect example of why the competition is good when it comes to pricing its 7 year old hardware that still hasn't been discounted and the games as well.

IcaroRibeiro said:
Azzanation said:

Wanted to bump this thread off the recent rumors.

How are people feeling of MS leaving the physical and possibly soon the console hardware market? 

Sad. I don't want to pay 700 USD in my next Playstation 

So you prefer Xbox to stay around so you can have cheaper Playstation consoles? You do realize that if Xbox stays around, they will fight for exclusives and instead of paying more for a PS6, you will lose out on games. I would rather pay more for a console that has all the games than pay less and miss out on half the games. 

zeldaring said:

I'm not happy about this. competition is good and gets us better prices for games and hardware. switch is like the perfect example of why the competition is good when it comes to pricing its 7 year old hardware that still hasn't been discounted and the games as well.

We have competition now and prices have been going up. Sorry to say, competition isn't helping. 

IcaroRibeiro said:
Azzanation said:

Wanted to bump this thread off the recent rumors.

How are people feeling of MS leaving the physical and possibly soon the console hardware market? 

Sad. I don't want to pay 700 USD in my next Playstation 

 I don't understand responses I have seen from many people like this, expecting Sony to run rampant with horrific negative consequences for consumers. If Xbox left the console hardware business it would not give Sony free reign to do whatever they want and screw over consumers however they wish. Negative decisions that are harmful to their userbase will hurt Sony regardless of if Xbox consoles exist or not. Gaming is a massive industry and there will always be competition from other platforms and services whether that is from traditional console hardware or something else. Where there is opportunity someone will take it and providing a poor level of value to your customers greatly increases that opportunity for others.

There will always be competition in some form because there will always be companies looking for opportunities to make money.

Steam have basically a monopoly on PC gaming, but they haven't become horrifically anti-consumer. Why? Because they won't stay at their incredibly dominant position for long if they start screwing their consumers over.

Azzanation said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Sad. I don't want to pay 700 USD in my next Playstation 

So you prefer Xbox to stay around so you can have cheaper Playstation consoles? You do realize that if Xbox stays around, they will fight for exclusives and instead of paying more for a PS6, you will lose out on games. I would rather pay more for a console that has all the games than pay less and miss out on half the games. 

you remember the ps3. when there is no competition sony can basically get away with everything. they can make everything worse and focus on profits because there is no competition.