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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 16, 2023 (Apr 10 - Apr 16)

Zippy6 said:

PS5 sales increasing slightly again. Never would have predicted this after RE4 week disappointed. What explanation is there for this other than their not being stock for Week 13/14? I see some say here and on other sites that there were no stock issues in Japan but I don't see another explanation for RE4 launch not increasing sales and then randomly they get a sizeable rebound afterwards.

Week 11 - 64,869
Week 12 - 40,411
Week 13 - 38,964 (RE4 Launch)
Week 14 - 34,677
Week 15 - 46,205
Week 16 - 47,040 

Seems to me like the PS5 may have had problems with stock starting week 12 when it had a big drop of over 30%, and then no boost for RE4 the week after. But If anyone has other ideas about how this might not be a stock issue as people claim I would like to hear them.

My thinking exactly. And assuming it is stock related, then the next question is are there still supply issues, or are the last two weeks' worth of figures demonstrating the current peak for PS5 when there are no major new releases?

Either way, encouraging sales for PS5 again.

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Switch is only 73,000 units behind 2019. I think week 20 is Zelda week; wouldn't surprise me to see 2023 catch up to 2019 sales that week. I'm still predicting close to 4m for Switch this year in Japan, since I believe there will be more games coming - including a brand new Mario game.

The true baseline for the PS5 might not be known till the 2nd half of the year at this point. This is just the third sub 50k week for the Switch which is impressive but there should be many more of those in the next several months.

Zippy6 said:

PS5 sales increasing slightly again. Never would have predicted this after RE4 week disappointed. What explanation is there for this other than their not being stock for Week 13/14? I see some say here and on other sites that there were no stock issues in Japan but I don't see another explanation for RE4 launch not increasing sales and then randomly they get a sizeable rebound afterwards.

Week 11 - 64,869
Week 12 - 40,411
Week 13 - 38,964 (RE4 Launch)
Week 14 - 34,677
Week 15 - 46,205
Week 16 - 47,040 

Seems to me like the PS5 may have had problems with stock starting week 12 when it had a big drop of over 30%, and then no boost for RE4 the week after. But If anyone has other ideas about how this might not be a stock issue as people claim I would like to hear them.

Switch sales are the lowest week this year but YoY wise they are better than this year so far, only a 20% drop, so a pretty decent result.

This is Xbox Series worst week since January 2022.

PS5 has now passed the lifetime sales of the WiiU and should pass Gamecubes final total by the end of the year.

Maybe Famitsu is finally adjusting their numbers? (for all consoles to be fair)

The discrepancies with Media Create were too huge, but still Famitsu did nothing for months.

Switch already over a million units year to date.

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Good PS5 sales.

archbrix said:

Switch is only 73,000 units behind 2019. I think week 20 is Zelda week; wouldn't surprise me to see 2023 catch up to 2019 sales that week. I'm still predicting close to 4m for Switch this year in Japan, since I believe there will be more games coming - including a brand new Mario game.

I was thinking Switch would do 3.8-4 million this year, but I'm gonna downgrade my prediction to 3.6m now. Unless a price cut or something happens this year, and well a price cut absolutely SHOULD happen but I'd be surprised if it actually does happen, then I don't think it'll do over 3.6m. I agree their better be a 2D Mario game coming for the holidays since Switch hasn't gotten one yet, and it'd absolutely be a 15m-20m seller even coming out at the end of the Switch's life, but as we saw with Pokemon last holiday even that isn't gonna boost HW sales much, just SW sales.

3.6m will put Switch less than 1.7m from DS's record by end of year. Even if successor launches mid-to-late Spring next year (presuming a January next-gen announcement) Switch I think should still be able to do 1.7m next year and pass the DS. Though it is going to need a price cut before next-gen because otherwise next-gen system will likely come out at same price point as the OLED, and assuming backwards compatibility (because it'd be insane if it didn't have it) that would completely cut off Switch sales when the successor launches except for maybe a few Lite sales since that is a cheaper price point. So if Switch and OLED don't drop to at least $250/$300 ($230/$280 would be better) it seems like successor would immediately kill off >90% of Switch sales and it wouldn't pass the DS in Japan. But maybe their strategy will be to just stop Switch production other than Lite perhaps on next-gen launch day so that people focus on the successor, and they just let the last few hundred thousand hybrid and OLED models gradually sell out on shelves, cuz its not like they care about it passing the DS's record anyway.

With no major releases but improved sales for PS5, I'm going to have to admit I was probably wrong. *Probably* because I can't confirm there was stock issues influencing the decline, but I don't know of another reasonable explanation.

Unless maybe they stopped doing lotteries or having limits for the numbers of PS5s you can purchase in Japan. But, still, that would be a function of demand

Slownenberg said:

a price cut absolutely SHOULD happen but I'd be surprised if it actually does happen, 

I am confused by this

King Switch remains at #1