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LurkerJ said:
zeldaring said:

You make good points it's just every one that's pro palestine that has knowledge about wars and stuff is usually pro Russia and with the way US is acting and basically fully supporting the blatant genocide its hard not think maybe be these people are right and the US elites are  evil and making the problems on the world 

I think most of us here admit the west have irreversibly damaged the Middle East and immortalised vicious monarchs who have done to Yemen what Israel is doing to Palestine now.

Unfortunately, the bias reporting by the mainstream media have left many people from both sides of the aisle with too much willingness to give Putin the benefit of the doubt like what's happening with you, which is an absolute shame because you seem to want to learn more and happy to acknowledge good points when they're made by others and not some sort of unreasonable bigot. Sadly, the biased pro ultra far right Netanyahu policies (and the biased reporting on those policies) continues and the only people served by this bias is evil like Putin & Netanyahu, not the west, so why are the lessons are not learnt is beyond me (have I mentioned the west is that big of a joke).

I think you need to start watching more people-powered medias that have been suggested by SvennoJ, me and others to get a more balanced views on the matter. The Young Turks, Secular talk, Breaking Points, Briahna Joy Gray (Bad Faith & Rising), Novara Media are all left leaning commentators that have dedicated equal time to criticising all savages and imperialists. 

You don't have to live in a "either.. or" state of mind when you can simply criticise and disown both.

I do watch some of those and they really make the war in Gaza seem much worse and make it seem like Netanyahu is way more evil and especially with the civilians death rates, especially children. Plus  isreal  made its intent way more clear then Russia of committing a genocide or ethnically placing the Palestinians, and apparently the has supplied israel with 500 dumb bombs that weigh 2000 pounds while saying please take Carre of civilians which is a face for the media.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Also, the USA announced a $250m package today with negotiations to resume on the larger Ukraine aid in the 2nd week of January, it is not the "USA" which would be abandoning Ukraine but the asshole Republicans who are tying Ukraine's aid to the border, as the border is literally the only talking point Republicans have nowadays and they're desperate for a win at the cost of Ukrainian lives.

So we'll either have a scenario where Democrats backdown and give Republicans their border win, Republicans backdown or we continue this nonsense for weeks or months more to come. Ukraine has lend-lease as a backup option but that comes with heavy debt. Just shows that Europe needs to step up massively as we can't keep relying on America as long as Republicans have some sort of considerable power and influence.

Republicans are not a reliable ally to Europe.

The US Election will likely be vital for Ukraine, if Trump wins then you can guarantee support will stop and I don't believe Ukraine can win without American support unless Europe MASSIVELY steps up. Lately Germany is doing exactly that and really stepping up to the plate in light of America's shaky situation but other countries in Europe must do the same and as nice as Germany's recent efforts have been, it won't be enough.

This election will fill me with dread Tbh.

Europe's military industry is all private, unlike in the US where the government can command the defense companies to build stuff (which accelerates production but also makes the equipment much more expensive as the companies can basically ask whatever they want for this service). Since the European countries had largely demobilized, their defnse companies also did as they didn't get enough orders to maintain large production lines. That's why it takes so long to produce stuff right now, the production lines had been athrophied.

This is changing quickly however, with most Europeqn countries strongly increasing their defense budgets and, more importantly for this context, their acquisitions in military equipment. This led to the military industry to reactivate production lines that laid bare for decades now, so production is gradually ramping up. While this won't be enough to fully compensate the loss of US support due to the latter having more specialized equipment that Europe lacks (drones and mine-clearing robots in particular), there could still be the roundabout way of giving Ukraine the necessary financial support to simply buy the American equipment that the US won't send otherwise anymore. I doubt that the Republicans would block those exports as it would hurt their defense industry and their credibility too much if they did.

zeldaring said:
LurkerJ said:

I think most of us here admit the west have irreversibly damaged the Middle East and immortalised vicious monarchs who have done to Yemen what Israel is doing to Palestine now.

Unfortunately, the bias reporting by the mainstream media have left many people from both sides of the aisle with too much willingness to give Putin the benefit of the doubt like what's happening with you, which is an absolute shame because you seem to want to learn more and happy to acknowledge good points when they're made by others and not some sort of unreasonable bigot. Sadly, the biased pro ultra far right Netanyahu policies (and the biased reporting on those policies) continues and the only people served by this bias is evil like Putin & Netanyahu, not the west, so why are the lessons are not learnt is beyond me (have I mentioned the west is that big of a joke).

I think you need to start watching more people-powered medias that have been suggested by SvennoJ, me and others to get a more balanced views on the matter. The Young Turks, Secular talk, Breaking Points, Briahna Joy Gray (Bad Faith & Rising), Novara Media are all left leaning commentators that have dedicated equal time to criticising all savages and imperialists. 

You don't have to live in a "either.. or" state of mind when you can simply criticise and disown both.

I do watch some of those and they really make the war in Gaza seem much worse and make it seem like Netanyahu is way more evil and especially with the civilians death rates, especially children. Plus  isreal  made its intent way more clear then Russia of committing a genocide or ethnically placing the Palestinians, and apparently the has supplied israel with 500 dumb bombs that weigh 2000 pounds while saying please take Carre of civilians which is a face for the media.

Maybe it's the other media, especially mainstream media, that make it seem much less worse than what's really going on. There are no western reporters in Gaza, the only times they get in is embedded with the IDF, the IDF having editorial control over what they can take out... Over 100 Journalists have died already in the current Gaza war more than ever recorded in any other conflict.

Western media is largely ignoring what's going on in the West Bank, which has been going on before October 7th at a lower rate. All the humanitarian organizations have rung the alarm bell over how bad the situation is. Gaza is under siege, has always been yet since October 7th completely cut off. No water, no electricity, no fuel, no food. While the army destroys all civilian infrastructure including farmland making the territory uninhabitable.

The civilian death toll is 'merely' collateral damage while the systematic destruction of Gaza carries on.

That while we're likely not aware of the worst that goes on, the ones that can't get a social media post out as a cry for help. Israel has also continuously targeted communication infrastructure. The internet would be completely off if it weren't for US pressure to at least have basic communications. Yet just recently Israel bombed the Palestinian Red Crescent damaging their VHF antenna further complicating rescue efforts. Rescue efforts that are continually thwarted by targeting ambulances, obstructing ambulance and digging up roads.

Now Russia is using the same 'tactics' in the Ukraine. Destruction of infrastructure, flattening entire cities, systematically driving the people out and killing those that stay behind. Putin and Netanyahu want the same thing, they need a 'win' to stay in power, and they both see that 'win' in dehumanizing 'undesirables', blaming them for everything, putting their propaganda machines at full speed to get support to carry out their genocides. Putin to 'make Russia great again', Netanyahu to make Israel safe. (from starving children)

The US is giving Israel the green light to continue genocide, Russia is doing it on its own... Consider this maybe

Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, born on 7 October 1952, President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute). The crimes were allegedly committed in Ukrainian occupied territory at least from 24 February 2022. There are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Putin bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes, (i) for having committed the acts directly, jointly with others and/or through others (article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute), and (ii) for his failure to exercise control properly over civilian and military subordinates who committed the acts, or allowed for their commission, and who were under his effective authority and control, pursuant to superior responsibility (article 28(b) of the Rome Statute).

Ms Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, born on 25 October 1984, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the  President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute). The crimes were allegedly committed in Ukrainian occupied territory at least from 24 February 2022. There are reasonable grounds to believe that Ms Lvova-Belova bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes, for having committed the acts directly, jointly with others and/or through others (article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute).

Pre-Trial Chamber II considered, based on the Prosecution’s applications of 22 February 2023, that there are reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population and that of unlawful transfer of population from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in prejudice of Ukrainian children.

zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

You need better sources.

Do you just ignore how much Russia fucked Afghanistan, Syria as well? Or how they use Wagner (a literal Nazi company) in Africa? Africa isn't the only country that Wagner fucks around in either. Russia was more discrete (or nobody cared) until Ukraine. If you don't trust America then you shouldn't trust Russia either but you don't have to trust only America when most the world is also on Ukraine's side and saying Russia is being a dick or you can trust Ukraine themselves, the victims in this.

Most these dudes you're linking have straight up been on Russian state funded media, aka propaganda shows, Jeffrey Sachs has appeared twice on Solovyov's show, a Russian state funded show, Solovyov is a guy who has said "if you think we're going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times" and "Solovyov urged retaliatory strikes across all Ukraine targeting "bridges, dams, railways, thermal power plants and other infrastructure facilities" and "On 18 August 2022, he suggested attacking Berlin, Paris, London and Brussels using missiles." and has repeatedly called for Russia to escalate the war with nuclear strikes.

I doubt you've seen him, I have, many of his clips, the dude is fucking insane like most people on Russian State Media who are bloodthirsty as hell and want nothing more than to see every Ukrainian dead and your Jeffrey Sachs fella is palling around with him on his show.

Like we keep saying, has been said in this thread multiple times, the only one to blame is Russia. There is and never will be an excuse for invading Ukraine and there was no better solution because Russia didn't want one, what they want, is Ukraine and I will say again that you don't have to blindly listen to these people, you only have to think for yourself, use your own logic, as to why many of these Russian excuses for invading don't make even a little bit of sense.

Or you know, listen to what Russia is actually saying...How is it that Russia can essentially say "Lol. Yeah. We hate Ukraine, Ukrainians don't exist, Ukraine doesn't exist, Ukraine is ours. We want the total destruction of Ukraine" and then other people still come out with "Yeah but, it's USA's fault, they only invaded cause poor little Russia was scared" Like what!?

Russia must be laughing at how easy it is to get people to make excuses for them.

You make good points it's just every one that's pro palestine that has knowledge about wars and stuff is usually pro Russia and with the way US is acting and basically fully supporting the blatant genocide its hard not think maybe be these people are right and the US elites are  evil and making the problems on the world 

There's plenty of Pro-Palestinian people who are anti-Russia though.

The issue as I see it, is that we have Republicans who want to blame Democrats for everything but on the other side we also have those specific group of leftists who despise America so much that they are blinded by their hatred and either accidentally or willingly jump to the defence of tyrannical countries like Russia simply because "America bad so America's enemies must be good" and that's the full extent of their thinking.

I was a Corbyn supporter for years but I strongly disagree with some of the shit he spews about foreign policy, I support Labour and would vote Democrat, I consider myself left wing and I used to lean more towards "less investment in military, Russia ain't a threat, etc." but I accept that I was naïve now, I was wrong and while I have criticisms of the West, I'm not so blinded that I would make excuses for Hitler in Russia.

Once again, I would tell you, if you don't trust America, how about picking one of the dozens of countries who have condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine to trust instead? Or how about trusting Ukraine themselves? Why focus so much on America? America ain't in control of the entire world's governments.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Also, the USA announced a $250m package today with negotiations to resume on the larger Ukraine aid in the 2nd week of January, it is not the "USA" which would be abandoning Ukraine but the asshole Republicans who are tying Ukraine's aid to the border, as the border is literally the only talking point Republicans have nowadays and they're desperate for a win at the cost of Ukrainian lives.

So we'll either have a scenario where Democrats backdown and give Republicans their border win, Republicans backdown or we continue this nonsense for weeks or months more to come. Ukraine has lend-lease as a backup option but that comes with heavy debt. Just shows that Europe needs to step up massively as we can't keep relying on America as long as Republicans have some sort of considerable power and influence.

Republicans are not a reliable ally to Europe.

The US Election will likely be vital for Ukraine, if Trump wins then you can guarantee support will stop and I don't believe Ukraine can win without American support unless Europe MASSIVELY steps up. Lately Germany is doing exactly that and really stepping up to the plate in light of America's shaky situation but other countries in Europe must do the same and as nice as Germany's recent efforts have been, it won't be enough.

This election will fill me with dread Tbh.

Europe's military industry is all private, unlike in the US where the government can command the defense companies to build stuff (which accelerates production but also makes the equipment much more expensive as the companies can basically ask whatever they want for this service). Since the European countries had largely demobilized, their defnse companies also did as they didn't get enough orders to maintain large production lines. That's why it takes so long to produce stuff right now, the production lines had been athrophied.

This is changing quickly however, with most Europeqn countries strongly increasing their defense budgets and, more importantly for this context, their acquisitions in military equipment. This led to the military industry to reactivate production lines that laid bare for decades now, so production is gradually ramping up. While this won't be enough to fully compensate the loss of US support due to the latter having more specialized equipment that Europe lacks (drones and mine-clearing robots in particular), there could still be the roundabout way of giving Ukraine the necessary financial support to simply buy the American equipment that the US won't send otherwise anymore. I doubt that the Republicans would block those exports as it would hurt their defense industry and their credibility too much if they did.

Yeah, I understand that but like, we did have European defence industries only a few months ago complaining that European countries weren't making long-term orders and so they aren't going to ramp up production unless they have those long-term orders, there has been a bit of blame thrown between each other and I lean towards European countries should have sucked it up much sooner and made those long-term commitments, businesses will always put money before lives after all...Ultimately they've wasted quite a bit of time.

I just hope it doesn't come to lend-lease and America straddling Ukraine with tons of debt.

At least America's production is still significantly ramping up despite the delay from Republicans.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 December 2023

Around the Network

The situation in Gaza keeps on deteriorating

Desperation grows in Gaza as thousands of civilians surround aid convoy for food.

Thousands of desperate civilians in the Gaza Strip surrounded a relief aid convoy at a United Nations center in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood of northern Gaza, as seen in CNN video footage on Thursday.

The aid convoy consisted of two trucks distributing aid just outside a center of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), where people were seen climbing over them in desperation to get relief aid.

Earlier this week, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) expressed “deep concerns” over the rapidly worsening food security situation in the Gaza Strip, saying approximately 2.2 million residents are facing acute hunger.

Incoming aid is below 100 trucks again for all of Gaza, less than 10% of what's needed

Air strikes continue unabated, latest in the South, Rafah

Israeli strikes: Twenty-one people were killed, and dozens injured after an apparent Israeli airstrike hit a residential building in Rafah, a director at the hospital receiving the bodies told CNN over the phone on Thursday. A medical source at Al-Kuwaiti Hospital said that 12 children and four women were among the dead. In another apparent Israeli airstrike, 16 people were killed east of Khan Younis in Gaza on Thursday, two medical sources treating civilians told CNN.

Hundreds of Palestinians killed; 100,000 crowd Rafah under Israeli military orders: UN

The latest UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) situation report also notes:

  • Half of all pregnant women in shelters in Gaza are suffering from thirst, malnutrition, and no access to medical care, while 50 percent of all displaced children are in danger of dehydration, malnutrition, respiratory and skin diseases, severe cold, and newborn infants are not being vaccinated.
  • Some 1.9 million people in Gaza, approximately 85 percent of the territory’s population, have been displaced by Israel’s military onslaught.

It keeps getting worse in the West Bank as well

‘Emboldened’ Israeli settlers in West Bank increasingly attacking in groups – UN official

The UN has released a new report condemning the worsening human rights situation for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Palestinians are trapped in a “cycle of fear” as they face Israeli forces and growing Israeli settler violence, the UN said.

Deadliest year for children in West Bank

More than 80 children have been killed in the last 12 weeks in the occupied West Bank, amidst intensified military activities, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). That number is “more than double the number of children killed in all of 2022, amid increased military and law enforcement operations. More than 576 have been injured and others have reportedly been detained.” UNICEF said in a report issued Thursday.

UN envoy calls out surge in Israeli killings of Palestinians in occupied West Bank

Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, has pointed out that 500 Palestinians have been killed by Israel in the occupied West Bank so far this year.

While Israel has used “the pretext of ‘eradicating Hamas’” for killing more than 20,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since October 7, Albanese notes that Hamas has no military presence in the occupied West Bank and yet hundreds have been killed, including 79 children.

In a post on social media, Albanese asks if the reason for the unrelenting killings by Israel is because “Palestinian lives do not matter?”

East Jerusalem no better, this is some straight up North Korea bs

Israelis ransack home, arrest relatives of Palestinian man killed after alleged stabbing attack

The Israeli army says that a 23-year-old Palestinian man from the occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Jabel Mukaber allegedly carried out a stabbing attack that injured two people and one of those people is said to be in a more serious condition.

The attacker was allegedly shot and killed by the Israeli military, but afterwards, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Jabel Mukaber and then went on to ransack the home of the alleged stabber, and arrested his mother, father and his sister.

This is actually policy for the Israeli military to interrogate immediate family members and friends of Palestinians the army accuses of carrying out attacks, even if they have no involvement whatsoever.

Another policy carried out by the Israeli army that is highly controversial is the demolition of houses of those they accuse of carrying out attacks. It happens after they arrest family members.


Israel to take no action against soldiers who killed three Israeli captives in Gaza

The Israeli military has completed its investigation into the killing of three Israeli captives, saying the incident could have been prevented but disciplinary action would not be taken against its soldiers as there was “no malice” involved.

The three Israeli captives, Yotam Haim, Samer Talalka and Alon Shamriz, were shot dead by Israeli forces on December 15 in Gaza City after emerging from a building shirtless, waving a white flag, and shouting in Hebrew for soldiers to not shoot them.

Two of the captives were killed immediately on emerging from the building, while the third ran back inside, according to the investigation report. An Israeli commander issued orders for his forces to stop shooting, but two soldiers, who did not hear the command “due to the noise of a nearby tank”, killed the third captive when he emerged a second time from the building.

“The three abductees did not move in a threatening manner and were holding a white flag,” the report concluded. “The Chief of Staff stated that the injury to the abductees could have been prevented. Alongside this, the Chief of Staff clarified that there was no malice in the incident, and the soldiers performed the correct action to the best of their understanding of the incident at that moment,” it added.

To the North, the strikes between Hezbollah and Israel are getting worse as well, Israel also targeting Syria

Israel-Lebanon tensions grow as Hezbollah launches more attacks on northern Israel

Shelling along the Lebanon-Israel border continued Thursday, as Lebanese officials spent the day in meetings with foreign counterparts from France and Britain about the growing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the powerful Iran-backed paramilitary group.

Hezbollah claimed it carried out simultaneous attacks around 4 p.m. local time (9 a.m. ET) — targeting multiple "barracks" across northern Israel. 

The Israel Defense Forces told CNN that approximately 20 launches were detected on Thursday that were aimed at Kiryat Shmona, a northern Israeli municipality that has been the target of Hezbollah strikes over the last several days. 

The municipality claimed two anti-tank missiles were fired at the town earlier in the day.

Hezbollah made six direct missile hits on Kiryat Shmona on Wednesday.

Diplomatic efforts: Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Mikati met with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron in Beirut on Thursday and also spoke with French Foreign and European Affairs Minister Catherine Colonna on a call to discuss the growing clashes in southern Lebanon and northern Israel. 

Mikati called for "maximum pressure to stop the Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon" during his meeting with Cameron, according to a social media post from the Lebanese government. Cameron said in a post on X that an "escalation of the conflict in Gaza to Lebanon, the Red Sea or across the wider region, would add to the extremely high level of danger and insecurity in the world." The fighting is among various incidents involving Iran and its proxies that have raised global concerns that Israel's war in Gaza could widen into a greater regional conflict.

Syria says it intercepted Israeli ‘air aggression’

Syria’s Defence Ministry said that the country’s air defences intercepted Israeli strikes on areas surrounding the capital Damascus.

In a statement posted on Facebook, the Defence Ministry said that Israel carried out the attack at dawn “from the direction of the Lebanese territory” targeting a number of points in the vicinity of the capital. “Our air defence means repelled the aggression missiles and shot down some of them. The aggression resulted in some material losses,” the ministry added.

Earlier, Reuters news agency reported that Israel struck Syria’s main air defence base, as well as a radar station in the Tel al-Sahn area in the Sweida province of southwestern Syria. Israel regularly attacks sites in Syria that it says are linked to Iran-backed armed groups but rarely publicly acknowledges such raids.

Israel hits air defence base in southern Syria: Reuters

The strikes were believed to have targeted the base, as well as a radar station, in the Tel al-Sahn area in the Sweida province of southwestern Syria, a Syrian military intelligence source and another regional security official familiar with the matter told the news agency.

Last month, another anti-aircraft defence system and radar station in Tel Qulaib and Tel Maseeh in southern Syria were hit in what the senior intelligence sources said was an intensified campaign by Israel to disrupt Syrian air defence systems that Iran was involved in expanding.

Israeli has repeatedly struck Syrian government positions since the beginning of the war, in what military experts have said appears to an effort to slowing Iran’s growing entrenchment in Syria.

This conflict only keeps growing. Blinken is about to travel to the Middle East again. (So probably more bombing as result :/)

Egypt has proposed a 3 stage plan for a truce, no response so far. But at least someone is trying.

South Africa files genocide case against Israel at International Court of Justice

In its application, South Africa accuses Israel of being “in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention” and that “acts and omissions by Israel ... are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent ... to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” the ICJ said in a statement.

Israel, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rejected South Africa’s claims and application to the World Court, saying South Africa "is calling for the destruction of the State of Israel," and that its "claim lacks both a factual and a legal basis."

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed South Africa's move to begin proceedings over the genocide allegations.

"The Court must immediately take action to protect the Palestinian people and call on Israel, the occupying Power, to halt its onslaught against the Palestinian people, in order to ensure an objective legal resolution," the Palestinian foreign ministry said in a statement Friday. "The existence of the Palestinian people is under unprecedented threat as we are facing a moral and legal catastrophe of enormous proportions undermining our shared humanity and the essence of the multilateral order," the statement read.

The ICC is still investigating the 2014 war crimes. However this is the ICJ:

The International Criminal Court is an independent organization and is not a part of the United Nations. However, they do work alongside each other and the United Nations Security Council can refer to situations involving international crimes to the ICC.

Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the United Nations and acts as its primary judicial branch. In fact, the United Nations Security Council enforces the rulings and judgements passed by this court.

A ruling from the ICJ could force the UNSC to act.

Will it be in time?

Israel expands Gaza offensive as UN officials raise alarms about the peril for civilians.

Israel's military said it was “extending operations” and dismantling Hamas infrastructure in the Khan Younis area of southern Gaza on Friday, while also claiming to have destroyed a network of tunnels near Gaza City along with one of the “hideout apartments” belonging to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

While the Israel Defense Forces reported its progress on the ground, officials with the United Nations are again raising the alarm about the consequences for Gaza's civilians.

The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said in a post on X Thursday that over 150,000 people “have nowhere to go” after the latest IDF warning to evacuate large portions of central Gaza. Even civilians who have reached shelters have not always been able to escape harm. The UNRWA said Friday that at least 308 people taking refuge in its shelters had been killed — and at least 1,095 others wounded — since the most recent fighting began in the enclave on October 7.

And, the UN relief chief on Thursday described the frustrations of getting aid into the enclave, where an acute hunger crisis is impacting millions. UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths described “constant bombardments. Poor communications. Damaged roads. Convoys shot at. Delays at checkpoints." He added that "this is an impossible situation for people of Gaza and those trying to help them.”

WHO chief again raises alarm over spread of disease in Gaza

In a post on X, Tedros Ghebreyesus, warned “people living in shelters have continued to fall sick”.

He said the UN health agency has recorded:

  • Close to 180,000 people suffering upper respiratory infections
  • 136,400 cases of diarrhoea, half of these among children under five
  • 55,400 cases of lice and scabies
  • 5,330 cases of chickenpox
  • 42,700 cases of skin rash, including 4722 cases of impetigo
  • ⁠4,683 cases of Acute Jaundice Syndrome
  • 126 cases of meningitis

“As people continue to be massively displaced across the south of Gaza, with some families forced to move multiple times and many sheltering in overcrowded health facilities, my WHO colleagues and I remain very concerned about the increasing threat of infectious diseases,” he said.

Meanwhile in the USA

Biden administration bypasses Congress, again, to sell more military equipment to Israel

The Biden administration bypassed Congress to approve a nearly $150 million sale of military equipment to Israel for the second time this month.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken informed Congress that he has made an emergency determination to immediately approve the transfer of "155mm ancillary items including fuzes, charges, and primers that make 155mm shells functional," a State Department spokesperson said Friday.

"Given the urgency of Israel’s defensive needs, the Secretary notified Congress that he had exercised his delegated authority to determine an emergency existed necessitating the immediate approval of the transfer," the spokesperson said. The spokesperson said the additional items were added to previous sales, which "increased the total value of the sale to $147.5 million."

Earlier this month, the administration rushed forward a sale of thousands of munitions to Israel, bypassing the standard 20-day period that congressional committees are typically afforded to review such a sale. The State Department sent an emergency declaration to the oversight committees that more than 13,000 tank shells would be delivered to Israel without any “further information, details or assurances.”


White House says it is not seeking wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sink Houthi boats

The White House said Sunday it is not seeking a wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sank three Houthi boats in the Red Sea after coming under fire. The helicopters sank the boats and killed those aboard, marking the first occasion since tensions broke out earlier this year that the US has killed members of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group — which has been targeting commercial and merchant vessels in the Red Sea. 

The US has so far avoided directly striking the group inside Yemen as it seeks to avoid escalating the crisis further. But a National Security Council spokesperson said Sunday that the US would continue acting in its own self defense.

“We don't seek a conflict wider in the region and we're not looking for a conflict with the Houthis. The best outcome here would be for the Houthis to stop these attacks, as we have made clear over and over again,” the spokesperson, John Kirby, said on ABC News. 

Sure sending a 20 coalition fleet into the Red Sea is not seeking wider conflict at all. Fighting the fallout of the genocide you're backing without any indications to solve the cause and only letting it escalate further and further is not seeking wider conflict at all.

Also disgusting 20 countries come together to protect global trade (which can still find other routes) but continue to stand by genocide. The double standards couldn't be more at show. 2.3 million people dying and starving, eh, any 'threat' to the economy, mobilize a fleet!

And if it's up to Netanyahu, the 'war' or rather systematic destruction and ethic cleansing of gaza will go on for many more months.

Facing pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he will not resign from office

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Saturday that he will not resign from office after facing criticism for failing to anticipate the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu was pressed about taking accountability during a news conference.

"Your question about the willingness to resign — that comes back again and again ... The only thing I intend to resign from is Hamas. That’s what I’m going to resign from. That’s what I’m dealing with and nothing else," Netanyahu said.

Winds have been shifting against the prime minister as Israel’s war in Gaza drags and as Hamas continues to hold hostages. Multiple opinion polls suggest national favor toward Netanyahu and his governing coalition is collapsing, despite continued overwhelming support in Israel for the war on Hamas.

A long war lies ahead: Netanyahu also said during the news conference on Saturday that Israel’s war against Hamas "will continue for many more months."

"My policy is clear: We are continuing to fight until the goals of the war have been achieved, especially the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages," the prime minister said, according to a translated transcript of his comments released by his office.

Israel’s war against Hamas is at its “highest level and will continue for months,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday, according to Israel’s Army Radio. His comments come as the death toll in Gaza rose to nearly 21,700 since Israeli military operations began on October 7, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza.

At least 165 people have been killed over the past day, and 250 others wounded, ministry spokesperson Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra said Saturday. The ministry has confirmed the deaths of at least 21,672 people, and the injury of at least 56,165, since Israel's offensive in the enclave began, according to the spokesperson. About 70% of the war's victims are children and women, Al-Qudra said.

Far-right Israeli minister calls for resettlement after war

A far-right Israeli minister says he is in favour of Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip after the war. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Israel’s Army Radio that there will be an exodus of Palestinians “and we will live in the Gaza Strip”. We will not allow a situation in which two million people live there. If there are 100,000 to 200,000 Arabs living in Gaza, the discussion about the day after will be completely different,” Smotrich was quoted in a post by the channel on X.

Gazans displaced to Rafah tell CNN of sky-high food prices and acute overcrowding

Palestinians displaced inside Gaza have described cramped living conditions, sky-high prices for food, children going hungry and poor sanitation. 

CNN spoke by phone with several people trying to survive in Rafah, in the south, which tens of thousands have fled to despite it already being the most densely populated part of Gaza.

“The way I am getting by is by begging here and there and taking help from anyone,” said Abu Misbah, a 51-year-old building worker trying to support a family of 10. Vegetables and fruit were unaffordable, he said. His children asked for oranges, but he was not able to buy them. “We never (been) through this situation before; we were a middle-class family,” he said. “Now, since the war, we are buying dates — which we used to find everywhere for free. We want a solution to our miserable suffering.” 

Umm Omar, 50, is also displaced in Rafah, and lives in a tent. During the truce, his family had briefly returned home only to find all the windows and solar panels broken, and the kitchen destroyed. “We are nine people in a tent of two meters by one meter,” she said. “We have bought this camping tent ourselves; no one helped us or provided it.” Omar said the group was getting by on canned food, and estimated that most foods were at least four times as expensive as before the war. Medication is also hard to find.

“Life is difficult and humiliating; the word humiliating is not even close to describing it,” she told CNN.

In recent days, large groups of civilians desperate for food have been seen surrounding aid trucks coming into Gaza in a desperate scramble for help. The United Nations has warned that the humanitarian situation in southern Gaza is deteriorating. It warned that the volume of aid entering the enclave “remains woefully inadequate.”

UNRWA says 1.4 million Palestinians now living in its facilities

A spokeswoman for the UN agency providing aid and relief to Palestinian refugees says “the facilities in the north are becoming crowded by the hour … They are absolutely full and so people have started taking refuge in areas outside these facilities, including in parks, in the open, many are sleeping in their cars.”

“Our facilities, yes they have been hit. We have recorded 180 hits on our facilities, some were directly hit and as a result of these hits, at least 300 people who were sheltering in these facilities got killed and around a thousand were injured,” Juliette Touma said.


‘Literally unbelievable’: Tens of thousands arrive in Rafah

Gemma Connell, an official with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) who has been working in Gaza, says tens of thousands of people fleeing to Rafah during Israeli attacks often arrive with no possessions or anywhere to sleep.

“I just am so fearful that the amount of deaths that we’ve been seeing is going to increase exponentially both because of this renewed offensive, but also because of these conditions which are literally unbelievable,” she told Reuters news agency.

The UN agency said earlier that over the past few days, an estimated 100,000 people arrived in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost town on the border with Egypt, after intense new Israeli ground and aerial attacks around the central town of Deir el-Balah and the southern city of Khan Younis.

Closing out 2023 with some horrific statistics

Number of Palestinians killed in 2023 largest since the Nakba

The Palestinian death toll this year is the largest Palestine has witnessed since the 1948 Nakba.

The Central Bureau of Statistics says at the end of 2023 the number of people killed in the occupied territories stands at 22,404, including 22,141 since October 7. At least 98 percent were in the Gaza Strip, including about 9,000 children and 6,450 women.

The number of people killed in the occupied West Bank since October 7 reached 319, including 111 children and four women.

More than 100 journalists were also killed, according to the Health Ministry, while the number of missing persons in Gaza is more than 7,000 people, 67 percent women and children.

SvennoJ said:

White House says it is not seeking wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sink Houthi boats

The White House said Sunday it is not seeking a wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sank three Houthi boats in the Red Sea after coming under fire. The helicopters sank the boats and killed those aboard, marking the first occasion since tensions broke out earlier this year that the US has killed members of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group — which has been targeting commercial and merchant vessels in the Red Sea. 

The US has so far avoided directly striking the group inside Yemen as it seeks to avoid escalating the crisis further. But a National Security Council spokesperson said Sunday that the US would continue acting in its own self defense.

“We don't seek a conflict wider in the region and we're not looking for a conflict with the Houthis. The best outcome here would be for the Houthis to stop these attacks, as we have made clear over and over again,” the spokesperson, John Kirby, said on ABC News. 

Sure sending a 20 coalition fleet into the Red Sea is not seeking wider conflict at all. Fighting the fallout of the genocide you're backing without any indications to solve the cause and only letting it escalate further and further is not seeking wider conflict at all.

Also disgusting 20 countries come together to protect global trade (which can still find other routes) but continue to stand by genocide. The double standards couldn't be more at show. 2.3 million people dying and starving, eh, any 'threat' to the economy, mobilize a fleet!

And if it's up to Netanyahu, the 'war' or rather systematic destruction and ethic cleansing of gaza will go on for many more months.

Facing pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he will not resign from office

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Saturday that he will not resign from office after facing criticism for failing to anticipate the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu was pressed about taking accountability during a news conference.

"Your question about the willingness to resign — that comes back again and again ... The only thing I intend to resign from is Hamas. That’s what I’m going to resign from. That’s what I’m dealing with and nothing else," Netanyahu said.

Winds have been shifting against the prime minister as Israel’s war in Gaza drags and as Hamas continues to hold hostages. Multiple opinion polls suggest national favor toward Netanyahu and his governing coalition is collapsing, despite continued overwhelming support in Israel for the war on Hamas.

A long war lies ahead: Netanyahu also said during the news conference on Saturday that Israel’s war against Hamas "will continue for many more months."

"My policy is clear: We are continuing to fight until the goals of the war have been achieved, especially the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages," the prime minister said, according to a translated transcript of his comments released by his office.

Israel’s war against Hamas is at its “highest level and will continue for months,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday, according to Israel’s Army Radio. His comments come as the death toll in Gaza rose to nearly 21,700 since Israeli military operations began on October 7, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza.

At least 165 people have been killed over the past day, and 250 others wounded, ministry spokesperson Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra said Saturday. The ministry has confirmed the deaths of at least 21,672 people, and the injury of at least 56,165, since Israel's offensive in the enclave began, according to the spokesperson. About 70% of the war's victims are children and women, Al-Qudra said.

Far-right Israeli minister calls for resettlement after war

A far-right Israeli minister says he is in favour of Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip after the war. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Israel’s Army Radio that there will be an exodus of Palestinians “and we will live in the Gaza Strip”. We will not allow a situation in which two million people live there. If there are 100,000 to 200,000 Arabs living in Gaza, the discussion about the day after will be completely different,” Smotrich was quoted in a post by the channel on X.

Gazans displaced to Rafah tell CNN of sky-high food prices and acute overcrowding

Palestinians displaced inside Gaza have described cramped living conditions, sky-high prices for food, children going hungry and poor sanitation. 

CNN spoke by phone with several people trying to survive in Rafah, in the south, which tens of thousands have fled to despite it already being the most densely populated part of Gaza.

“The way I am getting by is by begging here and there and taking help from anyone,” said Abu Misbah, a 51-year-old building worker trying to support a family of 10. Vegetables and fruit were unaffordable, he said. His children asked for oranges, but he was not able to buy them. “We never (been) through this situation before; we were a middle-class family,” he said. “Now, since the war, we are buying dates — which we used to find everywhere for free. We want a solution to our miserable suffering.” 

Umm Omar, 50, is also displaced in Rafah, and lives in a tent. During the truce, his family had briefly returned home only to find all the windows and solar panels broken, and the kitchen destroyed. “We are nine people in a tent of two meters by one meter,” she said. “We have bought this camping tent ourselves; no one helped us or provided it.” Omar said the group was getting by on canned food, and estimated that most foods were at least four times as expensive as before the war. Medication is also hard to find.

“Life is difficult and humiliating; the word humiliating is not even close to describing it,” she told CNN.

In recent days, large groups of civilians desperate for food have been seen surrounding aid trucks coming into Gaza in a desperate scramble for help. The United Nations has warned that the humanitarian situation in southern Gaza is deteriorating. It warned that the volume of aid entering the enclave “remains woefully inadequate.”

UNRWA says 1.4 million Palestinians now living in its facilities

A spokeswoman for the UN agency providing aid and relief to Palestinian refugees says “the facilities in the north are becoming crowded by the hour … They are absolutely full and so people have started taking refuge in areas outside these facilities, including in parks, in the open, many are sleeping in their cars.”

“Our facilities, yes they have been hit. We have recorded 180 hits on our facilities, some were directly hit and as a result of these hits, at least 300 people who were sheltering in these facilities got killed and around a thousand were injured,” Juliette Touma said.


‘Literally unbelievable’: Tens of thousands arrive in Rafah

Gemma Connell, an official with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) who has been working in Gaza, says tens of thousands of people fleeing to Rafah during Israeli attacks often arrive with no possessions or anywhere to sleep.

“I just am so fearful that the amount of deaths that we’ve been seeing is going to increase exponentially both because of this renewed offensive, but also because of these conditions which are literally unbelievable,” she told Reuters news agency.

The UN agency said earlier that over the past few days, an estimated 100,000 people arrived in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost town on the border with Egypt, after intense new Israeli ground and aerial attacks around the central town of Deir el-Balah and the southern city of Khan Younis.

Closing out 2023 with some horrific statistics

Number of Palestinians killed in 2023 largest since the Nakba

The Palestinian death toll this year is the largest Palestine has witnessed since the 1948 Nakba.

The Central Bureau of Statistics says at the end of 2023 the number of people killed in the occupied territories stands at 22,404, including 22,141 since October 7. At least 98 percent were in the Gaza Strip, including about 9,000 children and 6,450 women.

The number of people killed in the occupied West Bank since October 7 reached 319, including 111 children and four women.

More than 100 journalists were also killed, according to the Health Ministry, while the number of missing persons in Gaza is more than 7,000 people, 67 percent women and children.

This is clearly the most clear case of genocide since the holocaust, especially with how Israel's prime ministers keep saying it and here the US is in full support, the world is really full of evil.

zeldaring said:
SvennoJ said:

White House says it is not seeking wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sink Houthi boats

The White House said Sunday it is not seeking a wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sank three Houthi boats in the Red Sea after coming under fire. The helicopters sank the boats and killed those aboard, marking the first occasion since tensions broke out earlier this year that the US has killed members of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group — which has been targeting commercial and merchant vessels in the Red Sea. 

The US has so far avoided directly striking the group inside Yemen as it seeks to avoid escalating the crisis further. But a National Security Council spokesperson said Sunday that the US would continue acting in its own self defense.

“We don't seek a conflict wider in the region and we're not looking for a conflict with the Houthis. The best outcome here would be for the Houthis to stop these attacks, as we have made clear over and over again,” the spokesperson, John Kirby, said on ABC News. 

Sure sending a 20 coalition fleet into the Red Sea is not seeking wider conflict at all. Fighting the fallout of the genocide you're backing without any indications to solve the cause and only letting it escalate further and further is not seeking wider conflict at all.

Also disgusting 20 countries come together to protect global trade (which can still find other routes) but continue to stand by genocide. The double standards couldn't be more at show. 2.3 million people dying and starving, eh, any 'threat' to the economy, mobilize a fleet!

And if it's up to Netanyahu, the 'war' or rather systematic destruction and ethic cleansing of gaza will go on for many more months.

Facing pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he will not resign from office

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Saturday that he will not resign from office after facing criticism for failing to anticipate the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu was pressed about taking accountability during a news conference.

"Your question about the willingness to resign — that comes back again and again ... The only thing I intend to resign from is Hamas. That’s what I’m going to resign from. That’s what I’m dealing with and nothing else," Netanyahu said.

Winds have been shifting against the prime minister as Israel’s war in Gaza drags and as Hamas continues to hold hostages. Multiple opinion polls suggest national favor toward Netanyahu and his governing coalition is collapsing, despite continued overwhelming support in Israel for the war on Hamas.

A long war lies ahead: Netanyahu also said during the news conference on Saturday that Israel’s war against Hamas "will continue for many more months."

"My policy is clear: We are continuing to fight until the goals of the war have been achieved, especially the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages," the prime minister said, according to a translated transcript of his comments released by his office.

Israel’s war against Hamas is at its “highest level and will continue for months,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday, according to Israel’s Army Radio. His comments come as the death toll in Gaza rose to nearly 21,700 since Israeli military operations began on October 7, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza.

At least 165 people have been killed over the past day, and 250 others wounded, ministry spokesperson Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra said Saturday. The ministry has confirmed the deaths of at least 21,672 people, and the injury of at least 56,165, since Israel's offensive in the enclave began, according to the spokesperson. About 70% of the war's victims are children and women, Al-Qudra said.

Far-right Israeli minister calls for resettlement after war

A far-right Israeli minister says he is in favour of Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip after the war. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Israel’s Army Radio that there will be an exodus of Palestinians “and we will live in the Gaza Strip”. We will not allow a situation in which two million people live there. If there are 100,000 to 200,000 Arabs living in Gaza, the discussion about the day after will be completely different,” Smotrich was quoted in a post by the channel on X.

Gazans displaced to Rafah tell CNN of sky-high food prices and acute overcrowding

Palestinians displaced inside Gaza have described cramped living conditions, sky-high prices for food, children going hungry and poor sanitation. 

CNN spoke by phone with several people trying to survive in Rafah, in the south, which tens of thousands have fled to despite it already being the most densely populated part of Gaza.

“The way I am getting by is by begging here and there and taking help from anyone,” said Abu Misbah, a 51-year-old building worker trying to support a family of 10. Vegetables and fruit were unaffordable, he said. His children asked for oranges, but he was not able to buy them. “We never (been) through this situation before; we were a middle-class family,” he said. “Now, since the war, we are buying dates — which we used to find everywhere for free. We want a solution to our miserable suffering.” 

Umm Omar, 50, is also displaced in Rafah, and lives in a tent. During the truce, his family had briefly returned home only to find all the windows and solar panels broken, and the kitchen destroyed. “We are nine people in a tent of two meters by one meter,” she said. “We have bought this camping tent ourselves; no one helped us or provided it.” Omar said the group was getting by on canned food, and estimated that most foods were at least four times as expensive as before the war. Medication is also hard to find.

“Life is difficult and humiliating; the word humiliating is not even close to describing it,” she told CNN.

In recent days, large groups of civilians desperate for food have been seen surrounding aid trucks coming into Gaza in a desperate scramble for help. The United Nations has warned that the humanitarian situation in southern Gaza is deteriorating. It warned that the volume of aid entering the enclave “remains woefully inadequate.”

UNRWA says 1.4 million Palestinians now living in its facilities

A spokeswoman for the UN agency providing aid and relief to Palestinian refugees says “the facilities in the north are becoming crowded by the hour … They are absolutely full and so people have started taking refuge in areas outside these facilities, including in parks, in the open, many are sleeping in their cars.”

“Our facilities, yes they have been hit. We have recorded 180 hits on our facilities, some were directly hit and as a result of these hits, at least 300 people who were sheltering in these facilities got killed and around a thousand were injured,” Juliette Touma said.


‘Literally unbelievable’: Tens of thousands arrive in Rafah

Gemma Connell, an official with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) who has been working in Gaza, says tens of thousands of people fleeing to Rafah during Israeli attacks often arrive with no possessions or anywhere to sleep.

“I just am so fearful that the amount of deaths that we’ve been seeing is going to increase exponentially both because of this renewed offensive, but also because of these conditions which are literally unbelievable,” she told Reuters news agency.

The UN agency said earlier that over the past few days, an estimated 100,000 people arrived in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost town on the border with Egypt, after intense new Israeli ground and aerial attacks around the central town of Deir el-Balah and the southern city of Khan Younis.

Closing out 2023 with some horrific statistics

Number of Palestinians killed in 2023 largest since the Nakba

The Palestinian death toll this year is the largest Palestine has witnessed since the 1948 Nakba.

The Central Bureau of Statistics says at the end of 2023 the number of people killed in the occupied territories stands at 22,404, including 22,141 since October 7. At least 98 percent were in the Gaza Strip, including about 9,000 children and 6,450 women.

The number of people killed in the occupied West Bank since October 7 reached 319, including 111 children and four women.

More than 100 journalists were also killed, according to the Health Ministry, while the number of missing persons in Gaza is more than 7,000 people, 67 percent women and children.

This is clearly the most clear case of genocide since the holocaust, especially with how Israel's prime ministers keep saying it and here the US is in full support, the world is really full of evil.

A lot of people would call your views on as you call it an LGBQT agenda on The Last of US 2 as evil.  Yes the world can be evil as a whole, no the United States is not in full support of the genocide.  The majority of the US population is against a lot of the Israel/Palestine conflict.  The United States has no soldiers involved in the war.  The average citizen of the USA probably can't find Palestine on a map, and have no ill will towards them.