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zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

You need better sources.

Do you just ignore how much Russia fucked Afghanistan, Syria as well? Or how they use Wagner (a literal Nazi company) in Africa? Africa isn't the only country that Wagner fucks around in either. Russia was more discrete (or nobody cared) until Ukraine. If you don't trust America then you shouldn't trust Russia either but you don't have to trust only America when most the world is also on Ukraine's side and saying Russia is being a dick or you can trust Ukraine themselves, the victims in this.

Most these dudes you're linking have straight up been on Russian state funded media, aka propaganda shows, Jeffrey Sachs has appeared twice on Solovyov's show, a Russian state funded show, Solovyov is a guy who has said "if you think we're going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times" and "Solovyov urged retaliatory strikes across all Ukraine targeting "bridges, dams, railways, thermal power plants and other infrastructure facilities" and "On 18 August 2022, he suggested attacking Berlin, Paris, London and Brussels using missiles." and has repeatedly called for Russia to escalate the war with nuclear strikes.

I doubt you've seen him, I have, many of his clips, the dude is fucking insane like most people on Russian State Media who are bloodthirsty as hell and want nothing more than to see every Ukrainian dead and your Jeffrey Sachs fella is palling around with him on his show.

Like we keep saying, has been said in this thread multiple times, the only one to blame is Russia. There is and never will be an excuse for invading Ukraine and there was no better solution because Russia didn't want one, what they want, is Ukraine and I will say again that you don't have to blindly listen to these people, you only have to think for yourself, use your own logic, as to why many of these Russian excuses for invading don't make even a little bit of sense.

Or you know, listen to what Russia is actually saying...How is it that Russia can essentially say "Lol. Yeah. We hate Ukraine, Ukrainians don't exist, Ukraine doesn't exist, Ukraine is ours. We want the total destruction of Ukraine" and then other people still come out with "Yeah but, it's USA's fault, they only invaded cause poor little Russia was scared" Like what!?

Russia must be laughing at how easy it is to get people to make excuses for them.

You make good points it's just every one that's pro palestine that has knowledge about wars and stuff is usually pro Russia and with the way US is acting and basically fully supporting the blatant genocide its hard not think maybe be these people are right and the US elites are  evil and making the problems on the world 

There's plenty of Pro-Palestinian people who are anti-Russia though.

The issue as I see it, is that we have Republicans who want to blame Democrats for everything but on the other side we also have those specific group of leftists who despise America so much that they are blinded by their hatred and either accidentally or willingly jump to the defence of tyrannical countries like Russia simply because "America bad so America's enemies must be good" and that's the full extent of their thinking.

I was a Corbyn supporter for years but I strongly disagree with some of the shit he spews about foreign policy, I support Labour and would vote Democrat, I consider myself left wing and I used to lean more towards "less investment in military, Russia ain't a threat, etc." but I accept that I was naïve now, I was wrong and while I have criticisms of the West, I'm not so blinded that I would make excuses for Hitler in Russia.

Once again, I would tell you, if you don't trust America, how about picking one of the dozens of countries who have condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine to trust instead? Or how about trusting Ukraine themselves? Why focus so much on America? America ain't in control of the entire world's governments.