IkePoR said:
1. So assuming it is possible a failed heart patient could be deemed a Covid caused death, is it possible there are incentives toward setting such a precedent? During a time when there was mass hysteria and a public crisis, is it at all possible there would be some profiteering? Do you believe it impossible that a highly profitable incentive to propagate the masses wouldn't be executed?  |
Who is profiting though by reporting the cause of death as COVID? It's not the private companies supplying the vaccines who are reporting the deaths as COVID related, it's the doctors, the coroners, the medical staff, etc, I don't see a route where lets say, the NHS is profiting by reporting deaths as COVID related when they are also having to buy millions in PPE equipment to protect against COVID.
There are some dickheads who took advantage of the hysteria and set up bullshit PPE companies but they were also scamming the healthcare industry which had to buy the PPE equipment, the same healthcare industry that is reporting on the deaths and their cause. At the same time, I'll use UK as an example again, our government couldn't wait to lift the lockdowns because they were battering our economy, barely anything about COVID was profitable for anyone aside from food deliveries and PPE suppliers, Lol.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - 5 days ago