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Nothing new, but a good number of recent highlights.  

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KLAMarine said:

What parts in particular do you find objectionable?

CosmicSex said:

'Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be
applied for their personal benefit'

Personal benefit, KLAMarine?  How?  That would only be a benefit whomever is selling them at a now higher price or whomever bought them to fill a skills gap.

It's not like, "Hey, I can go be my own blacksmith now."

This whole "slavery wasn't really that bad" movement is absolutely disgusting, illogical and hypocritical. I guarantee not a single advocate for it would trade places with the slaves that "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit".

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Senate Passes Bill Requiring Supreme Court to Adopt a Code of Ethics. All Republicans Vote 'No'

"We are here because the highest court in the land has the lowest standards of ethics anywhere in the federal government, and justices have exhibited much improper behavior, not least in hapless efforts to excuse the misdeeds," the senator added. "This cannot go on. Defending this behavior defends the indefensible."

"Republicans spent much of Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing offering hysterical objections to Whitehouse's bill. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) declared that, if adopted, the legislation would "destroy the United States Supreme Court as an institution," a message echoed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

"This is a bill to destroy a conservative court," said Graham. "This bill is going nowhere. All of us are going to vote no."

Talk about telling on themselves...

KLAMarine said:

the-pi-guy said:

Firstly would you feel okay if these sections also existed:

- "instruction includes how 9/11 caused there to be more space in New York City, which in some cases allowed new buildings to be built."

- "instruction includes how the Holocaust caused Jewish scientists to flee Germany, which in some cases gave benefits to other nations."

There's a history of trying to make slavery seem like it was actually a benefit to black people; in an attempt to downplay evil. "We took them from living in huts to living in cities"

Trying to justify some of the most horrific events in history is evil. Florida has taken a notable step to codify that evil in their education system.  

I think the point of Jewish scientists fleeing Germany WAS beneficial: it robbed Nazi Germany of talent and benefited The Allies in their fight against The Axis.

Machiavellian said:

Here is a question, do you believe it to be true.

I think people can learn new things even in dire circumstances. There are certainly strong incentives to do so in bad times.

I recall reading of North Koreans learning to survive during the famine in the 90s. The Soviet Union learned to fight when it was invaded by The Nazis. Of course, as a whole, these were bad times but I don't think it's controversial to acknowledge silver linings.

Are you really learning something that is the key.  This is not about learning about how something bad could have also produced good results.  Its the narrative that something bad wasn't all bad.  In marketing sense its a way to try to make a product still appear appealing even when there was something hugely negative with it.  In this case the product is history which covers something bad but in Florida, they will try to fame it as if it was not the atrocities it is.

Now think about it on this point.  They give examples of people who have benefited from Slavery.  We could create a whole thread on how that part is missing a lot of detail and actually false but instead lets just say that the 16 of so people they name was all true.  Also remember that these people they list are all in the African history course that was nixed by the Governor.  Meaning that its not that Florida is looking to teach you some silver lining about black history, they are looking to control that narrative for their own purpose.

The issue is that there are millions of slaves but you have 16 examples they are trying to use as proof of what they are saying.  This is another way of just omitting things that happen after Slaves were freed.  Jim crow laws are just obvious laws that some people heard about but do not really know what they cover and since its something that will not be covered in Florida, they are happy people stay ignorant of those laws.  Even still Jim Crow laws were just the tip of the iceberg,  there were many laws especially in the South that basically forced Slaves back to plantations because they could not get a job.  Then there was incarcerations for just about anything to force those same freed slaves back to work for nothing.  

All of these laws actually are things that are covered in the African studies which mind you Florida made a point of getting rid of.  Also its something that is taught in the Critical Race Theory college course but that is also something that Florida Governor has nixed as well because it would be bad to have actual history that goes counter to what they are currently trying to sell being taught in the state that someone actually have to elect to and take.

So while you may believe that this is somehow a way to show how Slavery was beneficial to black people in some type of way, the real message and the real goal is to suppress all the negative parts before, during and after Slavery to somehow make it appear that things were that bad and any information you hear different is woke CRT or whatever they are going to name it.

Painting slavery as "mandatory trade school" or anything other than dehumanizing enslaved people is whitewashing, full stop. This is shit you'd expect to see in a Southern school system circa 1955.

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A couple new tidbits I thought was interesting today. Jack Smith some how found within his possession that document Trump was waving around in Bedmister where he is accused of showing this classified document to people who did not have clearance. This whole document case cannot be any more tragic as it continues to its conclusion. The fact that the document that Trump lawyers could not find, lands in Jack Smith hands is probably looking really bad for Trump on top of all the other evidence the DOJ already has.

The second thing I thought was of note is in the great state of Texas, they decided to eliminate Libraries within the Houston district and turn those locations into basically detention centers. So out of the 85 Schools, 28 will be affected. Now I wonder which of those 28 that are effect have a high concentration of a certain group of people and the other locations. I am sure just a little more digging it would be clear the message that is being set.

Trump got a legal hat trick.

There goes another one.

TallSilhouette said:

Senate Passes Bill Requiring Supreme Court to Adopt a Code of Ethics. All Republicans Vote 'No'

"We are here because the highest court in the land has the lowest standards of ethics anywhere in the federal government, and justices have exhibited much improper behavior, not least in hapless efforts to excuse the misdeeds," the senator added. "This cannot go on. Defending this behavior defends the indefensible."

"Republicans spent much of Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing offering hysterical objections to Whitehouse's bill. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) declared that, if adopted, the legislation would "destroy the United States Supreme Court as an institution," a message echoed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

"This is a bill to destroy a conservative court," said Graham. "This bill is going nowhere. All of us are going to vote no."

Talk about telling on themselves...

I’ll admit, I clicked that link expecting to get to an Onion article.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Once Donald Trump dies, his less controversial brother Raul Trump can take over the party.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.