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A couple new tidbits I thought was interesting today. Jack Smith some how found within his possession that document Trump was waving around in Bedmister where he is accused of showing this classified document to people who did not have clearance. This whole document case cannot be any more tragic as it continues to its conclusion. The fact that the document that Trump lawyers could not find, lands in Jack Smith hands is probably looking really bad for Trump on top of all the other evidence the DOJ already has.

The second thing I thought was of note is in the great state of Texas, they decided to eliminate Libraries within the Houston district and turn those locations into basically detention centers. So out of the 85 Schools, 28 will be affected. Now I wonder which of those 28 that are effect have a high concentration of a certain group of people and the other locations. I am sure just a little more digging it would be clear the message that is being set.