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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What do you think Switch 2 launch games will be?

- Well new Mario seems like a no brainer (2D or 3D, or at the very least another Luigi's Mansion)
- Metroid game (maybe Prime 4? If it's delayed enough, they could pull a Zelda BotW and cross-release on Switch and Switch 2)
- 3D Donkey Kong game (I think especially if they just opt for the 2D Mario game this could happen)
- F-Zero (I think they'll finally do it, I feel the urge to tap into this well will be too much given Nintendo has done most of their other major franchises half to death at this point)
- Star Fox
- Animal Crossing
- Mario Kart 9
- Splatoon 4
- Astral Chain 2
- New Mario + Rabbids
- New Rayman
- New Sonic

A few "outside the box" picks:
- Project Hammer
- StarTropics
- Golden Sun
- Punchout
- Battalion Wars
- Wave Race


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I don't think Nintendo will be launching with a 2D Mario again any time that soon after Wii U. It's not like NSMBU was a bad game, it's probably the best NSMB game by a fair margin.

Nintendo fans just tend to want an "epic" Nintendo game in the launch window. I think Mario Kart, Smash Bros., a new Zelda, big scale 3D Mario (ie: Galaxy or Odyssey or Mario 64) fit into that mold, or maybe you can double up like Mario Kart + Metroid Prime very quickly afterwards fills the gap.

Soundwave said:

I don't think Nintendo will be launching with a 2D Mario again any time that soon after Wii U. It's not like NSMBU was a bad game, it's probably the best NSMB game by a fair margin.

Nintendo fans just tend to want an "epic" Nintendo game in the launch window. I think Mario Kart, Smash Bros., a new Zelda, big scale 3D Mario (ie: Galaxy or Odyssey or Mario 64) fit into that mold, or maybe you can double up like Mario Kart + Metroid Prime very quickly afterwards fills the gap.

I mean I think 2D Mario just isn't great for a launch game. You want to show off the system with launch games, and 2D doesn't do that.

I would certainly expect a 2D Mario on Switch though, cuz it'd be insane if they just skipped 2D Mario on a system with Switch's user base and only gave us the rather mediocre old ported game from the WiiU (maybe its not mediocre but the "New" formula just feels old and stale at this point, hard to say which, but regardless it wasn't a particularly great game IMO).

2D Mario would be a 20 million seller on Switch so I'd be shocked if they didn't have one in the late stages of development right now. 2D Mario as the big holiday title this year makes perfect sense unless they are gonna do like a surprise release to coincide with the Mario movie this Spring. 2D Mario on Switch and 3D Mario for Switch 2 launch makes a lot more sense than the other way around (which I just mention cuz I've seen some people saying they are hoping for another 3D Mario on Switch).

But yeah, like you say the epic games are the sorts of things that should be launch games. MK9 and 3D Mario make the most sense, because its obviously not going to be Zelda since we're about to get a Zelda game and Smash Bros just seems unlikely. Metroid Prime 4 could be a launch game as well if work on it was just going soooo slowly that they at some point decided to target the next-gen instead but I'm hoping we get Prime 4 on Switch this year, well before any successor launches.

Slownenberg said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think Nintendo will be launching with a 2D Mario again any time that soon after Wii U. It's not like NSMBU was a bad game, it's probably the best NSMB game by a fair margin.

Nintendo fans just tend to want an "epic" Nintendo game in the launch window. I think Mario Kart, Smash Bros., a new Zelda, big scale 3D Mario (ie: Galaxy or Odyssey or Mario 64) fit into that mold, or maybe you can double up like Mario Kart + Metroid Prime very quickly afterwards fills the gap.

I mean I think 2D Mario just isn't great for a launch game. You want to show off the system with launch games, and 2D doesn't do that.

I would certainly expect a 2D Mario on Switch though, cuz it'd be insane if they just skipped 2D Mario on a system with Switch's user base and only gave us the rather mediocre old ported game from the WiiU (maybe its not mediocre but the "New" formula just feels old and stale at this point, hard to say which, but regardless it wasn't a particularly great game IMO).

2D Mario would be a 20 million seller on Switch so I'd be shocked if they didn't have one in the late stages of development right now. 2D Mario as the big holiday title this year makes perfect sense unless they are gonna do like a surprise release to coincide with the Mario movie this Spring. 2D Mario on Switch and 3D Mario for Switch 2 launch makes a lot more sense than the other way around (which I just mention cuz I've seen some people saying they are hoping for another 3D Mario on Switch).

But yeah, like you say the epic games are the sorts of things that should be launch games. MK9 and 3D Mario make the most sense, because its obviously not going to be Zelda since we're about to get a Zelda game and Smash Bros just seems unlikely. Metroid Prime 4 could be a launch game as well if work on it was just going soooo slowly that they at some point decided to target the next-gen instead but I'm hoping we get Prime 4 on Switch this year, well before any successor launches.

Yeah, when you get a new hardware you want something that has more sizzle on that steak than a 2D game in this day and age. 

Smash Bros. could probably pass that test, but that's because it's basically become like the epic, Avengers-tier Nintendo + retro gaming favorites mash up for the industry with a monstrous character roster and tons of stages. 

Soundwave said:

I'd expect more 3rd party support earlier in the product cycle too since the Switch concept has proven to be successful.

There's probably a shit ton of PS4/XB1 era content that a lot of devs would want to bring over and also titles like Street Fighter VI that would make sense (3DS launched with SSFIV).

Final Fantasy VII Remake, Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Street Fighter VI, Call of Duty latest game, Madden NFL I could see being on the next Switch as IP that aren't on the current Switch, several of them maybe even very early on.

I actually would like to see that happen, but I’m not holding my breath for even half of those coming to the successor, launch or otherwise. Street Fighter VI i can see happen (Street Fighter has legacy with Nintendo consoles). RE4Remake is possible but who knows, at least there’s history there as well with the original originally a GameCube timed exclusive. Kingdom Hearts, maybe they’ll not be lazy this time and release all of the games digitally and/or physically on the successor. Modern Final Fantasy games on the Switch successor? It’s possible if Square isn’t hand tied by Sony’s deals. RDR2 and COD? I don’t know if I can go that far. Im not sure Rockstar cares enough of a Switch successor. I know Microsoft promised Nintendo will get COD in the future. But if they don’t finish their purchase of Activision Blizzard, I’m not sure if Activision Blizzard, independently, will care enough to bring COD to the Switch successor. Same with EA and Madden. They’ve had years to get one onto Switch but don’t care enough to port even one game. They’ve been lazy with the FIFA Legacy titles on Switch so how can I expect any better even with improved hardware?

Im hoping the successor will have improved third party support (if we’re going by the rumored/leaked specs of the console). But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see only a minor improvement in that department and mostly see the same support we’re seeing right now. Indies, A-AA games, Square’s HD2D games, that once in a while impressive PS4/5 port of a previous big game (I.e., Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royal, Doom, etc.).

Ultimately, in order to maintain the great success from the Switch, Nintendo will have to carry the load once again with its own big titles.

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Kai_Mao said:
Soundwave said:

I'd expect more 3rd party support earlier in the product cycle too since the Switch concept has proven to be successful.

There's probably a shit ton of PS4/XB1 era content that a lot of devs would want to bring over and also titles like Street Fighter VI that would make sense (3DS launched with SSFIV).

Final Fantasy VII Remake, Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Street Fighter VI, Call of Duty latest game, Madden NFL I could see being on the next Switch as IP that aren't on the current Switch, several of them maybe even very early on.

I actually would like to see that happen, but I’m not holding my breath for even half of those coming to the successor, launch or otherwise. Street Fighter VI i can see happen (Street Fighter has legacy with Nintendo consoles). RE4Remake is possible but who knows, at least there’s history there as well with the original originally a GameCube timed exclusive. Kingdom Hearts, maybe they’ll not be lazy this time and release all of the games digitally and/or physically on the successor. Modern Final Fantasy games on the Switch successor? It’s possible if Square isn’t hand tied by Sony’s deals. RDR2 and COD? I don’t know if I can go that far. Im not sure Rockstar cares enough of a Switch successor. I know Microsoft promised Nintendo will get COD in the future. But if they don’t finish their purchase of Activision Blizzard, I’m not sure if Activision Blizzard, independently, will care enough to bring COD to the Switch successor. Same with EA and Madden. They’ve had years to get one onto Switch but don’t care enough to port even one game. They’ve been lazy with the FIFA Legacy titles on Switch so how can I expect any better even with improved hardware?

Im hoping the successor will have improved third party support (if we’re going by the rumored/leaked specs of the console). But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see only a minor improvement in that department and mostly see the same support we’re seeing right now. Indies, A-AA games, Square’s HD2D games, that once in a while impressive PS4/5 port of a previous big game (I.e., Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royal, Doom, etc.).

Ultimately, in order to maintain the great success from the Switch, Nintendo will have to carry the load once again with its own big titles.

It's a cost/effort ratio, there are games that probably could be on the current Switch like Madden, but it's not worth the effort to EA to have to heavily cutomize the game. The Witcher 3 took 1+ year to port to the Switch for example. 

If you have better hardware which allows porting to be easier, then it becomes a no brainer. If it means they have to make a customized version of Madden just to sell maybe 300k-500k copies, that's not worth it to them that's why the current Switch doesn't have it. But if the next Switch can easily run the Frostbite engine, then the effort involved in porting it drops a lot. 

And I think Microsoft's buyout will go through. 

History isn't really the best basis for what games the Switch successor can get either. Nintendo has no history with Witcher titles or Overwatch or Persona main line games or Diablo or Skyrim/Elder Scrolls or Metro or Crysis or Final Fantasy VII prior to this gen, and yet the Switch has installments now in all of those franchises. Switch did also get GTA Trilogy which is the first time the main line GTA games have ever been on a Nintendo platform. 

The other difference too is even relative to the Wii/DS, the Switch is selling way more software. Software attach rate is higher and the adult demographic of the platform is even larger ... so I think 3rd parties will look at when making decisions on whether to support the next Switch as well. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 05 February 2023

Soundwave said:
Kai_Mao said:

I actually would like to see that happen, but I’m not holding my breath for even half of those coming to the successor, launch or otherwise. Street Fighter VI i can see happen (Street Fighter has legacy with Nintendo consoles). RE4Remake is possible but who knows, at least there’s history there as well with the original originally a GameCube timed exclusive. Kingdom Hearts, maybe they’ll not be lazy this time and release all of the games digitally and/or physically on the successor. Modern Final Fantasy games on the Switch successor? It’s possible if Square isn’t hand tied by Sony’s deals. RDR2 and COD? I don’t know if I can go that far. Im not sure Rockstar cares enough of a Switch successor. I know Microsoft promised Nintendo will get COD in the future. But if they don’t finish their purchase of Activision Blizzard, I’m not sure if Activision Blizzard, independently, will care enough to bring COD to the Switch successor. Same with EA and Madden. They’ve had years to get one onto Switch but don’t care enough to port even one game. They’ve been lazy with the FIFA Legacy titles on Switch so how can I expect any better even with improved hardware?

Im hoping the successor will have improved third party support (if we’re going by the rumored/leaked specs of the console). But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see only a minor improvement in that department and mostly see the same support we’re seeing right now. Indies, A-AA games, Square’s HD2D games, that once in a while impressive PS4/5 port of a previous big game (I.e., Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royal, Doom, etc.).

Ultimately, in order to maintain the great success from the Switch, Nintendo will have to carry the load once again with its own big titles.

It's a cost/effort ratio, there are games that probably could be on the current Switch like Madden, but it's not worth the effort to EA to have to heavily cutomize the game. The Witcher 3 took 1+ year to port to the Switch for example. 

If you have better hardware which allows porting to be easier, then it becomes a no brainer. If it means they have to make a customized version of Madden just to sell maybe 300k-500k copies, that's not worth it to them that's why the current Switch doesn't have it. But if the next Switch can easily run the Frostbite engine, then the effort involved in porting it drops a lot. 

And I think Microsoft's buyout will go through. 

History isn't really the best basis for what games the Switch successor can get either. Nintendo has no history with Witcher titles or Overwatch or Persona main line games or Diablo or Skyrim/Elder Scrolls or Metro or Crysis or Final Fantasy VII prior to this gen, and yet the Switch has installments now in all of those franchises. Switch did also get GTA Trilogy which is the first time the main line GTA games have ever been on a Nintendo platform. 

The other difference too is even relative to the Wii/DS, the Switch is selling way more software. Software attach rate is higher and the adult demographic of the platform is even larger ... so I think 3rd parties will look at when making decisions on whether to support the next Switch as well. 

I get what you’re saying and I hope you’re right. I think if the Switch successor is close to high end PS4 in terms of capabilities on a hybrid, then bigger third party developers don’t have as many excuses anymore. Sure, I could see FFXVI be a little too powerful for such a successor, but FFVIIR and possibly Rebirth should have a chance on the potential successor. Same with the upcoming DQXII, even though we haven’t seen any gameplay footage yet.

And you do have a point regarding many firsts on Switch. It’s amazing how many IPs from Overwatch, Diablo, The Witcher, GTA (mainline), Wolfenstein, Doom, Nier, Persona, etc., have made their way onto Switch when previous Nintendo consoles weren’t as lucky to have as many strong third party IPs. Even Devil May Cry made its way into Switch, even though it’s only up to the first three games.

If the successor and its potential software are selling well and the successor is as powerful as rumored/leaked and easy to port, then big third party developers will need to come up with some lame excuse not to port bigger games on the successor.

Kai_Mao said:
Soundwave said:

It's a cost/effort ratio, there are games that probably could be on the current Switch like Madden, but it's not worth the effort to EA to have to heavily cutomize the game. The Witcher 3 took 1+ year to port to the Switch for example. 

If you have better hardware which allows porting to be easier, then it becomes a no brainer. If it means they have to make a customized version of Madden just to sell maybe 300k-500k copies, that's not worth it to them that's why the current Switch doesn't have it. But if the next Switch can easily run the Frostbite engine, then the effort involved in porting it drops a lot. 

And I think Microsoft's buyout will go through. 

History isn't really the best basis for what games the Switch successor can get either. Nintendo has no history with Witcher titles or Overwatch or Persona main line games or Diablo or Skyrim/Elder Scrolls or Metro or Crysis or Final Fantasy VII prior to this gen, and yet the Switch has installments now in all of those franchises. Switch did also get GTA Trilogy which is the first time the main line GTA games have ever been on a Nintendo platform. 

The other difference too is even relative to the Wii/DS, the Switch is selling way more software. Software attach rate is higher and the adult demographic of the platform is even larger ... so I think 3rd parties will look at when making decisions on whether to support the next Switch as well. 

I get what you’re saying and I hope you’re right. I think if the Switch successor is close to high end PS4 in terms of capabilities on a hybrid, then bigger third party developers don’t have as many excuses anymore. Sure, I could see FFXVI be a little too powerful for such a successor, but FFVIIR and possibly Rebirth should have a chance on the potential successor. Same with the upcoming DQXII, even though we haven’t seen any gameplay footage yet.

And you do have a point regarding many firsts on Switch. It’s amazing how many IPs from Overwatch, Diablo, The Witcher, GTA (mainline), Wolfenstein, Doom, Nier, Persona, etc., have made their way onto Switch when previous Nintendo consoles weren’t as lucky to have as many strong third party IPs. Even Devil May Cry made its way into Switch, even though it’s only up to the first three games.

If the successor and its potential software are selling well and the successor is as powerful as rumored/leaked and easy to port, then big third party developers will need to come up with some lame excuse not to port bigger games on the successor.

FFXIV (the online one) should be possible as well, we'll see about XVI I guess, I think a lot depends on how the Switch successor uses DLSS, if the current Switch had about the same raw horsepower but could utilize DLSS even at low resolutions like 360p, I think more devs would be open to porting, because you could get away with like 360p undocked and only 600p docked and it would be fine. I think a lot of devs don't want to bother to port on the Switch as is because it would be a blurry mess if you went down to resolutions but DLSS can make 360p look like an HD image (720p albiet) on a small size screen especially. 

Also I'll be honest FF16 doesn't look like a massive leap beyond FF7R even on PS4/PS4 Pro. 

The next Dragon Quest is a lock for the Switch successor and I think they will even make a separate version for the OG Switch if they have to, just like the 3DS got its own version of DQ12. 

One other thing I could see .... Monster Hunter World 2 on Switch 2 ... I know Capcom likes to separate the World/Rise, but lets be honest, a MHW game on the Switch would probably clear 8-10 million copies, that's just too much money to say no to. 

My guesses for the launch window:

  • I'd be shocked if there's not a Zelda TotK port.
  • The obligatory quirky-but-slightly-trashy game that takes advantage of the platform's unique features.
  • New Mario platformer.
  • Mario Kart - either 9 or a definitive port of 8 including all of the DLC.
  • Just Dance 202X.
  • Diablo IV.
  • Port of the latest Call of Duty*.
  • Port of the latest Madden*.
  • Port of the latest FIFA*.
  • Some indie releases.
  • A JRPG or two.

*These all might be butchered in some way, given the 'effort' they usually put into Nintendo versions.

I think you will see a boom in early Japanese dev support for the Switch 2, Switch really didn't have that (neither did DS actually). But 3DS got a lot of Japanese dev support early (Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid 3, also Monster Hunter exclusivity announced, etc.).

I suspect Switch's successor will see something similar but even better.