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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox OpenCritic Prediction League - 2023 Edition

alright peeps I know it's last minute due to unforeseeable events but we need predictions for Hi-Fi Rush PRONTO

also we'd have to end predictions as soon as a review come out so make sure u don't miss out

HFR- 82

Around the Network

Lmao. Idfk! I'm just throwing a score out there to get one on the board before reviews come, damn you Microsoft.

Hi Fi Rush - 80.

HFR - 83 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

ice said:

Alright peeps I know it's last minute due to unforeseeable events but we need predictions for Hi-Fi Rush PRONTO

Also we'd have to end predictions as soon as a review come out so make sure u don't miss out


Hi-Fi Rush - 85

Around the Network

HFR - 79

HFR- 80

Some updates for others based on what was shown on the showcase:

Minecraft Legends- 81

Redfall- 82

Forza- 89

HFR - 81

HFR - 80

NobleTeam360 said:

Age of Empires 2: 70
Goldeneye: 71
Minecraft Legends: 75
Forza Motorsport: 88
Redfall: 85
Starfield: 90
Ara: 73
Age of Empires 4: 83

Hi-Fi Rush: 80

changing Forza Motorsport to an 87

changing Ara to a 78

changing Redfall to an 84