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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So, apparently, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet is filled with glitches. Have you found any?

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RolStoppable said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Isn't that par for the course with GameFreak?

It is, and once again the shown glitches don't come close to the things that we've seen in the typical AAA third party blockbuster blunders, such as Watch Dogs or Mass Effect Andromeda.

On one side you have the former Pokémon fans who've finally come to realize that GameFreak is technologically inept (which GameFreak always was), but act as if the developers only recently got lazy or whatever they want to call it. On the other side you have Nintendo haters who'd love to see hyped Nintendo products to be just as disappointing as prominent AAA third party failures. We've gone through all this three years ago already.

Hey, some Pokemon fans still enjoy the games even if they're not that good!

My work shut down for 2 weeks back in January so I was just playing through Pokemon Sword back then. I know Pokemon games could be a LOT better, but they're still good fun. I'll get Scarlet/Violet one day too, new Pokemon games just aren't a high priority.

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I've not seen any major glitches or animation bugs in my playthrough.
Weird camera angles is the worst I've seen, along with the awful frame rate.

I think the core of the games are fun, I like the characters and how expressive they can be, and I've not liked an evil team quite like I have with team star. Maybe it hits a bit close to home so I sympathize with them, but I do like the story behind it.
I think a lot of the new Pokémon designs are really cool.

I've said it before, but these games need to stop being needed to be made on a schedule, they need 3+ years to be something great. I really like the core of Violet and Scarlett it just needed more optimisation

My girlfriend picked up my pre-order for me. I asked her to keep the game until I'm done with my exams (November 30th). But after watching those videos... I might just tell her to keep the game forever xD

pokoko said:

quality entertainment here


Majora said:

When these games were first announced, I preordered them almost straight away. A few months later I thought better of my decision and cancelled the preorder to wait and see. Now after all this palaver I'm absolutely uninterested in these games, and that makes me sad as I absolutely love Pokémon as a franchise. Something really needs to be done about this. This franchise has so much potential for an incredible gaming experience, and GF for whatever reason either can't or won't provide this. It's a sad day that a new game gets released on a Nintendo platform that is this utterly pathetic.

"For whatever reason" seems pretty obvious in this case. Game Freak are still a relatively small studio and they just had 3 years to release two open-world games. Even big ass development teams with tons of experience in making games like these only make at most one game every 3 years, never mind Game Freak.

It's just greed, but unfortunately people are giving them all the reason to be greedy. Sword/Shield was a mess yet it raked in cash like no Pokémon game ever before. Legends Arceus was visibly rushed, albeit still the most polished thing they've done recently, just a spin-off and it went on to sell 10m+. Even the Diamond/Pearl remakes which looked like a parody of the series sold like crazy, and now Scarlet/Violet are already looking like another 20m+ seller, if pre-order reports are anything to go by.

Pokémon fans will eat up anything, even when they know it's shit. If you're getting paid for taking a shit, why would you try doing anything else?

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They are going through what the Assassin's Creed series is going through, making sure the release is annual with less and less QA.

They could have easily waited this release until next year but they know people will buy it day/month 1.

Hopefully the game gets patched enough to mitigate the issues, there was a day 1 patch released according to someone I know who has the game.

I'll get the game myself sometime a year later when it goes down in price somewhere.

I was pretty skeptical ever since the games were announed for this year, though I more so expected the usual compromises rather than a glitchfest, but I suppose a rushed schedule will do that. Hard to say how bad it is without playing it though, but I don't really plan to. As long as they stick to the 3-year cycle for mainline games I doubt we'll see a game from them that feels on par with other big Nintendo series, and even if that doesn't necessarily make them bad they have mostly lost my interest at this point.

There is perhaps a slim hope they could spend a little longer on the next generation, since it's likely to be for Nintendo's next system which is likely still a few years off, and mainline Pokémon games usually come out a couple of years into a consoles life. I'm not quite holding my breath though.

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UnderwaterFunktown said:

I was pretty skeptical ever since the games were announed for this year, though I more so expected the usual compromises rather than a glitchfest, but I suppose a rushed schedule will do that. Hard to say how bad it is without playing it though, but I don't really plan to. As long as they stick to the 3-year cycle for mainline games I doubt we'll see a game from them that feels on par with other big Nintendo series, and even if that doesn't necessarily make them bad they have mostly lost my interest at this point.

There is perhaps a slim hope they could spend a little longer on the next generation, since it's likely to be for Nintendo's next system which is likely still a few years off, and mainline Pokémon games usually come out a couple of years into a consoles life. I'm not quite holding my breath though.

Going from what we've seen in the past starting with the DS, they usually make 2 Generation leap games and 1 remake - granted Gen 5 and 7 had gotten sequels so we could possibly see a sequel to Gen 9 (current gen) next year as the final set of Pokemon games for Switch before we get Gen 10 and remake of Gen 5 on the successor to Switch.

NS = Gen 8 (Sword/Shield), Gen 9 (Scarlet/Violet) and Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl) remakes

3DS = Gen 6 (X/Y), Gen 7 (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) and Gen 3 (Ruby/Sapphire) Remakes

DS = Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl), Gen 5 (Black/White and Black/White 2) and Gen 2 (Gold/Silver) remakes

GBA = Gen 3 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald), Gen 1 (Red/Green) remakes

GB/C = Gen 1 (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow) and Gen 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)

So its still gonna be an annual release, so unless they skip next year and focus on Gen 10 for the successor, I dont think Gen 10 is gonna be quite a jump - hopefully it will be.

BasilZero said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

I was pretty skeptical ever since the games were announed for this year, though I more so expected the usual compromises rather than a glitchfest, but I suppose a rushed schedule will do that. Hard to say how bad it is without playing it though, but I don't really plan to. As long as they stick to the 3-year cycle for mainline games I doubt we'll see a game from them that feels on par with other big Nintendo series, and even if that doesn't necessarily make them bad they have mostly lost my interest at this point.

There is perhaps a slim hope they could spend a little longer on the next generation, since it's likely to be for Nintendo's next system which is likely still a few years off, and mainline Pokémon games usually come out a couple of years into a consoles life. I'm not quite holding my breath though.

Going from what we've seen in the past starting with the DS, they usually make 2 Generation leap games and 1 remake - granted Gen 5 and 7 had gotten sequels so we could possibly see a sequel to Gen 9 (current gen) next year as the final set of Pokemon games for Switch before we get Gen 10 and remake of Gen 5 on the successor to Switch.

NS = Gen 8 (Sword/Shield), Gen 9 (Scarlet/Violet) and Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl) remakes

3DS = Gen 6 (X/Y), Gen 7 (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) and Gen 3 (Ruby/Sapphire) Remakes

DS = Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl), Gen 5 (Black/White and Black/White 2) and Gen 2 (Gold/Silver) remakes

GBA = Gen 3 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald), Gen 1 (Red/Green) remakes

GB/C = Gen 1 (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow) and Gen 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal)

So its still gonna be an annual release, so unless they skip next year and focus on Gen 10 for the successor, I dont think Gen 10 is gonna be quite a jump - hopefully it will be.

Do not forget the Let's Go games and Arceus. Their output is unsustainable.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Darwinianevolution said:

Do not forget the Let's Go games and Arceus. Their output is unsustainable.

Oh yeah, Lets Go was remakes of the first gen though I thought Arceus was more of a spinoff (even though its made by Gamefreak)?

Either ways, they are pumping out games annually and its easy to tell its taking a toll on the quality lol

Edit: Forget the visuals/graphics, I'm talking about QA.