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Imaginedvl said:
shikamaru317 said:

Ngl, pretty disappointed by this Diablo 4 server slam weekend. Blizzard decided to be absolutely brutal to us. Not only did they nerf most of the classes, pretty heavily in some cases, since the initial open beta, but then they also drastically dropped the legendary spawn rate, making it near impossible to get more than a handful of legendaries before going up against Ashava. If that wasn't bad enough, they also reduced the maximum number of players allowed to fight Ashava at once from 12 to 10 I believe. They reduced the level cap for this beta from 25 to 20, meaning less skill points.Then they made this weekend shorter than the other 2, with Ashava spawns not beginning until day 2, today. Then they set the the Ashava respawn timer at a ridiculously long 3 hours, meaning that Ashava only spawns 9 times during the whole weekend, just 9 chances to beat Ashava and get your Ashava trophy in the main game on release, and 2 of those 9 chances are at hours when people are typically sleeping, so it's really more like just 7 chances. The cherry on top, they allow players lower than level 20 into the Ashava zone, I have had players as low as level 6 show up on my 4 Ashava attempts so far.

My first run was the closest, we had him down to less than 10% health when the 15 minutes timer expired. Since then each run has gotten worse, 2nd we had about 30% health left, 3rd about 40%, and on this 4th run I just did on the 9pm spawn, we didn't even manage to remove half of his health. And I had such hope for this last run as well, no minion build Necros showed up (minion build necro was nerfed into the ground) and everyone was level 20, and yet we still couldn't even take out half of his health. I've got a bad feeling that I'm not getting this Ashava trophy this weekend. And yes, allowing players with lower level in lol, I wished they could have blocked that too, my GF had a level 5 and 10 at some point dying non stop and basically bringing nothing other than making Ashava HP pool bigger... :D

They also still haven't fixed the loot level scaling issue from the open beta, I'm level 20 and getting drops as low as level 11, frustrating as hell. Oh, and they're letting level 21 loot drop with the level cap at level 20, got a level 21 legendary that I can't equip, so that's fun. 

Edit: Even Rod is struggling

I'm going to try switching to world tier 1 on my midnight run, supposedly it shrinks Ashava's health pool considerably.

For me it was quite the opposite, I played hardcore only this time and got the Ashava on the second attempt (first attempt, we got like 5 people one-shot in the first swipe lol (in HC.. Was actually fun to watch)). And yes :) I died once while levelling to a fucking Butcher, I was not geared well enough and this fucker destroyed me before I could make it outside of the dungeon haha

For the record, played rogue/barbarian mainly; they are by far my favorite characters. After you really spend time upgrading/crafting/enchanting/imprinting stuff at level 20, you can pretty much kill anything. Even the level 30 areas were easy to farm, got probably like 20+ legendaries per hours (did that for 2 or 3 hours, with few level 20 tho, rest was too high :D)).
I managed to have a power level of 560 on my rogue with several item levels 370+ (still equipable at 20); got some lucky drop. This was on my rogue mainly and did not even get the Twisted Blade legendary (and I farmed like hell for it haha). I'm pretty sure I could have soloed the boss (it scales with the number of participant) no problem but I never managed to be alone anyway.

I love the state of where the game is right now; yes it requires a lot of time to optimize your character and Ashava was a good example of that but this is how I want it to be. And I mean this is really just up to 20 too.

I totally understand the frustration for some tho; I'm a hardcore Diablo player and I optimize like hell and play non-stop for the beta. But even for people who spend let's say 6 hours per day in the slam, they could end up be unlucky and don't get the Ashava kill simply because of bad luck. I kinda hope Blizzard will say something this week that anyone who got to 20 and at least tried the boss will get the reward; it would be very nice. For a Beta, I think it make sense cause it is not like you could take all the time you need to level up, etc and then you need to be lucky enough to do not be grouped with bad players.

My GF was playing next to me (softcore) and I could see the fight on Ashava where more than half of her raid would die on EVERY swipe... I mean, nothing she can do and she died maybe only once. She did very well... But did not manage to get the kill before the very last attempt.

Nah, fuck dem noobs. Give them a tag of shame instead. Failed challenge, scrub/10

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Leynos said:
coolbeans said:

I'm left utterly shocked by this part.  I loved how it managed a nice yin/yang between fights, exploration, and characterization.  I'm also a big fan of skiffing around too.

You're right about them lessening the gore.  I remember a popular video pointing that out too.  There isn't that same kind of fleshy, 'smacky' sensation to melee and certain weapons.  Hopefully TC amps that up with Gears 6, especially with new visual & audio tech.  

Because it adds nothing but artificially pad out time. It's empty. It was clearly done because everyone else was doing it. It would have worked better to just use a map and location select if it wants to let the player do it in any order. I don't hate the game by any means but MS and its shooting IPs need to stay away from open worlds as they have not figured it out and not sure they ever will. At least when it comes to Halo and Gears as those IP's don't really lend themselves to that.

Agreed with you on Gears but I disagree on Halo.

For Gears, the Skiff was fine and the cool lightning effects but other than that there wasn't anything to do and of course since characters in Gears move slowly, the Skiff is the only solution to get around a large area. The idea felt half finished, one foot in the door, it felt like they wanted to test the reception to open-world Gears first before fully committing to it.

Then the Gears 5 Expansion came out which from what I've heard is linear fully, so I guess they've made their mind up. Gears should stay linear Imo, it's simply too slow paced for an open-world in terms of character movement, it's scarier as a linear title and feels more action compact, linear lends itself better to Gears cover based action.

I also think the multi-choice was a mistake, I get the vibe that The Coalition will regret it as well. Wonder if it was Rod's decision, Lol. They should change the name back to Gears of War as well. Anyway, I did think Gears 5 was great, I enjoyed the story, I liked the character growth, I liked the lean more into the horror aspects, I enjoyed the linear levels, etc.

Don't think Halo Infinite's open-world was a mistake though, I really hope the next Halo still has an open-world environment, Infinite blended it well by having a main open hub but still had its main missions be linear. Halo's sandbox & physics are simply 10x more deeper (and fun) than Gears is which allows them to go crazier with open-world environments and throw you a dozen vehicles and mechanics to easily get around and populate it with more stuff.

Infinite's biggest mistake was a lack of environments and no large scale battles, both easily fixable when building on it, I really wanted to fight Scarabs on Zeta Halo and like take my crew of Marines with me to go take one down, Lol. All the environmental reactions as well such as enemy chatter was great too and the day/night cycle (although I wish night was darker).

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 May 2023

Angelus said:
Imaginedvl said:

For me it was quite the opposite, I played hardcore only this time and got the Ashava on the second attempt (first attempt, we got like 5 people one-shot in the first swipe lol (in HC.. Was actually fun to watch)). And yes :) I died once while levelling to a fucking Butcher, I was not geared well enough and this fucker destroyed me before I could make it outside of the dungeon haha

For the record, played rogue/barbarian mainly; they are by far my favorite characters. After you really spend time upgrading/crafting/enchanting/imprinting stuff at level 20, you can pretty much kill anything. Even the level 30 areas were easy to farm, got probably like 20+ legendaries per hours (did that for 2 or 3 hours, with few level 20 tho, rest was too high :D)).
I managed to have a power level of 560 on my rogue with several item levels 370+ (still equipable at 20); got some lucky drop. This was on my rogue mainly and did not even get the Twisted Blade legendary (and I farmed like hell for it haha). I'm pretty sure I could have soloed the boss (it scales with the number of participant) no problem but I never managed to be alone anyway.

I love the state of where the game is right now; yes it requires a lot of time to optimize your character and Ashava was a good example of that but this is how I want it to be. And I mean this is really just up to 20 too.

I totally understand the frustration for some tho; I'm a hardcore Diablo player and I optimize like hell and play non-stop for the beta. But even for people who spend let's say 6 hours per day in the slam, they could end up be unlucky and don't get the Ashava kill simply because of bad luck. I kinda hope Blizzard will say something this week that anyone who got to 20 and at least tried the boss will get the reward; it would be very nice. For a Beta, I think it make sense cause it is not like you could take all the time you need to level up, etc and then you need to be lucky enough to do not be grouped with bad players.

My GF was playing next to me (softcore) and I could see the fight on Ashava where more than half of her raid would die on EVERY swipe... I mean, nothing she can do and she died maybe only once. She did very well... But did not manage to get the kill before the very last attempt.

Nah, fuck dem noobs. Give them a tag of shame instead. Failed challenge, scrub/10

I avoided the mark of shame, beat Ashava on my 5th attempt this morning on the 9am spawn.

Thought the drops were kind of lame for a 13 minute boss fight though, I got a single legendary wand drop for my Sorceress (admittedly one of the best legendaries for sorceress, the one that increases damage by up to 30% when standing still for awhile and wasn't cancelled by moving with teleport) and a legendary cache which had nothing but some gold and obols inside. Feel like they need to improve the world boss drops before launch, these are by far the hardest boss fights in the game, generally taking players more than 10 minutes to kill unless you have multiple people that are very well specced and equipped in your instance of the fight, for that kind of time investment you deserve more than a single legendary drop imo, you can farm legendaries faster in dungeons and such even after the nerfed legendary drop rate since the open beta.  

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Nah, fuck dem noobs. Give them a tag of shame instead. Failed challenge, scrub/10

I avoided the mark of shame, beat Ashava on my 5th attempt this morning on the 9am spawn.

Thought the drops were kind of lame for a 13 minute boss fight though, I got a single legendary wand drop for my Sorceress (admittedly one of the best legendaries for sorceress, the one that increases damage by up to 30% when standing still for awhile and wasn't cancelled by moving with teleport) and a legendary cache which had nothing but some gold and obols inside. Feel like they need to improve the world boss drops before launch, these are by far the hardest boss fights in the game, generally taking players more than 10 minutes to kill unless you have multiple people that are very well specced and equipped in your instance of the fight, for that kind of time investment you deserve more than a single legendary drop imo, you can farm legendaries faster in dungeons and such even after the nerfed legendary drop rate since the open beta.  

One guaranteed legendary for 10 minutes is pretty good :) I don’t think they should increase the reward. 
It was not a nerf technically, this is the normal drop rate for the final game, they simply increased it for the open beta so people can test builds and aspects.

The level 30 was just a glitch because we could not level higher, this will not really be a thing in the full game and you cannot really farm legendary faster than that in 10 minutes. Esp when it is guaranteed!

this is a game that people are supposed to play for really long. 

Imaginedvl said:
shikamaru317 said:

Ngl, pretty disappointed by this Diablo 4 server slam weekend. Blizzard decided to be absolutely brutal to us. Not only did they nerf most of the classes, pretty heavily in some cases, since the initial open beta, but then they also drastically dropped the legendary spawn rate, making it near impossible to get more than a handful of legendaries before going up against Ashava. If that wasn't bad enough, they also reduced the maximum number of players allowed to fight Ashava at once from 12 to 10 I believe. They reduced the level cap for this beta from 25 to 20, meaning less skill points.Then they made this weekend shorter than the other 2, with Ashava spawns not beginning until day 2, today. Then they set the the Ashava respawn timer at a ridiculously long 3 hours, meaning that Ashava only spawns 9 times during the whole weekend, just 9 chances to beat Ashava and get your Ashava trophy in the main game on release, and 2 of those 9 chances are at hours when people are typically sleeping, so it's really more like just 7 chances. The cherry on top, they allow players lower than level 20 into the Ashava zone, I have had players as low as level 6 show up on my 4 Ashava attempts so far.

My first run was the closest, we had him down to less than 10% health when the 15 minutes timer expired. Since then each run has gotten worse, 2nd we had about 30% health left, 3rd about 40%, and on this 4th run I just did on the 9pm spawn, we didn't even manage to remove half of his health. And I had such hope for this last run as well, no minion build Necros showed up (minion build necro was nerfed into the ground) and everyone was level 20, and yet we still couldn't even take out half of his health. I've got a bad feeling that I'm not getting this Ashava trophy this weekend. And yes, allowing players with lower level in lol, I wished they could have blocked that too, my GF had a level 5 and 10 at some point dying non stop and basically bringing nothing other than making Ashava HP pool bigger... :D

They also still haven't fixed the loot level scaling issue from the open beta, I'm level 20 and getting drops as low as level 11, frustrating as hell. Oh, and they're letting level 21 loot drop with the level cap at level 20, got a level 21 legendary that I can't equip, so that's fun. 

Edit: Even Rod is struggling

I'm going to try switching to world tier 1 on my midnight run, supposedly it shrinks Ashava's health pool considerably.

For me it was quite the opposite, I played hardcore only this time and got the Ashava on the second attempt (first attempt, we got like 5 people one-shot in the first swipe lol (in HC.. Was actually fun to watch)). And yes :) I died once while levelling to a fucking Butcher, I was not geared well enough and this fucker destroyed me before I could make it outside of the dungeon haha

For the record, played rogue/barbarian mainly; they are by far my favorite characters. After you really spend time upgrading/crafting/enchanting/imprinting stuff at level 20, you can pretty much kill anything. Even the level 30 areas were easy to farm, got probably like 20+ legendaries per hours (did that for 2 or 3 hours, with few level 20 tho, rest was too high :D)).
I managed to have a power level of 560 on my rogue with several item levels 370+ (still equipable at 20); got some lucky drop. This was on my rogue mainly and did not even get the Twisted Blade legendary (and I farmed like hell for it haha). I'm pretty sure I could have soloed the boss (it scales with the number of participant) no problem but I never managed to be alone anyway.

I love the state of where the game is right now; yes it requires a lot of time to optimize your character and Ashava was a good example of that but this is how I want it to be. And I mean this is really just up to 20 too.

I totally understand the frustration for some tho; I'm a hardcore Diablo player and I optimize like hell and play non-stop for the beta. But even for people who spend let's say 6 hours per day in the slam, they could end up be unlucky and don't get the Ashava kill simply because of bad luck. I kinda hope Blizzard will say something this week that anyone who got to 20 and at least tried the boss will get the reward; it would be very nice. For a Beta, I think it make sense cause it is not like you could take all the time you need to level up, etc and then you need to be lucky enough to do not be grouped with bad players.

My GF was playing next to me (softcore) and I could see the fight on Ashava where more than half of her raid would die on EVERY swipe... I mean, nothing she can do and she died maybe only once. She did very well... But did not manage to get the kill before the very last attempt.

Yeah, that was the problem I had when I fought Ashava the first 4 times, I admittedly died alot myself on the first run as I missed all of the Ashava spawns back in the 2 previous beta weekends due to how infrequent the spawns were, so there was a pretty steep learning curve for me fighting Ashava the first time and having to learn all of the mechanics of the fight, but after that first failed attempt I quickly learned the mechanics and died barely at all on the subsequent 3 runs, but on those 3 runs half my team was dropping each time Ashava did her double swipe attack, there was not much I could do except put my double hydras down from my legendary ring that allows an extra hydra spawn and put down a fire wall on Ashava and then waste time reviving people, and it just got worse and worse each run with my teammates.

Finally on my 5th attempt I purposefully instance hopped until I found an instance that had 2 poison twisting blade rogue builds with me. Poison twisting blade rogue is currently the most OP build in the game after sorceress and necro got nerfed since the previous 2 beta weekends, so I knew that having 2 of them in the instance with me might be enough to carry bad teammates to a win, and I was right, both of them dodged all of Ashava's attacks while putting down big DPS numbers as the rest of my teammates died alot and I contributed as much DPS as I could on my sorceress while trying to revive people. Beat it with 2 minutes to spare.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 May 2023

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One thing I would like to see Blizzard add for the world bosses like Ashava is an after fight results screen, would be cool to see the metrics on how much you contributed to the fight, total damage output per person, how many people you revived, how many times each person died, etc. As well as a way to inspect the best players on that after fight results screen and see what build and gear they have.

You gotta keep in mind, once the actual game releases, people aren't generally gonna be fighting the world bosses while bein underleveled. Within no time at all, everyone gonna be stomping those poor suckers, at which point they're just a loot piñata on a timer

Ryuu96 said:

Agreed with you on Gears but I disagree on Halo.

For Gears, the Skiff was fine and the cool lightning effects but other than that there wasn't anything to do and of course since characters in Gears move slowly, the Skiff is the only solution to get around a large area. The idea felt half finished, one foot in the door, it felt like they wanted to test the reception to open-world Gears first before fully committing to it.

Then the Gears 5 Expansion came out which from what I've heard is linear fully, so I guess they've made their mind up. Gears should stay linear Imo, it's simply too slow paced for an open-world in terms of character movement, it's scarier as a linear title and feels more action compact, linear lends itself better to Gears cover based action.

I also think the multi-choice was a mistake, I get the vibe that The Coalition will regret it as well. Wonder if it was Rod's decision, Lol. They should change the name back to Gears of War as well. Anyway, I did think Gears 5 was great, I enjoyed the story, I liked the character growth, I liked the lean more into the horror aspects, I enjoyed the linear levels, etc.

Don't think Halo Infinite's open-world was a mistake though, I really hope the next Halo still has an open-world environment, Infinite blended it well by having a main open hub but still had its main missions be linear. Halo's sandbox & physics are simply 10x more deeper (and fun) than Gears is which allows them to go crazier with open-world environments and throw you a dozen vehicles and mechanics to easily get around and populate it with more stuff.

Infinite's biggest mistake was a lack of environments and no large scale battles, both easily fixable when building on it, I really wanted to fight Scarabs on Zeta Halo and like take my crew of Marines with me to go take one down, Lol. All the environmental reactions as well such as enemy chatter was great too and the day/night cycle (although I wish night was darker).

I didn't mind the open areas from Gears 5. The issue was the lack of stuff to do in them. If there was more content, like guns on the vehicle and dealing with the Locust while still on the vehicle could be cool. Also yes I realize they aren't called Locust in Gears 5. I just forgot their name. As far as the Hivebusters DLC. It was a really fun 3 hour experience with a lot of variety.

I do agree about keeping Halo open-world. The issue with Infinite as you pointed out was the lack of variety in the environments with the open-world, as well as with the linear missions. Open area was JUST the level Halo from Halo: CE. It would have been cool if there was a snow area (Assault on the Control Room inspired), desert area, swamp area (similar to 343 Guilty Spark level), etc. After over 20 years Halo CE is by far my favorite Halo due to the level design. Even if I don't like The Library. Though, storywise Halo 2 has the best story IMO in the franchise, while it has my 2nd least favorite level design behind only Halo 5.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

Leynos said:
coolbeans said:

I'm left utterly shocked by this part.  I loved how it managed a nice yin/yang between fights, exploration, and characterization.  I'm also a big fan of skiffing around too.

You're right about them lessening the gore.  I remember a popular video pointing that out too.  There isn't that same kind of fleshy, 'smacky' sensation to melee and certain weapons.  Hopefully TC amps that up with Gears 6, especially with new visual & audio tech.  

Because it adds nothing but artificially pad out time. It's empty. It was clearly done because everyone else was doing it. It would have worked better to just use a map and location select if it wants to let the player do it in any order. I don't hate the game by any means but MS and its shooting IPs need to stay away from open worlds as they have not figured it out and not sure they ever will. At least when it comes to Halo and Gears as those IP's don't really lend themselves to that.

Again, I'm going to hard disagree there.  5's themes over past repercussions & family ties informs the context of those empty worlds.  You're rummaging through two different wartime eras.  I appreciate them avoiding the item chickenpox of the more traditional Ubisoft formula.  Infinite is a bigger example of that, but at least it tries to filter that to the bare necessities, so as to avoid a bloated 30-hour walkabout a Halo ring.  

Unless they find linear designs are a better fit for future projects, I honestly hope neither of them abandon condensed open worlds.  

Out of all the MP games anyone else feel Gears feels the most stagnant and dated? I know they dont want to stray too far from the Gears formula but it needs a shake up imo