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Leynos said:
coolbeans said:

I'm left utterly shocked by this part.  I loved how it managed a nice yin/yang between fights, exploration, and characterization.  I'm also a big fan of skiffing around too.

You're right about them lessening the gore.  I remember a popular video pointing that out too.  There isn't that same kind of fleshy, 'smacky' sensation to melee and certain weapons.  Hopefully TC amps that up with Gears 6, especially with new visual & audio tech.  

Because it adds nothing but artificially pad out time. It's empty. It was clearly done because everyone else was doing it. It would have worked better to just use a map and location select if it wants to let the player do it in any order. I don't hate the game by any means but MS and its shooting IPs need to stay away from open worlds as they have not figured it out and not sure they ever will. At least when it comes to Halo and Gears as those IP's don't really lend themselves to that.

Again, I'm going to hard disagree there.  5's themes over past repercussions & family ties informs the context of those empty worlds.  You're rummaging through two different wartime eras.  I appreciate them avoiding the item chickenpox of the more traditional Ubisoft formula.  Infinite is a bigger example of that, but at least it tries to filter that to the bare necessities, so as to avoid a bloated 30-hour walkabout a Halo ring.  

Unless they find linear designs are a better fit for future projects, I honestly hope neither of them abandon condensed open worlds.