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coolbeans said:
VersusEvil said:


Even tho it seems like your reply was wiped I did manage to read it so yeah I have high hopes for Dreadwolf. The DA team have shown even creating one in 9 months (DA2) they can do a decent job so Dreadwolf should be fine. 

Damn... did that dickless dick-posting hacker try to go after me again?

I never knew that about DA2.  I still want to do a Dragon Age streak.

Nha, more so they reverted to a backup so anything you wrote before he attacked that day is gone (I know I lost an edit of a post I made)

You should do a DA Streak will only take you 200hrs :P

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Spade said:

Saints Row is awesome, not understanding this woke shit so far that people were bitching about lol.

Hmmm, I'm not sure how woke it is, as I skipped it. As far as I know the only things they made woke were they whole pronouns in character creator thing (the old saints row games already allowed you to make trans characters essentially by putting male voice on female body or vice versa, they just added tbe ability to change the pronoun other characters refer to you as in game afaik), and greatly shrinking the maximum breast size on the character creator relative to the old games. I haven't heard anything about the actual story being woke I don't think.

The reasons I skipped it were because a. I don't like the fact that it's all new characters, b. the game was a technical mess on release, and c. the humor in the reveal trailer and other pre-release trailers/demos seemed quite cringey to me, felt like they had abandoned the primarily millennial and Gen X fanbase of the original games to chase after gen Z gamers with gen z style humor.

I'm glad it flopped personally, as it increases the chances of Gearbox making them go back to the classic Saints Row cast. Hopefully they can nail the next game, bring back the classic cast with the reboot that Gat out of Hell setup, or do the time travel sequel that 4 setup or something.

Edit: Oh yeah, I remember now that they removed the dildo bat and renamed Freckle Bitches and Rim Jobs as well, as they were all considered to be too offensive for the modern audience. That was woke for sure.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 06 December 2022

Ugh. Looks like Genshin Impact is going to win the Players Choice award after passing Sonic's early huge lead overnight. I don't even know why Geoff made it an option in this category, it is already in Best Ongoing game. Players Choice is supposed to exist to allow fans to vote on the best game of the year, with no critic bias affecting the result like the actual GOTY award. But instead Geoff allowed a years old GaaS game into the running. Now a ton of Genshin fans are voting for it as they got free Gacha drops for winning last year, and they think Mihoyo will do the same this year. It's essentially bought votes. 

Sonic really deserved this award since it got snubbed in the actual awards by biased critics who have always hated 3D Sonic and continue to hate on it even when a good 3D Sonic releases.

I really don't like the way Geoff runs this whole show.

Microsoft recently considered building a "super app" that could combine shopping, messaging, web search, news feeds and other services in a one-stop smartphone app, in what would be an ambitious move by the software giant to expand further into consumer services, according to people with direct knowledge of the discussions. Microsoft executives wanted the app to boost the company's multibillion-dollar advertising business and Bing search, as well as draw more users to Teams messaging and other mobile services.

By creating an all-in-one app that people don't need to leave to access its other offerings, Microsoft hoped to emulate a mobile strategy that has worked for Tencent. The Chinese firm's WeChat app, which combines messaging with shopping, online games, news and a variety of services including grocery ordering, is a source of inspiration for top Microsoft executives, the people said.

While it isn't clear whether Microsoft will ultimately launch such an app, the people with knowledge of the discussions said CEO Satya Nadella has laid the groundwork by pushing the Bing search engine to work better with other Microsoft mobile products. For instance, he has directed Bing to integrate with Microsoft's Teams messaging and Outlook email apps, making it easier for customers to share search results in messages. A spokesperson for Microsoft didn't comment for this article.

At Microsoft, the super app idea took flight when the company in 2019 hired Mikhail Parakhin from Russia-based Yandex, where he oversaw a large team working on products including search, a mobile web browser and ads, according to a person familiar with his hire. In addition to WeChat, another model for Microsoft's potential super app was Yandex Go, a food-delivery, taxi and courier app Parakhin helped develop, the person said.

Microsoft Eyes ‘Super App’ to Break Apple and Google’s Hold on Mobile Search — The Information

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MS: heres super app *middle finger*
Google&Apple: blocked
MS: :(

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Did anyone expect better? (serious question)

Last edited by Barozi - on 06 December 2022

Barozi said:

Did anyone expect better? (serious question)

Not really. The original got an 83 meta, and this is just a straight remaster afaik, not a remake, and remasters tend to review a few points lower than the original game as they add little new gameplay wise and their systems often feel dated compared to newer games. Square's other remasters like FF10/10-2, FF12, and Chrono Cross also reviewed lower than the originals. 

I was already skipping it in protest of them taking Sony hat money for the main FF7 Remake games and FF16, and I'm still skipping it now. Don't want your leftovers Square, I want a seat at the table during the actual feast. Might play it if Xbox ever pays to put it into Gamepass, or buy it when it is bargain bin priced in a sale years from now. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 06 December 2022

Over 20 demos somehow shrunk to 13 demos. Major miscommunication between departments or something.