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Ugh. Looks like Genshin Impact is going to win the Players Choice award after passing Sonic's early huge lead overnight. I don't even know why Geoff made it an option in this category, it is already in Best Ongoing game. Players Choice is supposed to exist to allow fans to vote on the best game of the year, with no critic bias affecting the result like the actual GOTY award. But instead Geoff allowed a years old GaaS game into the running. Now a ton of Genshin fans are voting for it as they got free Gacha drops for winning last year, and they think Mihoyo will do the same this year. It's essentially bought votes. 

Sonic really deserved this award since it got snubbed in the actual awards by biased critics who have always hated 3D Sonic and continue to hate on it even when a good 3D Sonic releases.

I really don't like the way Geoff runs this whole show.