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Forums - Sony Discussion - Original God of War trilogy from PS2 to PS3 which ones did you prefer?

3 > 2 > 1

1 bored me. 2 was alright and its the one that actually got me into the franchise. 3 for me its the best because gloves were off and shit went out the window, as it shouldve.

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I think GOW2 is the best due to its fantastic level design. The game was also fun pretty much the whole time, whereas the first game had some issues for me near the end - Hell and that level with the spinning blades in the ceiling... ugh. I still love the first game though and the third game as well, though it's my least favorite of the three. It definitely has some epic moments - the whole Helios level is just awesome and many of the boss fights (like Hercules) are amazing.

I definitely like the original trilogy better than what they did with GOW 2018; not that it's a bad game, it's just not GOW to me anymore. I gotta admit though... I'm still anxious to play Ragnarok, as it does look incredible.

God of War 2. It imporves on GoW and GoW 3 is a bit of a hit and miss with its bosses and puzzles.

The original 3 are better than 2018 GoW for me anyways so...

I thought God of War 1 was awful. It bored me so much I stopped playing about half-way through. The gameplay felt ancient even though it wasn't even that old when I played it. (about 5-6 years later)
Thankfully the PS3 collection included the sequel and that one was so much better even when it was obviously held back by the PS2. Really enjoyed it nevertheless.

God of War 3 was on a whole other level though. Truly epic.

Also, on youtube

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Manlytears said:
BraLoD said:

Funny enough, God of War always top itself IMO.
4 is better than 3, 3 than 2, 2 than 1.
I know we have Ascension btw, it was gorgeous and ambitious but that was a prequel to existing games.

(And the PSP games are less ambitious games by nature)

I sure hope 5 is better than 4 as well.
Can't fucking wait.

I agree. Eles normalmente se superam a cada jogo.

Até hoje sim, vamos ver com o Ragnarok, o hype ta alto xD

All of them equally. The first probably more special be cause it was the first. And the third was more epic i'd day. The hype for the third game after the sequel and the amazing demo on ps3, was so great.

KratosLives said:

All of them equally. The first probably more special be cause it was the first. And the third was more epic i'd day. The hype for the third game after the sequel and the amazing demo on ps3, was so great.

Back in 2005 the first God of War was the only thing people in my area talked besides Halo 2. 

Of the original series I only played God of War 3 and Ascension.

Loved 3, thought it was great, fast paced and awesome gameplay and locations. Thought Ascension was, besides the graphics, pretty terrible. Never played the first two though (or the PSP games for that matter), but based on what I played I vote for God of War 3.

Besides that I also played 4, bought it because even though I thought Ascension was bad I remembered 3 being great. I couldn't get into 4 however. After an opening that was pretty cool I got bored fast. Won't be getting Ragnarok because of it.

They were all great. I enjoyed GoW2 a bit more than the first one since I sucked at the QTEs in the first game (still had to look at the controller where the triangle and square were lol) I had to repeat some boss fights way too many times.

Story, environment wise they just kept getting better. I miss the behind the scenes stuff you got with the old games on disc. Hopefully Ragnarok will include some concept art at least. I think it was GoW2 which had a bunch of development videos on disc. Yep disc 2 had the making of documentary.