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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's your favorite Xenoblade Chronicles game?


What's your favorite Xenoblade Chronicles game?

Xenoblade Chronicles (Definitive Edition) 120 26.61%
Xenoblade Chronicles X 90 19.96%
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 77 17.07%
Torna ~ The Golden Country 17 3.77%
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 147 32.59%
VideoGameAccountant said:
Jumpin said:

You can’t figure out how it is that people have different tastes and opinions than you?

I think I explained the issues with the game very well. It's not a good game. But let me simplify it. 3 does everything X was trying to do but far better. It also has some semblance of a story and likeable characters. The only thing X might do better is the music. If someone asked if they should play X, I would just tell them to play 3. But X is just a bad game no matter how you slice it. 

Ah! So the reason you’re “not sure how anyone here can say X is the best game,” is you fancy yourself some sort of authority on what makes a game good and what people’s tastes and opinions ought to be. That’s why I you can’t comprehend people having different tastes and opinions than you.

The truth is your reasons mean fuck all to people who value and enjoy different elements in games. That’s why a good chunk of people like Xenoblade X the best. I think that’s a point we can agree on.


I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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I voted for X2. I thought the chapter 5/6 part of X3 was amazing, but it kind of fell off for me after that. My own biased ratings for the games are as follows:
X2 - 9.5/10
X3 - 9.0/10
XX - 8.0/10
X1 - 7.5/10

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

Jumpin said:
VideoGameAccountant said:

I think I explained the issues with the game very well. It's not a good game. But let me simplify it. 3 does everything X was trying to do but far better. It also has some semblance of a story and likeable characters. The only thing X might do better is the music. If someone asked if they should play X, I would just tell them to play 3. But X is just a bad game no matter how you slice it. 

Ah! So the reason you’re “not sure how anyone here can say X is the best game,” is you fancy yourself some sort of authority on what makes a game good and what people’s tastes and opinions ought to be. That’s why I you can’t comprehend people having different tastes and opinions than you.

The truth is your reasons mean fuck all to people who value and enjoy different elements in games. That’s why a good chunk of people like Xenoblade X the best. I think that’s a point we can agree on.


No you complete dingus, I'm saying "I'm not sure how anyone here can say X is the best game, let alone a good video game." and then I explained it. Obviously, my post are my opinion talking from my point of view. A game being good or bad is subjective, so when I say "Xenoblade Chronicles is the worst game ever released on the Wii U", that's implied that it's my opinion. Likewise, no review, including ones on this site, are not going to preface every statement with "In my opinion..." because obviously, that's implied. Furthermore, people can like a lot of things, but you bringing that fact up is not insightful or even helpful to the conversation. Next your going to tell me the sky is blue as if its some big revelation. 

Unless you are going to tell me why you think it's good or my points are wrong, all you are doing is a "wELL aCTUALLTY" nonsense. You don't like how I said something and now your making a tizzy about it. 

Please say something of substance next time. Cheers.

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Known as Smashchu in a former life

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is my favorite. I think 2 and 1 both have better antagonists than 3 though, plus the final boss in 3 felt very underwhelming to fight. I've never played Chronicles X and I doubt I ever will at this point, barring a maricle port from Nintendo to the Switch. 

Last edited by NobleTeam360 - on 11 September 2022

Xeno X has a less focused story. But to compensate, it has the best world to explore in a Xenoblade game, four player online co-op (kinda) and a sense of progression that any other Xeno game can only dream with.

It all starts simple: you run very fast, you can jump VERY high and some crazy distances and you take no falling damage. Plus, while you can't climb like in BotW, your vertical walking inclination is ridiculous.

When you mix all of these things together you end up being able to go to a lot of places. I spent literally tens of hours just exploring and trying to reach places by using these very simple tools, but that no other Xeno game has.

But then you get to 20 or so hours into the story and guess what: you get a giant mech that allows you to reach even crazier places (and also inject the combat with some terrific new options).

But... BUT! It's not over. About half way into the story they give you A FLYING MECH. And then... The world is yours. You can go anywhere you want .

This. This progressive access to new ways to discover the world of Mira is what made me fall in love with X. And the best part is that even with just the basic movement options I already felt like I could go anywhere if I tried hard enough.

This seamless world filled with details, enemies, quests, resources and stunning landmarks that I felt I was discovering by myself is something huge to me. It's one of the best open world experiencies I ever had, period. I think the game should get some credit for that...

Around the Network

So a month after finishing Xenoblade 3, I believe its soundtrack is the best in the series, dethroning X for me.
I can't remember the last time I played a game that has stuck with me for so long after beating it... I loved it. The Xenoblade series has solidified its place in my top 5.
I still think 2 is my personal favourite, but 3 is not far behind it... Maybe in time it will take the top spot. Even shed some tears during a couple scenes.


I'll bite at the moment, despite not being seasoned as most. I played Xenoblade on the Wii and then the Defintive Edition many years later. In between that, I played 2 and Torna plus about 2 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles X. At this point, I'll probably wait for a remake of X, unless it seems to take another 10 or more years from now. I'm a little into Chapter 4 in 3.
The first is my fave due to the music and characters, but 2 is really close. 3 will probably end up ranking the best or second best.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima