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Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%
EricHiggin said:
crissindahouse said:

He still needs to beg shady people/gouvernments to finance his purchases. That's the problem when you are so rich but not "cash rich".

He would need to sell big shares of his companies to really have that money but he can't because he obviously wants to stay the big guy in these companies.

So he prefers to fly to some guys who want to put woman in the kitchen 24/7 or who let thousands die just to build a few football stadiums to get money from them even if he's the guy who always tries to tell us how he cares for humanity.

Not that he's still damn rich but it's still not enough for guys like him...

If you're a bad guy do you really think you need to beg other shady bad guys for investments?

No individual has $40 billion in cash to make a purchase like that. Few mega corporations do, but you gunna tell me they're the good guys?

Why didn't some good individual (or rare business) do the right thing and get investments from other good entities to save Twitter from evil Elon?

Yes, you aren't in bed with people who are responsible for the death of thousands and responsible that people lost their identity to hold them like slaves if you are a good person. Always fascinating how some defend what some super rich people do. I wouldn't take 100k from some shady asshole and rather live under a bridge but somehow for people who are billionaires ist's totally fine to fly to the worst to beg for money just to get even more powerful. That a guy who hates employees and can't replace them fast enough with robots and "the most advanced automation in the automotive industry" is supposed to be a lover of humanity.

I don't tell you who's the good guy, I tell you that Musk is one of the biggest narcissists on the planet who would love to be the only relevant human on the planet and wants more and more power. But sure, I know many are attracted a lot by narcissists.

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The majority (all?) of mega corporations are not good guys, they only care about one thing, making money.

Musk meme'd his way into a purchase of Twitter, the only reason he owns it is because the courts were about to force him to buy it and instead of losing in court he decided to go through with it, he needed to beg other guys for investments because most of Musk's wealth is tied up in stocks in Tesla/Space X which he can't really afford to dilute his shares in so yes, a bad guy needs to beg other bag guys for investment because bad guy cannot afford it on his own.

Nobody counter offered Musk because it was a fucking stupid offer, $44bn for a company which didn't even profit even before Musk acquired it, few organisations can afford that without heavily borrowing and those that can aren't about to plop $44bn down in cash on a company which doesn't profit if it doesn't fit into their larger portfolio or direction of their company.

Anyone who wanted to take it from Musk would have had to make an offer larger than $44bn, would have needed it to fit into their portfolio and direction of the company, would have wanted to take on all that moderation and public scrutiny (would probably scare off a business orientated company like Microsoft) and would have had to turn an unprofitable business eventually into a profit, onboarding a company that huge would be a huge distraction for any company.

Why would some individual counter Musk rather than just let him slowly kill Twitter like he's so expertly doing? Since the acquisition he has pissed off half of Twitter's advertisers (where Twitter makes most its money), got banned in a major country because he wouldn't ban like 7 users? The valuation has more than halved and the investment has massively backfired on his investors, a real genius in business this guy.

EricHiggin said:

If you're a bad guy do you really think you need to beg other shady bad guys for investments?

No individual has $40 billion in cash to make a purchase like that. Few mega corporations do, but you gunna tell me they're the good guys?

Why didn't some good individual (or rare business) do the right thing and get investments from other good entities to save Twitter from evil Elon?

Because anyone - individual or corporation who has that kind of money isn't a good guy. Especially if they'd rather buy Twitter over something like investing in preventing world hunger. (This is just an example. There are lots of better things to do is the point). 

So wealth = bad and dumb? 

Plus people who are part of it, back it, or stand behind it, are also bad and dumb?

I wonder if PS or XB uses Twitter/X?

Anybody here use X? Stand behind PS or XB?

EricHiggin said:

Anybody here use X? Stand behind PS or XB?

Kinda thinking about ditching X altogether, but with my adblocker, I'm probably not exactly a very profitable user for X, so I don't feel much pressure to do so. The ship seems to be sinking anyway, so I might just wait until it sinks further before I leave. There's only like two accounts I care about, so if they leave, I will probably too. I find Sony and Microsoft pretty loathsome in the gaming department, and somehow Sony, which I've tended to strongly prefer, has felt worse than Microsoft ever did in the console industry. No, I don't have any current-gen consoles, partly because of this.

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This dude is a vile creep.

Ryuu96 said:

This dude is a vile creep.

would love if she would just respond with "creep". You can't just have a normal discussion with him on Twitter. Just give short answers telling what he is. Maybe some photoshop with his head on some creepy dude from a movie. That's at least how he handles situations against others he dislikes. 

Elon Musk's Phone

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

Elon Musk's Phone

He's "tech-savvy" enough to fall for it even to this day