What KratosLives fails to understand is the simple fact that Ukrainians face nothing less than slavery if they choose to give up. The country has every right to defend itself and only russia alone is to blame for each and every wounded or dead person.
And it doesn't even matter what NATO did right or wrong in the past, let alone single members of the defensive alliance. Nothing of that justifies a war.
That said I am very pleased to see that the russian military is quite pathetic. I'm still frustrated we can't do anything about Ukraine right now, but I'm also relieved that NATO states don't have to fear anything from the little angry man in the kremlin. Putin is dreaming about the Soviet Union while russia is in a pathetic state and essentially nothing more than a chinese colony these days.
Russians need to stand up and end fascism in russia. It's the only way to save the country from falling back to the dark ages and getting about as isolated as North Korea in the very near future.
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