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Forums - PC Discussion - Steam Deck looks awful


Thoughts on the Steam Deck?

Way too big, who wants to play an anvil? 19 27.14%
Bad design but still cool idea 17 24.29%
Maybe a Steam Deck Mini w... 3 4.29%
Does it come with a wireless gamepad? lol 1 1.43%
I'll just play it on my c... 0 0%
It's huge but still looking forward to it 11 15.71%
You're crazy it looks awesome 19 27.14%
shikamaru317 said:

In regards to the pocket size discussion: How does it's height compare to the 2DS? I could get a 2DS in my back pocket personally, have done so many times. Obviously steam deck is significantly wider than the 2DS, so like half would be sticking out of your pocket either way, but it could potentially fit in a back pocket.

But honestly, I don't know why anybody would put a Switch or a Steam Deck in their pocket, 2DS had circle pads so you could feel safe putting it in a pocket without fear of causing damage, but Switch and SteamDeck both have joysticks, I wouldn't want to risk damage those joysticks by putting them in my pocket. I have a Switch Lite, substantially smaller than either Switch or SteamDeck, and yet I have not once put it in my pocket, I use a hard shell carrying case that has recesses built into the interior for the joysticks so that they aren't touching anything. Pocket damage to joysticks likely contributes to Switch's joycon stick drift issues I suspect. 

I've not seen anyone on my island have one in their pocket, me and Yuri and now you know that slapping something like that in tight pockets can do actual damage to the joysticks, incurring more drift issues.

Why is this so fucking hard to understand for anyone else using the god damn pocket argument?. Why is it hard to accept that the Switch isn't the one side fits all pockets device?. The drift issues alone are a monumental error and still haven't been fully addressed either. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Captain_Yuri said:
JWeinCom said:

"Any user has the right to request that you stop contacting them for any reason (be it in a PM, on their personal wall, or in the forums). If you continue to contact them, you will most likely find yourself moderated. Respect their wishes and move on."

You do realize that when I replied "Companies should stop making laptops and ipads as well as those are bigger than the switch too! You can't fit 10 inch ipads inside of your pockets so they are pointless!," I didn't reply to you right?

Once you replied to me and then I replied to you. But hey, if you don't have any good arguments or can't take jokes, then we can stop...

Whether or not it was directed at me, it was clearly responding to what I said. But yes, we can stop.

Dulfite said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Companies should stop making laptops and ipads as well as those are bigger than the switch too! You can't fit 10 inch ipads inside of your pockets so they are pointless!

People don't use laptops the same time they would a Switch. No one pulls out a laptop while they are standing in line to get their frozen mocha frappe with extra sauce, no whip, or when they are standing in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean 7 at 2:37 am on a Friday morning. And think about the times you are already sitting comfortably, but someone sits down next to you to turn on General Hospital and you aren't engaged in the plot of that episode, do you go to the hassle of standing up, grabbing your laptop, fan, and tray, bring it all back, plug in the charger, boot it all up and the game, or simply reach inside your pocket and firmly grab your hybrid while the hospital mafia does its thing?

Most people these days don't pull out a switch out of their pockets either from my experience. They are all on their phones while they wait.

I don't put a switch inside my pockets because a) It would accelerate the Joycon Drift issue compared to putting it in a carrying case b) If it's in Jeans, walking would be pretty uncomfortable. There are a few more reasons but those ones are the main two. If I am in a hospital, I'd pull out the switch from my carrying case and not from my pocket since I want to avoid Joycon drift. When I get a Steam Deck and if I end up in a hospital, I can pull it out from it's carrying case and watch Netflix or play God of War. Both of which you can't do on a Switch.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Chazore said:
JWeinCom said:

I've addressed all of this already. Nintendo selling carrying cases doesn't mean most people use them and more than them selling Joy Con wheels mean every people use those. Never said everyone could fit a Switch in their pocket, and in fact said differently several times. Not going to bother with strawmen.

You excused the whole pocket focus argument with a mere video, and I already addressed that multiple times in saying it's not correct for everyone.

The whole point of carry cases/mini bags existing, is because not everyone is gonna shove something that big into their pocket to begin with, and both Valve/Nintendo are supplying carry cases. 

Ergo, the whole "if it ain't small or the size of the Switch, it's dead or gonna get a less less attention" focus is getting put out back and shot. I'm tired of that petty argument, because it sounds both stupid and at times feels insulting to those who know why carry cases even exist and that most ppl on the planet use them, instead of your damn sodding pockets. 

And I have several times agreed that it is not going to fit every pocket. I even started by pointing out that it is not a viable option for at least half the population, females. I have not stated that all or even most people carry a Switch in their pocket. Just that you can, and I believe that is a positive thing for a significant amount of people. It's frustrating that you keep arguing against a point I haven't made. 

Nintendo making carrying cases means that some people prefer a carrying case. Tells you nothing about how many people go that route unless you have more data. As I pointed out multiple times. I'm not sure how you concluded that most people use them for their handheld systems. I can tell you from personal experience working at Best Buy throughout the DS, 3DS, PSP, Vita era that we sold relatively few carrying cases at our stores. I stopped before the Switch, so maybe people changed their habits, but considering the increased difficulty in carrying it over a 3DS or a Vita is not that great, I'm skeptical. You keep saying that most people use them. You have given no reason to believe that aside from the fact that carrying cases exist. Like I said, Joycon wheels exist, that doesn't mean many people use them. On Amazon's top 100 Switch products, there are three cases in the top 100 the highest ranking at 17, and the lowest at 84. Although not all Switch owners are taking them outside, still seems like a stretch to say most people are getting cases, at least based on people who buy their Switch on Amazon.

I don't know how you can be tired of that argument, because again, it's not something that I've argued. My argument is that the less portable the system is the less of an attractive alternative it will be to machines that can play the same games at least as well. (Other PCs). I don't think the number of people who would want this would be a large enough niche to make a significant impact on the gaming landscape. Maybe it will still be enough to make Valve some money, I have no idea of the economics.

Chazore said:
shikamaru317 said:

In regards to the pocket size discussion: How does it's height compare to the 2DS? I could get a 2DS in my back pocket personally, have done so many times. Obviously steam deck is significantly wider than the 2DS, so like half would be sticking out of your pocket either way, but it could potentially fit in a back pocket.

But honestly, I don't know why anybody would put a Switch or a Steam Deck in their pocket, 2DS had circle pads so you could feel safe putting it in a pocket without fear of causing damage, but Switch and SteamDeck both have joysticks, I wouldn't want to risk damage those joysticks by putting them in my pocket. I have a Switch Lite, substantially smaller than either Switch or SteamDeck, and yet I have not once put it in my pocket, I use a hard shell carrying case that has recesses built into the interior for the joysticks so that they aren't touching anything. Pocket damage to joysticks likely contributes to Switch's joycon stick drift issues I suspect. 

I've not seen anyone on my island have one in their pocket, me and Yuri and now you know that slapping something like that in tight pockets can do actual damage to the joysticks, incurring more drift issues.

Why is this so fucking hard to understand for anyone else using the god damn pocket argument?. Why is it hard to accept that the Switch isn't the one side fits all pockets device?. The drift issues alone are a monumental error and still haven't been fully addressed either. 

Drift is caused mainly by the base of the joystick moving against the thingies that are holding it in place. When the sticks are in your pocket they don't wiggle too much. I don't think it increases drift problems much. And I find it convenient enough that I'm willing to deal with the wear and tear. Maybe I'm wrong and it actually is causing drift problems (although not really for me personally as I've had to replace the joysticks like once in 5 years), but even if it is a stupid thing to do, it doesn't mean people won't do it. 

More importantly though, the argument isn't really about the Switch, so that issue isn't very important for the sake of this discussion. The argument isn't about Switch vs Steam Deck. The argument is whether or not this thing's portability and other features make it a good investment over other ways to play Steam games. The Switch is just a good baseline because it is a popular system that is generally viewed as portable enough, and the largest handheld that has had significant success, however people choose to carry it. So we know that the Switch's size is at least not a dealbreaker. With the Steam Deck, no portable that size has ever sold that well, so it may be a dealbreaker, and we're speculating as we do here. Nobody is trying to argue that the Switch is directly better than the Steam Deck and therefore the Steam Deck won't be successful. So overall problems with the Switch design are tangential.

The main argument is that I just don't see the big advantage to buying this over a laptop. If you're arguing that carrying cases are the great equalizer, then I can carry a laptop in a case too. In fact I do carry a Laptop most of the time. The number of situations where I could use a Steam Deck but not a laptop exist but are pretty limited. Too limited for me to see it being worth 400+ dollars to most folks. 

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 06 February 2022

Forget Team Rocket! Join Team Pocket!

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RolStoppable said:

It was never going to sell much (color me surprised it it passes one million), but at least the few people who will buy it can count on a game library because the device connects to Steam without problems.

At least it will be out soon, so reality can kick in for the people who believed that it can have any influence on Switch one way or another.

It should have been obvious from the beginning to anyone with knowledge of the industry and at least one functional brain cell just from just the devices name alone, that it's purpose is to help further Valve further sell the steam library, and it was never intended by them to be a mass market product or a rival to the Switch.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 06 February 2022

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Dulfite said:
EricHiggin said:

Valve (Steam) past:

Nin past:

Valve and Nin now:

For what it offers, Steam Deck seems pretty decent. Valve has made considerable progress on the hardware front.

The main eye candy is supposed to be whatever's on the screen, not the hardware itself.

To me it isn't about eye candy. I can fit OG Switch in my pockets (adult man). No way could one fit this in their pocket unless they dressed like a goth and had those massive pockets.

It's about the pockets. Nothing else matters but the pockets. You see now that this is a universal truth?

Dulfite said:

I love how this thread had become so focused on the pockets.



Dulfite said:

Forget Team Rocket! Join Team Pocket!

So when Switch 2 launches and the changes are all non processing related, the pocketeers are all going to be totally fine with that, just as long as it still fits in their pockets?

Dulfite said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Companies should stop making laptops and ipads as well as those are bigger than the switch too! You can't fit 10 inch ipads inside of your pockets so they are pointless!

People don't use laptops the same time they would a Switch. No one pulls out a laptop while they are standing in line to get their frozen mocha frappe with extra sauce, no whip, or when they are standing in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean 7 at 2:37 am on a Friday morning. And think about the times you are already sitting comfortably, but someone sits down next to you to turn on General Hospital and you aren't engaged in the plot of that episode, do you go to the hassle of standing up, grabbing your laptop, fan, and tray, bring it all back, plug in the charger, boot it all up and the game, or simply reach inside your pocket and firmly grab your hybrid while the hospital mafia does its thing?

People don't use consoles of any size or type the same way they use PC's of any size or type. Switch isn't running Linux or Windows.

I highly doubt the overwhelming majority of Steam Deck gamers are only going to play games on it that are Nin or simply available on Switch.

Having a case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack, doesn't seem like that big of a deal if you want top mobile quality and quantity of software available.

EricHiggin said:
Dulfite said:

To me it isn't about eye candy. I can fit OG Switch in my pockets (adult man). No way could one fit this in their pocket unless they dressed like a goth and had those massive pockets.

It's about the pockets. Nothing else matters but the pockets. You see now that this is a universal truth?

Dulfite said:

I love how this thread had become so focused on the pockets.



Dulfite said:

Forget Team Rocket! Join Team Pocket!

So when Switch 2 launches and the changes are all non processing related, the pocketeers are all going to be totally fine with that, just as long as it still fits in their pockets?

Dulfite said:

People don't use laptops the same time they would a Switch. No one pulls out a laptop while they are standing in line to get their frozen mocha frappe with extra sauce, no whip, or when they are standing in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean 7 at 2:37 am on a Friday morning. And think about the times you are already sitting comfortably, but someone sits down next to you to turn on General Hospital and you aren't engaged in the plot of that episode, do you go to the hassle of standing up, grabbing your laptop, fan, and tray, bring it all back, plug in the charger, boot it all up and the game, or simply reach inside your pocket and firmly grab your hybrid while the hospital mafia does its thing?

People don't use consoles of any size or type the same way they use PC's of any size or type. Switch isn't running Linux or Windows.

I highly doubt the overwhelming majority of Steam Deck gamers are only going to play games on it that are Nin or simply available on Switch.

Having a case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack, doesn't seem like that big of a deal if you want top mobile quality and quantity of software available.

Switch 2 will be much more powerful than Switch 1 even if it isn't a mm bigger, which I expect it will be a very similar size.

A case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack can never replace a pocket. The pocket is literally attached to the pants/short. It's basically an extension of yourself. Why use an accessory when you can get more value out of yourself? Value yourself!

Dulfite said:
EricHiggin said:
Dulfite said:

I love how this thread had become so focused on the pockets.



So when Switch 2 launches and the changes are all non processing related, the pocketeers are all going to be totally fine with that, just as long as it still fits in their pockets?

Dulfite said:

People don't use laptops the same time they would a Switch. No one pulls out a laptop while they are standing in line to get their frozen mocha frappe with extra sauce, no whip, or when they are standing in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean 7 at 2:37 am on a Friday morning. And think about the times you are already sitting comfortably, but someone sits down next to you to turn on General Hospital and you aren't engaged in the plot of that episode, do you go to the hassle of standing up, grabbing your laptop, fan, and tray, bring it all back, plug in the charger, boot it all up and the game, or simply reach inside your pocket and firmly grab your hybrid while the hospital mafia does its thing?

People don't use consoles of any size or type the same way they use PC's of any size or type. Switch isn't running Linux or Windows.

I highly doubt the overwhelming majority of Steam Deck gamers are only going to play games on it that are Nin or simply available on Switch.

Having a case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack, doesn't seem like that big of a deal if you want top mobile quality and quantity of software available.

Switch 2 will be much more powerful than Switch 1 even if it isn't a mm bigger, which I expect it will be a very similar size.

A case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack can never replace a pocket. The pocket is literally attached to the pants/short. It's basically an extension of yourself. Why use an accessory when you can get more value out of yourself? Value yourself!

Well then it will cost about the same or more. Wouldn't cheaper be better?

Lots of people would rather pay less, no? Pockets full of cash don't leave much room for a handheld though.

Pockets can never replace something like flat fronts. So much more comfortable without the pockets.

Why use accessories?

Good point?..

If you are not wearing tight pants and have a pair of jeans with four pockets then you can easily remove the joy con put them in one pocket the switch in another and have two pockets left over four your phone and wallet. I even have a pair of jeans that have a small pocket on the lower right side that the joy con easily fit in so that you only have to put one thing in your back pocket and joy con sticks are extremely unlikely to be damaged if they are by themselves in your front or side pocket.