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Dulfite said:
EricHiggin said:
Dulfite said:

I love how this thread had become so focused on the pockets.



So when Switch 2 launches and the changes are all non processing related, the pocketeers are all going to be totally fine with that, just as long as it still fits in their pockets?

Dulfite said:

People don't use laptops the same time they would a Switch. No one pulls out a laptop while they are standing in line to get their frozen mocha frappe with extra sauce, no whip, or when they are standing in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean 7 at 2:37 am on a Friday morning. And think about the times you are already sitting comfortably, but someone sits down next to you to turn on General Hospital and you aren't engaged in the plot of that episode, do you go to the hassle of standing up, grabbing your laptop, fan, and tray, bring it all back, plug in the charger, boot it all up and the game, or simply reach inside your pocket and firmly grab your hybrid while the hospital mafia does its thing?

People don't use consoles of any size or type the same way they use PC's of any size or type. Switch isn't running Linux or Windows.

I highly doubt the overwhelming majority of Steam Deck gamers are only going to play games on it that are Nin or simply available on Switch.

Having a case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack, doesn't seem like that big of a deal if you want top mobile quality and quantity of software available.

Switch 2 will be much more powerful than Switch 1 even if it isn't a mm bigger, which I expect it will be a very similar size.

A case, pouch, side bag, or small backpack can never replace a pocket. The pocket is literally attached to the pants/short. It's basically an extension of yourself. Why use an accessory when you can get more value out of yourself? Value yourself!

Well then it will cost about the same or more. Wouldn't cheaper be better?

Lots of people would rather pay less, no? Pockets full of cash don't leave much room for a handheld though.

Pockets can never replace something like flat fronts. So much more comfortable without the pockets.

Why use accessories?

Good point?..