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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will XBox 360 reach 50 million?

kowenicki said:
walsufnir said:
kowenicki said:
the best is ofcourse the when will ps3 overtake 360 thread.... that is just gold.


Now, thats some funny shit.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:
I love old threads. More need to be bumped!

Yeah, like this one.

You reaaaaaaally love that one, dont you?

Indeed. It's one case where there are more tails between legs than most places on the site

NOTHING beats the ps3 overtake 360 thread, literally everyone in it was wrong.

That prediction isn'tn that far-fetched as it will most likely do it. The real question is if it can do it before PS4/720 get released.

CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:
VGKing said:

That prediction isn'tn that far-fetched as it will most likely do it. The real question is if it can do it before PS4/720 get released.

I didnt say it was far fetched,  the thread had predictions of when... they all expired some time ago.  It show how the notion of "nobody expected the Ps3 to do so well" is just a myth.  People actually expected it to do much better than it has.

Depends on who you talk to. I know many who thought it would fail. In fact, it's had an equal amount of doubt/hope/praise.

Agree. I remember some Nintendo fans in particular had this idea Sony and the PS3 would follow the same route Sega followed with the Dreamcast (maybe as some sort of retribution for the years they were spanked number-wise?).

Hell I probably was one of them haha.






kowenicki said:

I didnt say it was far fetched,  the thread had predictions of when... they all expired some time ago.  It show how the notion of "nobody expected the Ps3 to do so well" is just a myth.  People actually expected it to do much better than it has.

I think it has a lot to do with nobody at all expecting the 360 to do so well. This thread is perfect proof.

PS3 in the end has a fairly reasonable shot at 100 Million, though its a stretch. Same goes for 360. Both have in their own ways beaten expectations. Just the PS3 less-so, due to it being a PlayStation.


Ah yes, it's good to see the usual suspects in here trying to rewrite history whilst trying to make their own flawed opinions seem like fact.... it's almost as if 'other things' aren't going their way.... hmmmmm.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:

Ah yes, it's good to see the usual suspects in here trying to rewrite history whilst trying to make their own flawed opinions seem like fact.... it's almost as if 'other things' aren't going their way.... hmmmmm.

Re-writing histor? no.  Showing ACTUAL history.  What are these things that are going a certain way?  I do pity people that haven't the balls to say what they think, must really hinder them in their real lives.

Don't bother, he always throws a "usual suspects" hissyfit when something isn't going the way he'd like them to.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:

Ah yes, it's good to see the usual suspects in here trying to rewrite history whilst trying to make their own flawed opinions seem like fact.... it's almost as if 'other things' aren't going their way.... hmmmmm.

Re-writing history? no.  Showing ACTUAL history.  What are these things that are going a certain way?  I do pity people that haven't the balls to say what they think, must really hinder them in their real lives.

Hahaha oh dear and look at the 'usual suspects' that have replied to/mentioned me, proves my point yet again. I've already said EXACTLY what i think about you as well as certain others on this forum in the past and here is yet another thread where you and certain others are either desperate to spin, cherry pick, mock or highlight all things negative about a certain company, very sad.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:

Ah yes, it's good to see the usual suspects in here trying to rewrite history whilst trying to make their own flawed opinions seem like fact.... it's almost as if 'other things' aren't going their way.... hmmmmm.

Re-writing history? no.  Showing ACTUAL history.  What are these things that are going a certain way?  I do pity people that haven't the balls to say what they think, must really hinder them in their real lives.

Hahaha oh dear and look at the 'usual suspects' that have replied to me, proves my point yet again. I've already said EXACTLY what i think about you as well as certain others on this forum in the past and here is yet another thread where you and certain others are either desperate to spin, cherry pick, mock or highlight all things negative about a certain company, very sad.

Yeah, youd never do that would you?

I'm convinced you are an alt. 

Where is the spin here? 

and "Highlighting negative about a company"?  or is it actually about some of its fans?  There is nothing negative here about Sony, quite the opposite.   

Nope i just tell it like it is. Where as you and certain other 'fans' are always desperate to paint Sony (and their 'supporters') in a bad light on this forum and now because the PS3 is even closer to overtaking the 360 and the inevitable is in the not too distant future, you and others are now going into damage control mode by trying to play down the PS3's success by bringing up (in recent threads) such insightful put downs as financial reports, generation on generation market shares, the number of years it took, how some fans thought the PS3 would over take the 360 more easily or if the PS3 'only' overtakes the 360 after the new generation has started then some how 'that doesn't count' *rollseyes*. It's all very sad.

Well this thread is certainly embarassing

cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:

Ah yes, it's good to see the usual suspects in here trying to rewrite history whilst trying to make their own flawed opinions seem like fact.... it's almost as if 'other things' aren't going their way.... hmmmmm.

Re-writing history? no.  Showing ACTUAL history.  What are these things that are going a certain way?  I do pity people that haven't the balls to say what they think, must really hinder them in their real lives.

Hahaha oh dear and look at the 'usual suspects' that have replied to me, proves my point yet again. I've already said EXACTLY what i think about you as well as certain others on this forum in the past and here is yet another thread where you and certain others are either desperate to spin, cherry pick, mock or highlight all things negative about a certain company, very sad.

Yeah, youd never do that would you?

I'm convinced you are an alt. 

Where is the spin here? 

and "Highlighting negative about a company"?  or is it actually about some of its fans?  There is nothing negative here about Sony, quite the opposite.   

Nope i just tell it like it is. Where as you and certain other 'fans' are always desperate to paint Sony (and their 'supporters') in a bad light on this forum and now because the PS3 is even closer to overtaking the 360 and the inevitable is in the not too distant future, you and others are now going into damage control mode by trying to play down the PS3's success by bringing up (in recent threads) such insightful put downs as financial reports, generation on generation market shares, the number of years it took, how some fans thought the PS3 would over take the 360 more easily or if the PS3 'only' overtakes the 360 after the new generation has started then some how 'that doesn't count' *rollseyes*. It's all very sad.