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The servers are being hit hard right now. It's taking 3 or 4 clicks to finally get a download going.

Also a couple of those aren't "demo's" they are "trials". So you are downloading the whole game etc.

Last edited by Bandorr - on 22 February 2023

You are bound to love Earthbound.

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the-pi-guy said:

Any impressions?

Amazing! Like going from PS1 to PS3, skipping a generation.

Foveated rendering with eye tracking works great. You don't notice it at all in the headset and controlling menus with your eyes is frigging cool. GT7 is the real deal. Racing with 20 cars on track in full detail, day/night, rain, incredible!

Kayak VR looks beautiful, relaxing game with multiple places to kayak, race or free roam. At first we couldn't figure out how to get out of the pool (start screen) but had fun knocking the blow up toys around with the paddles. (For some reason R2 is select in Kayak VR, X is cancel doh)

See through mode works great, one click and you see the normal world in B&W AR style. It's a bit weird, tiny noticeable delay and hard not to re-focus your eyes when holding your hands up to your face. It's all still focused at 2 to 3 meters, very weird to see you fingers up close in sharp detail in stereoscopic view. For moving around, picking up the controllers etc it's perfect.

Call of the mountain looks amazing and is quite fun so far. Climbing, bow shooting, messing around with everything that's laying around. I play without any comfort settings but it's still limited in movement speed and turning is odd. I settled for 22.5 degree snap turns as fast rotation is still too slow for my liking. And while turning your head is smooth without any stutter what's so ever, turning with the analog stick has visible stutter. I guess turning your head uses the reprojection to 120fps, while rotating the analog stick updates at 60fps.
My wife used all comfort settings, didn't help. She got motion sickness after half an hour and felt ill for well over an hour :/ Beware...

It doesn't come with a demo disc, but there are 5 demos or so you can download.

Damn what a difference, one cable, easy visual setup, play area scanning and easy adjusting, great controllers, one touch see through mode, and the resolution is more than good enough now. GT7 has all the menus in 2D, all easy to read, actually easier than on TV, bigger screen in front of you. And that OLED display looks beautiful. It's not 4K, but 1080p OLED definitely beats any previous 1080p tv I've had. Plus the HDR is also pretty good. Headlights from cars behind you are very bright in the mirrors, night racing looks great.

Anyway back to playing!

A huge upgrade from psvr, amazing resolution and smooth fps.
Much more comfortable and ease of use than the previous iteration, easy set up and a single cable and that's it!! Loving the handy see through and vents, having a fan in front is a must, as it helps the ventilating and reduce motion sickness.
My favorite by far is the vr sense controllers, so awesome and cool.
Only tried kayak vr and horizon, at first I wasn't interested in kayak but was blown away in terms of realism! Almost perfect, just the paddles somewhat could not tilt it.
Horizon is a beautiful game! Finally get to see the scale of these robotic dinosaurs/animals and they are bloody huge!!! The bow works flawlessly, getting bullseye on targets first try. Only thing I didn't like was the excessive use of climbing.
Kudos to Sony on the new amazing psvr2.
A must have kit

I keep seeing Kayak suggested. I guess that goes on my list.

You are bound to love Earthbound.

Machiavellian said:
twintail said:

It's kind of amazing how much quality content there is for PSVR2 at launch and in months to come.

If sales do not pick up on the unit it might decline big time.

maybe so. Depends on the sales trajectory they have planned out. I think there is an interest in creating VR games (perhaps more so from indies), but there were still some big titles released throughout the lifespan of PSVR. 

I imagine the hybrid approach has a better chance of catching on than VR exclusive games only. I'm not really worried right now. In a year can see how things are. 

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Got mine in the mail. I wish the Horizon CotM bundle came with a physical copy instead of a game code.

Last night I bounced a blow up pelican all the way down a canyon in Australia while kayaking. (bonus mission thing). The physics feel so good, so realistic I keep trying to push off on the walls with my hands lol. It works with the paddle, but the urge to use your hands when getting too close to the canyon wall is real.

I also love all the details in Call of the mountain. It's the first time I see characters trying to avoid your hands. During talking scenes I was of course trying to stick my fingers in the nose and ears and to my surprise they keep trying to lean away, frown, and follow your finger(s) with their eyes. Shooting the bow from around cover also feels great. I'm not leaving anything standing, sneaking by in stealth sections, not for me!

Pistol whip I guess I have to put a bit more time in. No instant appeal like Beat Saber has. I'm not really making the correlation between the music, shooting and dodging. Can't wait for Beat Saber to come to PSVR2. It has been confirmed, but no solid date yet.

My PSVR2 finally arrived today. I have laid the cable under my sofa instead and it is basically long enough for my "usual PSVR positions".

But I would prefer a bit more cable just to be sure, so I ordered a 1-meter USB-C-extension. I chose one with an 90 degree angle, should allow much better cable management, especially since the only USB-C port of the PS5 is at the front side:

Tip: If you're going to play sitting, calibrate the play area for standing so you can paint it bigger. The sitting play area circle is too small and keeps triggering the red circles when you extend your arms. I painted a big area around my sitting position and tell the game I'm gonna play standing, then sit down and reset position, done. No more annoying cage popping up. (Unless I missed a way to make the sitting circle bigger, it's smaller than my reach so while kayaking the red circles keep triggering)

Horizon has some tumble inspired stacking (building cairns in some spots). You can gather up crates and other stuff to keep adding to the stack and it counts lol. I reset position with my head close to the ground to then stand up to finish my tower. I keep getting distracted by the physics and objects laying around, love it!

I can't figure out how to move the "cinematic screen" when playing 2D games. That was something I enjoyed with the VR 1.
Easier to see the screen up close some times, and it lets you use the VR but others use the TV.

Mine is slanted down some so I think over time my neck would hurt. But when I move my head around I see the controller picture and I believe the "option" button is highlighted. But pressing it does nothing.

Do I have to press it on a VR controller instead?

You are bound to love Earthbound.